Season 0 - Chapter 1 - A Singularity
Before I start, yes this is a remake, whether I actually continue with this is unknown, I'll talk more at the end of this chapter.
(Yes I kept the same Book Cover, I really like it)
Season = MHA Season
Chapter = Book Chapter (My Book)
3rd Pov
What is a singularity?
To quote a dictionary, "A point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole."
Due to the natural laws of the world, singularities only work in theory, never practice as they can't exist, they're simply a mathemitcal means to understand things, they exist only in the future, they're a basis for the belief of a fundmental theory of the universe.
A singularity is a theory, an idea, and a belief to try and understand the universe. They're an existence that holds so many questions, one unbound by the laws of physics.
Singularities exist as singular beings that exist in the future, never the present, they're held by black holes, a space that is normally created from dying stars collapsing in on itself, the raw density creating it's own gravitanional field that not even light or electromangetism can stop, an entity that curves or breaks space and time itself.
So I pose one question, what would happen if an uncontrolled black hole did exist, one with a real Singularity, would one that never stopped eating live up to what humans attempt to theorize?
??? Pov
"Are you sure, I'm only giving you one opporutnity here"
"I am... they'll understand, for once, for once I'd like to be selfish. This world is doomed, so let me give it another chance"
The two stare at each other, one with black eyes, white star like dots floating around in them, the other unseeable, resting in his right hand a book, the title reading "The Collapsed World".
Around them leaves lay stagnant in the air, the wooded building around them possessing corruptive like cracks, few living beings similar to humans no different then the leaves.
Everything frozen and unmoving.
Tossing the book in the air it clatters to the floor, opening as the words constantly morph before everything goes dark.
"My children, my people.... Please, I hope you can forgive me, and you, my child... my 'Neo Sekai', please live long, maybe one day, one day we can meet, even if only as a remnant of who I once was", bring both of his hands to his face he breathes into them, similar to one trying to warm them in the snow.
Opening them slighlty a small orb rest in the middle, one pulsing like a beating heart.
"Please know, I loved you, ALL of you, I hope your final days were ones of happiness and peace."
Turning one final time towards the hidden man, "I'm ready"
Nodding the man vanishes, slowly everything going dark as he closes his eyes, only an orb being left behind before everything cracks, space breaking and shatteirng like glass before stopping, finding somewhere to rest, finding a home to continue on in.
<Notice: Several Space-Time Distortions Have Been Found Across Numerous Realities>
<Attempting To Find Solution>
<Solution Found - Requesting Permission To Use System [Singularity System]>
<Permission Has Been Denied>
<Secondary Solution Found - Requesting Permission For Body Creation>
<Interference Of 'The Heart of The _____' Has Been Detected>
<Permission Granted>
(<> Is similar to the Will Of The Universe, also removal of the System won't change the story too much)
3rd Pov
Eighty percent of the world, roughly eight billion four hundred million people out of one billion thirty million, all wielders of a unique power referred to as a quirk.
In Qing Qing China, during the summer of 2051, a baby born with a biolumiscent quirk arose, slowly throughout the world, like a plague, hundreds of thousands of unique powers slowly bore fruit.
Abilities capable of destroying nations, sprouting wings, or simply jumping a couple more feat than normal.
Proceeding the arrival of quirks the world feel into chaos, similar to the old adage 'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely' people started abusing their power, becoming criminals, or more famously known as, villains.
But they weren't the only rising stars, right behind them followed the birth of vigilantes, people who went outside of the law to help those in need. It wasn't until 2060 that Rhode Island, USA first created hero institues.
Out of the one-hundred eighty-seven quirk users, only seven were made into heroes, laws where quickly instated seperating the two categories.
You where either a hero, or a villain, whether you helped or not.
Sadly, due to the arrival or quirks, the world was frozen in time, tech advancments halted as quirk marriages rose, strong individuals capable of ending wars fought, it wasn't long before World War III started.
Thankfully in the years proceeding the world came together, hero schools were built, laws were properly instated, and finally things simmired down, but this didn't stop villains, and that leads us to today.
