Over 110,000 reads (Ive gained over 7,000 reads since the last chapter) over 2,000 votes, over 1,500 comments. And 38 comments on the last chapter!! You guys have given me faith in this story!! I'm so glad that you guys still love this story!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 58 of LOTE is dedicated to........@ItMustBeEpic! I hope you enjoy this chapter along with everyone else!!
We're going to skip to Mandy Norman and Brynlee going back to Manhattan! MINGUS HERE WE COME!! Brynlee is 6 months old!!
Here's the next chapter Nords!
We were so close to being home. I hated that we had to drive back but Norman always enjoyed it more than flying plus he always had a ton of fan gifts to bring home and let's not forget the two famous crossbows he takes home every year to hang in Mingus's room.
I knew Brynlee was getting restless as was I. I was ready to get out and stretch my legs and then squeeze the life out of Mingus. I sighed and tried to stretch my legs out in front of me. Norman glanced in my direction quickly before looking back at the road.
"What's wrong, babe?" he asked while taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together. I brought our connected hands up and let the back of his warm hand rest against my cheek. Norman's thumb brushed over my knuckles gently as I kissed the back of his hand.
"I'm fine. I'm just ready to get out of this car and be home," I said. Norman nodded and pulled our hands in his direction. He pressed a light kiss to the back of my hand and let his lips linger there for a few seconds before letting our hands drop on the console between us.
We were crossing over the bridge and I felt a smile come across my face. We were less than 15 minutes away. I felt Norman squeeze my hand and I looked over to see a huge smile on his face as well. I could feel the car speed up just a little but not too much.
I watched as Norman glanced in the rearview mirror and his smile widened a little more as he watched Brynlee's tiny arm reach for one of the toys that was attached to her car seat dangling above her head. Eye in the Dark was sitting at the end of her car seat curled up sleeping.
Norman slowed to a stop and I looked out the window to see we were sitting in the back of our building. "Welcome home babe," Norman said softly. I leaned over the console slightly and brought my hand up to his cheek pushing it gently so he would look at me.
His lips instantly connected with mine in a soft sweet kiss and I felt myself sigh as my hand ran lightly over his freshly trimmed goatee. This was one thing I loved about the end of the season. He looked a little more human except he didn't get to cut his hair.
Norman pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. "Let's go see Ming, babe," he said softly. I could hear the smile in his voice. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know that it was there. I pulled back and gave him a small smile. "Let's go," I said.
Norman and I got out of our rental car and slung our backpacks over our shoulder. Norman unbuckled Brynlee's car seat and gently pulled it out of the car. I pushed Eye in the Dark in his cat carried before slinging it over my shoulder. Norman shut the car door and I followed him through the building's back door.
"I'll have Mingus help me with the rest of the stuff," Norman said as we walked to the elevator. Brynlee started fussing in her car seat and Norman lifted it with ease so it was eye level with him. "And what's your problem, sweetheart?" Norman asked her.
Brynlee instantly became quiet and put on a gummy smile and let out a high pitched giggle. The elevator dinged and Norman and I stepped off the elevator and we were instantly greeted by our front door. I felt my smile widen and I looked up to see Norman's did too.
We didn't even know if Mingus was over here. He could still be at Helena's for all we knew. Norman slid the key into the lock and let the door fall open naturally. I let out a happy sigh when I saw everything sitting the way we had left it. This was home.
Norman went in first and held the door open for me. I dropped the cat carrier on the floor and let Eye out who went running through the house. Norman set Brynlee's car seat on the floor before unbuckling her. "Come on, Squirt," Norman said while lifting her out of it.
Brynlee giggled and kicked her legs as Norman lifted her in the air. I grabbed her diaper bag from the floor and pulled out one of the blankets we kept for her. I spread it out in the living room by the couch and Norman set her down on it on the blanket.
I pulled out some toys and placed them around her so she could play while Norman went to grab some more of our bags. I sat on the couch and listened as Brynlee babbled and clacked her toys together. Norman came back a few minutes later with our remaining bags in his hands.
"Didn't want to make another trip?" I asked him as he dropped all the bags on the floor. He looked up and gave me a small smile before running a hand through his hair. "No, it's too much work. I just want to relax," he said while kicking off his boots and coming to sit on the couch beside me.
"Have you figured out where Mingus is?" I asked him. Norman grabbed his phone from his pocket and scrolled through his contacts before hitting Mingus's name and clicking the speaker phone button. I felt myself smiling as I heard the phone ring on the other end.
