Chapter 2: I Have No Choice Right?
Hidan: Okay listen you piece of crap if you don't move (Grabs Shima by the collar) I'll have to drag your little ass there got it!?
Shima: Y-yeah okay, just let me go.
Hidan: (Lets go of Shima)
Shima: (Gets up) can lead the way.
Hidan: Don't tell me what the hell to do! (Walks as Shima follows him)
Shima: (Looks around for a possible exit so he can escape) So....Um.....
Hidan: If you attempt to escape I'll cut your ass into a million pieces.
Shima: (swallows) I-I won't. (Looks at the outfit of the man as notices the red clouds) I've seen that outfit before...are there more of you guys?
Hidan: Why don't you just shut the hell up until we get where we wanna go!
Shima: Short-temper much.
*Hidan stops Shima and goes knock on the wooden door ahead of him*
Hidan: Yo boss man! I got the kid!
??: Let him in.
Hidan: Well what you waiting for get in.
Shima: Okay. (walks up to the door slowly and opens it) Um....coming in. (goes inside the room and sees a man with spiky orange hair and piercings) Great......exactly what I need more weirdos.
??: You must be Shima....
Shima: the flesh.
Pain: My name is pain....and I'm the leader of the Akatsuki.
Shima: Akatsuki?
Pain: We're a criminal organization. We also have our secondary priorities too. There are currently eight members. I believe you've already met one. He's rather rude you can say. You'll be meeting the other members very soon however.
Shima: So can I ask a question If you don't mind?
Pain: Why are you here?
Shima: Y-yeah.
Pain: Let me make this short. You have an incredible power Shima Mitsou that I want on my side.
Shima: Power? What power?
Pain: That's what I want to find out.
Shima: So your gonna....keep me use me?
Pain: Well...for now, but if you can prove your worthiness I'll allow you to join the Akatsuki.
Shima: You want join you guys? Um....even if I manage to survive I'm sorry but I'll refuse that offer.
Pain: Well then (disappears)
Shima: Huh? (Starts shaking and falls to his knees) What the?!...
Pain: (walks from behind Shima) Since you'll refuse the offer, I guess I'll have to kill you. (pulls out a kunai and aims downwards at Shima)
Shima: (Reacts and gets up) No way....I'm dying here! (Dashes up and takes out his sword) I'm gonna kill you and get out this freak show!
Pain: managed to move.
Shima: Take this (Slashes downwards but pain easily catches the sword with one hand) Damn.
Pain: Is that the best you can do boy.
Shima: No way (Jumps backwards) Fire style: Fireball justu! (summons a fireball at pain)
Pain: Very strong.....very strong indeed (Pain blocks the attack but behind him the wall has a huge hole in it)
Shima: What the hell? Is this guy some sort of god!? (Holds his right hand as Lightning starts to form on Shima's hand)
Pain: Impressive. Fire and lightning. Come on hit me with all your might.
Shima: (Runs at him with incredible speed) Lightning style: 1000 needles!! (before he gets the chance to connect with the attack Pain slowly raises his hand)
Pain: Almighty push. (A huge amount of force made by pain sends shima flying through the wall)
Shima: (Coughs blood and looks up) Sh-shit. I can't move.
Pain: (walks towards the wounded shima) Impressive...but I expected more. Now will you join.....or die.
Shima: I.......I'll join....I have no choice right?
Pain: Good choice. (turns around) Now then I'll continue my business.
Shima: Wait! Wait what about me!?
Pain: Konan will be here any second to help you.
Shima: So I have to wait here until then!? (sighs)
Konan: I believe you're the one pain wanted (looks down at the injured shima)
Shima: (Still struggling to get up manages to moves his left arm up and down slowly) You konan (Sees a women with purple hair and a paper flower in her hair)
Konan: I'm surprised you can still move after his attack. Well, try getting up.
Shima: I can try. (Tries to get up but struggles) I don't think I ca-
Konan: keep trying.
Shima: Okay. (after a couple of pushes he manages to slowly pick himself up but after he stands he holds his side) Damn this hurts so bad.
Konan: Come on, let me take you to your room. (starts walking as Shima follows) Your room is right down the hall to the right. Once you go in there I'll treat your injuries.
Shima: (Thinks to himself: She doesn't seem to bad...she's cute and seems normal, but she's apart of this organization so I guess she's like some crazy strong killer too) So...(sits on the floor) Guess you can start.
Konan: Yes I will.
*After Konan finishes treating Shima's injuries she explain the rest of the information that pain left out*
Shima: So there are eight of Us I was told.
Konan: Yes. Including you that makes nine. From what I'm told You'll probably be the last.
Shima: So what do we exactly do?
Konan: Well, you can say we're people sent to kill our given targets.
Shima: Okay then and he said something about some secondary mission?
Konan: Ask him yourself when you see him.
Shima: (sighs) okay. By the way, what's this power that I have?
Konan: The only I know is that if you were to be able to hone and control it, you would be stronger than any one of us and maybe even stronger than everyone in the ninja world.
Shima: R-really. I've always thought I was just...well ya know your average ninja who was strong but not this kind of strong.
Konan: Yes you can be that strong Shima. However, you have to be able to control it to become that strong. Right now it's unstable and the amount released is dangerous. This blue aura that you showed fighting that ninja showed that it improves all of your abilities from speed to strength.
Shima: So that's why I'm here.