**2198 - Omaezaki Japan**
(Omaezaki is the Southern Area of the Shizouka Prefecture, Musutafu (where Midoriya grew up and UA is) is based off of the Shizuoka Prefecture just more mainland)
(Also I wanna thank u/ChronoKeep on the MHA subreddit for a proper Year (UnOfficial) and u/chaotickairos for Timeline Tracker (UnOfficial))
Omaezaki, a rather famous small town, directly connected to Makinohara and Kikugawa, all of which are cities held under the Shizouka Prefecture, most famously known for one thing.
UA highschool, Japans best hero highschool, having made famous heroes like All-Might the #1 Hero and Endeavor the Flame Hero.
(Yes the following text is an almost 1 to 1 copy of the original chapter, I see no reason to change it)
On the edge of Omaezaki people were bustling throughout the streets in an orderly fashion. Most people were either heading to their jobs or having just left them, though some people wearing what seems to be something akin to a Halloween costume were seen semi scarcely among them, these were people who helped other, being deemed heroes as humanity liked to call them.
Heroes, a concept as old as time, known for helping those in need may it be for the benefit of them self or the benefit of others. They act as pillars of hope for the ignorant and the greatest demise for the arrogant, or in some case just more fuel for them.
Many people look up to heroes seeing them as people who you should aspire to be, but some say otherwise, these people were simply known as villains.
Villains, for as long as heroes have been around villains have been right there beside them. Yin and Yang, Creation and Destruction, Light and Dark, Order and Chaos, Heroes and Villains two forces that have constantly opposed their opposites and yet without the other they would never thrive.
In todays society if you aren't a hero you are either a villain or a nobody. Not like being any one of the three is a choice, this is due to a phenomenon known as quirks.
Quirks, an incontrollable factor determined at birth, a superpower one could only see in tv shows or comic books.
These quirks started being one of the most important part of societies hierarchy. Quirks could change someone from being a nobody to being on of the most influential people in the entire world. They decided if one became a hero, a nobody, or a villain.
For those with powerful quirk the only paths you had were heroism or villainy. Even if one never even hurt a fly they would end up being scrutinized by society for not using their quirk to help others by putting their life on the line.
As for those who where quirkless or possessed a weak quirk? Well they were just ignored, just another person you passed on the street. Not to mention those who born with unfortunate quirk such as mutation types which made some look monstrous or even getting a 'villainous' quirk that could 'only be used to hurt others'.
Quirks were both praised and feared because of their strength and occasional unstableness. They were heavily monitored by the Hero Public Safety Commission (HPSC), an organization that controlled most of hero society.
They made sure to pay very close attention to all quirks that entered their database as to make sure that those with strong quirks were monitored to stop any possible destruction, as well as make sure that potential future heroes stayed safe.
Though they were obviously limited in two specific ways.
One, the HPSC couldn't intefere with a strong quirked users life, especially if that person was a child, the backlash they would recieve would only cause chaos and doubt among the people. Sure the HPSC was strong both politically and physically, no one doubted this, but the only reason they held this strenght was because of the people.
Not to mention the fact that a decent amount of the heroes only ever became one for money and fame, if the people switched up on the HPSC those heroes would follow.
And Two, an uncontrollable reason, quirks that went or hadn't yet been registered.
But how could a quirk be registered, if said quirk never existed.
It had been a truly beautiful place, Omaezaki, a lovely sea side, it's city filled with peace, it's crime care one of the lowest out there.
But that was no more, what was once a beautiful and colorful city was now a crumbling pile of ash and ruins. The smoldering embers engulfed the city like a warm blanket you would cover yourself with, the only difference being that those who were engulfed by this cover rarely made it out .
The smell of iron and flesh flowed through the air like a noxious gas. The smell infecting those who were trying to help or those who were trying to escape, making it only harder for those who were in the city that day.
Strewn about ths city like yesterdays trash, the mangled corpses of those who could once be called 'people' layed twisted and melded, tendons and organs spilling like knocked over food.
Shuffling through the town heroes tried evacuating those they could, but one man sat staring over a corpse, one he once knew.
