Chapter 1| The Wallflower Diner
Hawkins was a small town in Indiana, highly forgettable to anyone driving by to get to any destination worth one's time. But for the few who needed to make a quick pit stop they always found themselves at The Wallflower Diner located DownTown of the small town.
The Wallflower Diner, found its name because unless you looked closely you could miss it. A small diner hidden away, but always busy. People always coming back for the unforgettable food that could only be found in such a forgettable place.
For the locals it was one of the few places to grab a good bite of food other than Benny's Burgers on the other side of town. In fact there weren't many places to visit in Hawkins, other than The Hawk or The Palace Arcade, the locals didn't have many choices in entertainment.
Not that Samantha Sinclair has the luxury of seeking entertainment, she had to work part time at The Wallflower Diner. More out of a favor to her Uncle Jack who owned the place than out of actual necessity. Yet, the irony wasn't lost on her that three of the outcast students at Hawkins High were currently holed away at a restaurant named The Wallflower.
Julian Becker and Samantha Sinclair were rarely seen without each other. Both preferring to fly under the radar at school than to be noticed and mocked by their peers.
Looking at Jules it would be difficult to imagine that he would be considered an outcast when in fact it was widely known that many of the girls at school had a crush on him. He was good looking and came from a wealthy family, it was only that he liked to keep to himself with his nose stuck in a book that people considered him odd. Ultimately it was safer to have a crush on Steve "The Hair" Harrington because he was the cool, older, popular boy at school.
In Samantha's case the reason why she was outcast wasn't as complex. It was really simple to some of the residents of Hawkins why they should avoid the Sinclair family. The color of the family's skin was seen as a threat by few in town, but it was mostly just teenage cruelty that people avoided her at school. She just didn't fit the beauty stereotypes set in Hawkins High.
"You know Jules you really don't have to spend your Sunday night here." Sam stated as she wiped down the counter for what now felt like the hundredth time, it was something that she tended to do whenever a night was slow and she was getting bored. Luckily the rush had ended and they would be closing the restaurant in an hour.
A small smile touched Julian's lips though he didn't look up from the novel he was reading. He had started it when he first arrived three hours ago and now he was almost halfway through it, something that amazed Sam considering it would take her an hour to read even one chapter of a book. "Where else would I want to be? I'm here to spend time with my best friend."
"No, you're only here because of her." Sam pointed out as she stole a quick glance at the girl in question who was busy wiping down the menus. Viviane was the girl Julian has always had a crush on. In the same way that Sam has always had a crush on him. Though Sam was very aware of how different her and Viviane were.
Viviane was known for being rebellious, the kind of girl parents warned their children to stay away from. The same could be said for Samantha Sinclair, but for different reasons. Reasons that Samantha had no control over. But both girls had learned to not let cruel words get under their skin.
"Not at all." Julian replied with a smile as he shut his book sliding the package of licorice across the counter. It was their favorite snack and they would never go anywhere without it. Sam sometimes wondered how their teeth hadn't rotted away from how many sweets they always ate together.
Sam knew why Jules was here, sure it was partially due to the fact that they spent almost everyday together. But he also wanted to escape his family, mostly his father who simply didn't understand Julian. A father who was constantly against his son spending any time with Sam.
"Alright Sam silverware is rolled, menus are cleaned, and it's time for my paycheck." The girl replied as she held her hand out readily. To most of the residents of Hawkins they judged Viviane for her forward attitude and the fact that she always spoke her mind. Personally, Sam admired her for that and on some level understood why Julian was so attracted by her. But it was the pink hair that mostly caused people to turn their heads whenever Viv walked by, stares that mostly resulted in Viviane flipping anyone off who even looked at her the wrong way. An action that only cemented some people's belief that she was a girl you had to stay away from.
Retrieving the keys from her apron Samantha opened the small safe under the counter where all the employee checks were locked away. She had one of the two copies of the keys to the restaurant, a responsibility that she personally didn't want. Looking through the small stack of envelopes Sam found Viviane's name before locking the safe again and handing her friend the envelope that contained her weekly pay. "Here you go Viv. Have a goodnight."
"See you in class." She muttered as she tossed her skates over her shoulder heading out the door. Sam watched as Julian's eyes followed her, watching until she crossed the street and was out of sight.
"Alright see you tomorrow." Jules stated he began to gather his belongings, as Sam looked at him in shock. Stopping he looked up to see her reaction before chuckling. "I'm joking. I'm joking."