Konan: It would be a burden to fight you if you happened to be use this against us. So we decided to get you before anyone else noticed your ability. Our alternate option was to extract it from you but that would have been problematic if went about wrongly.
Shima: (Gulps) Well, I hope not to disappoint then.
Konan: (Gets up) I'll be taking my leave. Make sure you wake up early tomorrow. You'll be training with Itachi.
Shima: Who's that?
Konan: He'll be in the room when you wake up. (walks out)
Shima: (Lies down) Rita......what would you do huh?
Rita: Brother brother! Check this out! (Throws her kunai in the bullseye mark)
Shima: Not bad Rita. (Smiles and pats her head) Soon enough your gonna be stronger than me ya know.
Rita: No way brother you're way too strong. No one in the world is stronger than you. (smiles back)
Shima: I try my best for you. Now let's get home I'm make curry.
Rita: Curry's my favorite!! (runs ahead of shima) Come on Shima!
Shima: I know I'm coming.
*Flashback ends*
Shima: (covers his eyes) Rita......I'm sorry...
*Shima slowly falls asleep and after a couple of hours he wakes up to the sound of birds*
Shima: (Slightly opens his eyes and sees someone with sitting on a chair outside his door) Um....Are you Itachi?
Itachi: Yes. I believe your Shima Mitsou. I've seen you in battle already. We have alot to work on. So for today I am your trainer. Now, Follow me(Stands up and walks out)
Shima: Coming (gets up faster than he expected) Whoa....did my body heal that fast. (jumps up and down following itachi) So what are we gonna be doing today?
Itachi: Well let's start with controlling your chakra. I hope you know how to do that.
Shima: Yes and without using the hand sign at it. (walks outside with itachi looking around shocked at the environment) It's so beautiful out here.
Itachi: So, go ahead.
Shima: Yes. (Stands in one spot and concentrates) Move back a little.
Itachi: (doesn't say anything and stands there)
Shima: Well okay then. (an enormous amount of chakra starts pouring from Shima's body cracking the floor and creating strong winds)
Itachi: Mhm....not bad.
Shima: AHH!! (Screams as he increases his power to his fullest extent breaking down trees and pushes the ground down under him)
Itachi: This isn't right. Where is that dark blue aura that you summoned before.
Shima: (Still holding his power) I think it only reacts from my emotions.
Itachi: Okay. If I were to kill someone close to you will that bring out that power?
Shima: You what?
Itachi: Maybe that girl you were with last night?
Shima: Yakima? No! (dashes at Itachi but his attack doesn't connect) Don't you dare touch her!
Itachi: If that won't bring out your powers then maybe I'll have to kill everyone that you know.
Shima: No.....(his muscles start to pop out and the dark blue aura slowly appears)
Itachi: It worked. Now that you have it try t-(gets cut of by Shima who grabbed him by the neck)
Shima: I'll kill you! (Squeezes tighter)
Itachi: (Stares at him then separates into crows)
Shima: Where'd you go!?
Itachi: You have to control it Shima. Right now is the chance while you have it.
Shima: Fire style: Fireball justu!! (sends a giant fireball at itachi but it's dodged)
Itachi: (Goes behind shima and tries to chop his neck but shima vanishes) He's fast. (turns around and looks at shima)
Shima: (Kicks itachi to a tree) I'll end this. (Gets near Itachi but he turns into crows leaving shima in shock) Where'd he go now.
Itachi: I have no choice but to put you to sleep.
Shima: (Starts to get sleepy) N-no not this again.....Just like before. (goes on one knee) I'm...not again.
Itachi: So persistent.
Shima: (Falls forward) Shit.
Itachi: Maybe when you wake, you'll act a little differently.
Shima: (passes out)
*After falling asleep shima wakes up two hours later finding himself lying down with two other members of the akatsuki*
Deidara: Today's kill ending in such a bang because of my art! Mhm.
Sasori: You almost got us killed today you idiot.
Shima: (Gets up and looks at both of them with surprise) Um....hey.
Deidara: Who are you mhm!?
Sasori: He's the newest member. Have you forgotten about the meeting last week?
Shima: The name's Shima Mitsou.
Deidara: I'm Deidara master of art mhm and this is sasori.
Shima: I've met 5 so far. I gotta go guys I have some training to do. (Jumps up and runs outside) Itachi! Listen I'm sorry about today! I'll control myself and listen to everything you say!
Sasori: I hope what they said about that kid is true.
Itachi: I wanted that kind of reaction anyways. It doesn't matter.
Shima: (Nods and moves to the center of the field)
Itachi: Now do everything I told you before again.
Shima: Okay. (increases his chakra to its fullest extent yet again)
Itachi: You need to think....of something...that'll trigger that emotion to release that power Shima.
Shima: Rita.......(His chakra massively increases and the dark blue aura surround him) I-I can't control it! (starts to hold his head)
Itachi: Suppress it now. Before it gets out of hand.
Shima: (Screams as everything around him is blown away) I'm trying!!
Itachi: (gets ready to put shima in a genjutsu but realizes the dark blue chakra showing and him becoming more stable)
Shima: (Stands in one spot and sees the blue aura surrounding him) I...think I got it. (when he tries to move the chakra disappears and he passes out in an immediately)
Itachi: I'll report this. We need to focus on training him physically. His body can't handle that kind of power yet. Nevertheless this power is indeed incredible in every way possible. Your were right about him. (Picks up Shima and takes him to his room) That's enough for today. (walks out).
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