"Sh-Shirakumo...", the black haired boy looked down at the crushed corpse of his friend, grief running through his mind.
Oboro Shirakumo, a friend, someone who tried to push him, the boy who gave him his hero name, someone... someone he could truly call a friend, now dead.
They were children, kids who were doing their work studies, how... why, why on this day did this have to happen.
These where the only thoughts going through this boys mind.
His gaze layed on moving, the blood slowly meeting his boot.
"ERASERHEAD", being grabbed a nearby woman grabs him, his hero-studies teachers sidekick. Pulling him out of his stupor the woman starts dragging him.
"We have to go, it's not safe here, police will be here shortly and you're injured."
"Once an evactuation tent is set up you'll stay there, contact your school, studies are over."
"He-His body, we can't-"
"What?" Her gaze turns, falling on the shaken childs eyes, his eyes still looking towards the pooled blood in the distance.
"Oboro.... Look, I'm sorry he's dead, he was a great kid, truly, but I can't have two students dying on me today. Sorry but my current priority is keeping you alive and- The fuck is that"
Turning the two sets of eyes fall on a floating orb, laying above several destroyed buildings.
Several streaks of lightning lash out of it, their color a bright purple, similar in color spectrum to the highest color seen for Electromagnetism, the static in the air making them seem similar. Slowly chunks of building enter the unstable ball, being deconstructed before they're thrown out at high speeds in a new form.
"Shit- Erase-", before the woman can finish her words a whip of lightning slams against her, ripping through her right arm as she slams against a van, her body falling limp.
"Mrs-". before he can act the orb starts humming, pulsing like a heart, the ball expanding and shrnking, growing from 3 inches to 17, down to 4 up to 19, each beat making it bigger and bigger.
The boy stumbles, his feet tripping over nearby debris before he attempts to scramble to his feet and run.
'Run.. I have to run..'
But he wouldn't make it far, after reaching a diamater of 30 feet the orb stops, going stagnant before rapidly shrinking before dissappearing.
Only the soft humming of electricty in the air, the light shaking of atoms, everything going still.
Turning around the boy stares at the empty space, his gaze of one fear before the rushing sound no different then a freight train followed by and euprtive explosion takes both his ears and vision, everything going dark.
(The noise he is hearing is similar to the noise one hears before/after a nuke goes off, though it should be explosion then train noise)
A huge shockwave ripples throughout the earth shaking it to its very core. Unknown to many, this world changed people who others once new were replaced, history its self, and its set destiny were no longer the same. Unknown to many, this night the world changed the people that were once known are now different, the history different, and its set destiny no longer the same
A huge shockwave ripples throughout the world, shaking and altering it to its very core. History itself wouldn't go untouched, destines once set in stone now recarved, people now different, some old some new. A world once faced with a pre-destined path, now dealing with an interloper, this world forever changed.
After all, how could a world be the same when someone who isn't bound by its laws intervenes.
Hello, so first off for those who read my old version of this and those who are new to this, I will be keeping my rants at the bottom of the page, anything 'Important' will be added to the top from now on.
I have a habit of ranting, this is simply because I use my books to throw out thoughts, and it used to be my way of venting, now it's because I believe it helps build community, after all, I've met quite a few lovely people by simply just talking.
For old readers I do wanna say many thing may be different, as you can see, I've removed the system and fixed some continuity mistakes (Such as Aizawa being to old in my original version).
Sorta consider this an alternate timeline/universe as now I have an idea on what I want the story to be, how I want the MC to be, and plot points that'll be relevant. There might be big or small changes, I hope you'll enjoy these changes.
Regarding the System being gone, don't worry, that'll affect the story very little overall, you'll see as I write.
That's all for now, I won't be stopping my end of chapter questions though, but I will be adding a new section(?), you guys can ask Questions about the book, if you want, I'll answer said questions, and if they're important enough, or if I find one insteresting enough I'll answer them next chapter and just generally in said comments.
Question of the Chapter: Best board game, personally Risk Factions.
Questions About The Book
2460 Words
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