Shaking her head Sam picked up a rag and continued to uselessly wipe down the counter again finding that there wasn't anything else she could do or anywhere else to go as she had to stay at the front of the house even if it was only her and Jules now. "You're the worst Julian."
He met her eyes, an amused sparkle shining in his as he smiled. "Julian? Am I in trouble?"
Before she could reply the small bell attached to the door ran announcing the arrival of customers. The sight of Steve Harrington, Tommy Hogan and Carol Perkins made Sam want to slam her face against the counter, but all she did was groan in distaste. "My day was going so well."
They watched as Hawkins High three most popular students took a seat on a booth in the corner. It was no surprise that they hadn't even bothered to look their way.
"Maybe they've changed. Maybe they're not assholes anymore." Jules whispered attempting to keep a straight face, but they both knew that it would be more likely that Hawkins became the greatest tourist destination in the world than Steve and his friends becoming decent human beings.
"Wishful thinking." She muttered as she picked up her notepad and menus before skating towards the now occupied booth. It was almost closing time and she was hoping that no other customers would come in considering that her feet were beginning to ache from wearing the roller skates for so long.
The three teenagers were incredibly loud as they joked with one another. Sam hardly cared enough to listen, but once she was at their booth and set the menus in front of them and they still didn't bother to acknowledge her presence. A wave of irritation flooded through Samantha.
"Welcome to the Wallflower Diner. What can I get for you today?" Sam said reciting the same phrase that has left her Leipzig countless times before, only now it was devoid of any warmth.
They still didn't meet her eye as they looked down at the menu. Looking over to Jules who was silently observing the exchange, Sam sent her friend a frustrated look.
Carol set her menu down with mild disgust as she looked back up at Sam with contempt. Sam was very aware that this was all an act as Carol and Tommy came here often on dates and never showed any disgust about the food before. "What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs, and is fat-free?"
Feeling irritation flooded through her as Sam took a deep breath to not wanting to say anything that was more trouble than it was worth."Water."
Although both Steve and Tommy chuckled it was clear that Carol was not amused as she practically strangled Sam with a simple glance. Sam prepared herself for some cruel remark, but it never came. Instead they simply ordered their meals as if Sam hadn't just embarrassed Carol, not that she was going to complain.
The fact that Sam had left the table unscathed was a relief.
Once she was behind the safety of the counter she rang the kitchen bell before ripping out the page with their order from her notebook and attaching it to the clip for the cooks.
"Nice one." Julian commented as he pressed his lips together to prevent himself from laughing, and although Sam was aware that later on she would find this interaction amusing at the moment she was horrified. The last thing she wanted was to give her uncle's restaurant a bad name, because undoubtedly Hawkin's three assholes would be talking about this at school. Spreading horrible lies about not only Sam but the restaurant.
"It slipped." She quietly defended as she moved behind the counter, feeling slightly horrified by her own behavior. She never snapped at customers knowing how important this place was to family, even if the customers were as terrible as Steve Harrington and his equally idiotic friends. "If mom would have heard me... let's just say you would be attending my funeral in a few days."
"What would I do without you?" Jules questioned in a mocking tone as he took a bite of the licorice in his hand.
Samantha places her hand over Jules, attempting to act as serious as possible. Though it was a pointless attempt as a small smile touched her lips. "Die of loneliness."
"How poetic." Jules replied with a smile that quickly faded when he looked at the old clock on the wall. A clock that constantly needed to get its batteries changes but Uncle Jack refused to replace for sentimental reasons. He considered some kind of good luck charm as it had been hung on the wall since the first day that he opened his dream restaurant. "Anyways, I hate to leave you at a time of need but I should get going."
The slight panic in Jules eyes was very clear and Sam felt guilty herself for not reminding him of the time. Although Jules didn't like to speak of it much Sam knew how strict and cruel his father was. Sometimes Jules would be covered in bruises and he didn't have to tell her that it was his father's doing. "Get home safe."
"This is Hawkins." He reminded her, the idea of any sort of crime was ridiculous in a town like this. In a place where practically everyone knew each other and newcomers were rare nothing exciting ever happened. But that wasn't what she was worried about, she was worried about what awaited Juled once he got home. "See you tomorrow Sam."
Sam smiled and nodded as she watched Jules get in his car and drive away. The smile quickly disappeared once the kitchen rang the bell signaling that the food was ready. Quickly Sam got started on their milkshakes, taking them to the table before turning with their food.