"Dad," I heard Mingus say and I looked up to see Norman beaming from ear to ear. "What's up, Bud?" Norman asked him while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into him. I felt myself trying to hold in a slight laugh. I'm pretty sure Mingus didn't know we were home.
"I'm actually in the elevator heading up to the apartment," he said. I jumped up and ran to hide behind the door. "Where are you guys?" Mingus asked. Yep, he definitely didn't know we were home. "We're about 30 minutes away," Norman said feeding into my game.
I smiled over at him as I heard the key sliding into the lock. "Alright well I gue-," "Boo!" I shouted while jumping out from behind the door as it opened. Mingus jumped and dropped his phone. "Jesus," he said while placing a hand on his chest and sucking in a deep breath.
I took him in for a second. I swear he had grown a foot in these past two months. I instantly wrapped my arms around him. His arms went around me slowly and I could tell he was still trying to calm his beating heart from me scaring him. I pulled back and smiled at him.
"It's good to see you kid," I said while taking a slight step back. I collided with something hard and I knew it was Norman. I stepped out of the way so Norman could get to him. I watched as they hugged and I went to pick up Brynlee from the floor.
When I got back over to Norman and Mingus they had already pulled back and Mingus's eyes lit up as he saw Brynlee. His arms shot out and I handed her over. "Jeez sis, can you stop growing?" he asked her while lifting her in the air causing her to giggle.
Norman's arm wrapped around my waist as Mingus walked around the apartment and bounced Brynlee lightly. I could tell that he had missed all of us but he had missed her the most. I sighed and leaned in to Norman as he kissed my forehead gently. I was so happy to be home.
The next morning I had woke up so I could start on Thanksgiving lunch or dinner depending on what time we decided to eat. Sure we weren't having a full on feast but hey we were all together again and that's all that mattered. It was almost noon and the house was still quiet.
I soon heard a door squeak open and Norman came in to the kitchen with Brynlee in his arms. "Someone's hungry," he said as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "You or Brynlee?" I asked him teasingly. Norman chuckled and grabbed a banana from the bowl on the counter.
Brynlee reached for it and Norman held it out of her reach. "Easy Squirt," he said while settling her in her high chair. He grabbed a bowl from the kitchen and peeled the banana. He smashed the banana and made a quick bottle before grabbing both and headed back towards her.
I felt him stop right behind me. I looked over my shoulder and my lips were instantly captured in his. I felt myself sigh happily. "I love you," Norman mumbled as he pulled back. "I love you too," I whispered before turning back around to the stove.
I bit my lip trying to hide the smile on my face. I looked to see him now feeding the mashed banana to Brynlee. Soon he had cleaned her up and sat her in the floor in the living room with Mingus to play. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and he squeezed me.
I sighed and leaned back into him as I continued to cook. "Dad! Mandy! Hurry come quick!" we heard Mingus's voice from the living room. Norman released me and I turned all the burners off on the stove before pushing the pans off of the eyes of it.
I followed Norman quickly into the living room and we both stopped in our tracks. Brynlee was sitting up on her own. It was the first time she had done it. Norman let out a small whoop and pulled out his phone. I sunk to my knees beside her and couldn't help but smile.
She was growing up too fast for my liking. I looked up at Norman and he looked down at me. I could see it in his eyes. He was thinking the same thing that I was and I could tell he didn't like how fast she was growing up either. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist.
Norman's arm wrapped around my shoulder and he leaned his head on top of mine as we watched Brynlee in the floor. She continued to sit and clack her toys together and giggle loudly. Mingus looked up at both of us with a smile on his face before turning his attention back to Brynlee.
I stood on my tip toes and kissed Norman's cheek lightly before unwrapping my arms from around his waist and heading back towards the kitchen. I felt Norman tug on a strand of my hair slightly and I looked over my shoulder and winked at him before walking into the kitchen to continue cooking.
I hope @ItMustBeEpic enjoyed this chapter along with everyone else!!!
Don't forget about my book that you can now order!!!
So Mandy and Norman are home!! Brynlee is sitting up by herself now!! I know to some of you that may not be a big deal but if you're a mother or have been around little siblings or other little ones you know it's a HUGE deal!!! Aren't Mingus and Brynlee just growing up to fast? It felt like just yesterday I was writing about meeting 13 year old Mingus for the first time in the story.
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