Chapter 12| Grief
The Sinclair house was one that was always filled with life. If music wasn't playing at all times then the T.V was on as the Sinclair spent the weekends together eating meals and talking about their week. But on the day of Will Byers's funeral the Sinclair house was entirely silent.
They were all getting ready, and how could they possibly find any joy when in only a couple of hours they would be burying Will Byers's body. The body of a twelve year old boy, who was too young to have lost his life in such a tragic way. And although Sam felt numb to any kind of feeling, there was still an ache in her chest.
They were getting ready for the funeral of a boy who could possibly be alive. Nothing felt real anymore.
Sam looked up at her reflection in the mirror as she continued working on Erica's hair. They were both wearing black dresses, that they had probably never thought that they would need to wear for an occasion like this.
"Are you done yet?" Erica questioned meeting her older sisters eyes through the mirror. Erica had two dolls in her hand, but she hadn't played with them the entire time that Sam had been doing her hair.
Sam turned around to look at the clock and realized that if she didn't finish soon that they would be running late. Usually, Sam was able to get Erica's hair done in less than ten minutes, but somehow she had allowed herself to get entirely lost in her thoughts and almost an hour later she was still doing her sister's hair. "Almost."
"You're so slow." Erica continued to complain, but Sam couldn't blame her from growing annoyed. She had been sitting in the chair for almost an hour. If anything Sam was surprised that her baby sister hadn't complained earlier.
"And you're impatient." Sam replied as she finished off the twists, her sister's hair always had to be perfect. Erica would never accept anything else. She was very particular about how her tight curls were styled. But after years of having to teach herself not only how to work on her own hair but her Erica's too, their hair always did look perfect. Considering that there weren't any salon's in town equipped to work on their tight curls they had to take it upon themselves to maintain their hair.
But even her little sister's hard demeanor couldn't hide what was in her eyes. There was a sadness there that Erica would never dare express.
"Done." Sam declared, and Erica slowly stood taking in her reflection in the mirror. She said nothing as she crossed the room and put her shoes on. Samantha only watched Erica in silence until she was ready for them to join the rest of the family.
Walking down the stairs Sam paused for a moment at the sight of her parents and Lucas also dressed in black. Somehow seeing them made everything feel real. Even if it wasn't.
Grief was an odd thing that presented itself in different ways.
The people surrounding Will Byers's grave all seemed to be experiencing the loss in different ways. Some people looked down at the open grave with blank expressions, while others seemed unable to control their tears.
The boys were standing only a couple of feet in front of Sam giggling amongst themselves as the priest read from the Bible. Sam couldn't help but think how odd their behavior was considering how only a couple of days ago they were so desperate to find their friend that they went out in the middle of one of the worst storms Hawkins had seen. Their behavior was so inappropriate that Mrs. Wheeler had to scold them to stop.
Looking across the open grave Sam momentarily met Jonathan's eyes. He seemed uncomfortable as he played with the cuff of his suit, like her he didn't seem entirely sure of how he should act.
Sam's eyes wondered to Joyce Byers who was standing at the head of the open grave like an empty husk of the woman that she was. Her ex-husbands hand was laying onto of her shoulder, a gesture that was meant to comfort but didn't seem to make much of a difference to Ms. Byers who looked blankly ahead. There were no tears in her eyes and Sam wondered if it was because she had already cried herself to sleep for the last week or if it was because she was also putting up a show.
Had she given up on the possibility that her son was alive? Or did she still believe in the monster in the wall that took her son?
It was difficult to tell from her expression. But Sam hoped that Ms. Byers hadn't given up. That she still had some hope that she would get her son back.
Standing there in front of Will Byers open grave was a surreal feeling. Knowing that there was a possibility that Will could be alive and that whoever was in that coffin could be anyone.
Even after Jonathan had confirmed that the body they discovered was Will's he still had hope that his brother was alive. That whoever or whatever had taken him had kept him alive. If it was true that Joyce Byers had communicated with her son, was it possible for Julian to communicate with her?
Since the day in the darkroom Sam had been unable to think of anything other than that dark figure. It was all she could think about sometimes. It haunted her even during the day like a nightmare that never ended.
According to Nancy the figure was roughly seven feet tall. That detail alone was frightening enough and Sam found it hard to believe that anyone that encountered that thing could live. But she had to hold onto hope, because hope was all she had. She had to believe that Jules, Will and Barb were alive because she couldn't accept anything else.
Yet, even as she continued to reassure herself that they were alive, she realized that she had suddenly begun to cry. A couple of tears had begun to fall down her cheeks because deep down she had to admit to herself that the chances of finding them alive were slim. That their chances were low and that they had no idea what they were doing.
Erica took her hand, and the gesture alone was enough to force Sam to pull herself together. She couldn't break down in front of her younger siblings. She had to stay strong for them.
She had to stay strong for Jules, Will and Barbara.
Because if they really were alive Sam was determined to get them back. Her only comfort is that she wasn't alone. That she had Nancy and Jonathan who also wanted the same thing.
Sure they were only teenagers, but they knew that no one would believe them. They only had each other to get through this and although Sam wouldn't have ever imagined herself bonding with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers they were also the only people who she trusted.
A/N: Again this is more of a short filler chapter that is meant to take a closer look at the Sinclair family and their dynamic. We sadly don't get much of the Sinclair family in the show, and family is a big part of Sam's character.
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