The plates were expertly balanced on her arm as she passed around the burgers and fries, knowing which meal belonged who. After having done this for a year she had learned to memorize everyone's orders as it really just made her job easier. "Anything else I can get you?"
"I have a question? Do you always smell like burgers and frying oil?" Carol questioned as a malicious smile spread across her lips. At this point Samantha felt immune to anything that Tommy H. and Carol had to throw at her, so she remained silent waiting to hear whatever cruel words they had prepared for her. She should have known that their previous encounter would have consequences, it really was inevitable. "Must be hard to date that way."
Tommy and Steve chuckled together and Sam had to fight the urge to say something that she knew would only bring her more time in the future. After years of being tormented by people like Steve Harrington and his friends, it quickly became clear that they tended to lose their interest if you ignored them.
"I think some people just don't like chocolate. Right Steve?" Tommy questioned as he elbowed Steve after he failed to reply right away.
"Right." He muttered as he looked down at his milkshake using the straw to awkwardly stir the contents of his drink. That fact that he didn't even look up at her while he was insulting her was much more irritating than Tommy who was looking directly at her with clear satisfaction.
"Enjoy your food." Sam simply stated with a small smile before skating away behind the counter. Of course she was angry and wanted nothing more than to pour the milkshakes over their heads, but her mother always said it was best to be the better person. That no matter what they said to always keep your head held high, and that's exactly what she did as she skated away from their booth and back behind the counter. "Feel free to choke on it."
Maybe once she finally left Hawkins she could tell those three all the words that they deserved to hear, but for now she would simply have to endure what countless other teenagers have to endure daily. Seeing as there was nothing else to do Sam took her sketchbook out of her bag and began to do what she did best.
Sam had lost track of time, as she typically did when she sketched. She needed to get her mind off of the three assholes seated in the booth across from her as they were the last customers left before they closed the restaurant. In fact it was well past closing and Sam had already prepared everything for the next day's opening crew.
Another couple of minutes passed before Sam heard as they stood up and headed toward the door. The small bell attached to the door rang and it wasn't until then that she decided to look up at the now empty restaurant before picking up a tray and beginning to clean up the mess that they had left behind.
Just as she had finished whipping down the table the bell rang again, and Sam couldn't help but groan as she realized that she had forgotten to lock the front door.
When so turned around she met Steve Harrington's eyes and knew it was too late to try to hide the surprised or confused expression that she undoubtedly had now. Her first thought was that maybe he had forgotten something, but she had already cleaned the entire booth and hadn't found anything. "What do you want?"
"Here." Steve Harrington stated in a bored tone as he held out two crumpled dollar bills. Looking down at the money Sam then met Steve's eyes in disbelief. She really couldn't be sure if this was him mocking her or pity. What she was sure was that she didn't want anything from Steve Harrington and the rest of his asshole friends. "Come on Sam."
If she wasn't irritated before she certainly was now.
"Samantha." She corrected bitterly as she skated away into the kitchen preferring to avoid any further conversation with Steve Harrington. There was something irritating about someone who wasn't her friend or family calling her by her nickname. Especially when it came from some who saw her as nothing and treated everyone who treated everyone around them so terribly. "Asshole."
"Last ones out?" Her uncle Jack questioned as he slipped out of his office that was actually a small supply closet that recently became an office as the restaurant began to do better. Sam could still remember how much her uncle had struggled the first couple of years he opened The Wallflower, she was only a young girl then and now his lifelong dream had become incredibly popular throughout town.
"Last ones." Samantha confirmed as she walked over to where her bike was leaning against the wall. It was well past midnight and there was nothing more that she wanted than to get home and sleep as much as possible before having to wake up early tomorrow for school. There was nothing more agonizing than having to endure the same old routine at Hawkins High, and she was counting down the day until she could finally leave the small town. Leave to New York and pursue her passion for art while Julian did the same with writing. Her and Jules had a plan, and that plan did not involve staying in Hawkins, Indiana after high school.
They both wanted something that the small town couldn't give them.
A new start where they were more than just the outcasts of a small town high school. They wanted to have stories to tell.
And you couldn't get that in Hawkins.
A/N: These characters have been living in my mind for years and I simply couldn't keep them locked up in the depths of my mind anymore. Sam, Jules and Viv are everything to me right now and I cannot what for you to get to meet them.
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