Well Sh*t
After breakfast they all decided to do some target practice well since their stuck there for awhile might as well take their anger out on some targets
SO basically....
The others ships day was interrupted by huge explosions coming from the training area
New Jersey:"Firing guns in anger" God damn motherfucker just wanted to have a good retirement now i'm back to fighting
Texas: Meeh for me it's nice to fight once again
NC: Yeah me too
Wisconsin: "In her head"
Little Rock: Jones..BBQ and foot massage x3 you better come down here get some of this shit!!!
Wisconsin: Did you just read my mind?
Little Rock: I guess i did
Tarawa: God taxs make me pay child support!!!!
Then Enterprise and Cleveland came to see what was happening
Cleveland: Hey...are you guys okay?
Tarawa: Oh nothing just because we're STUCK HERE"launches harriers" we'd take out our anger a bit
Enterprise: Well we're planning on attacking the Sardegna base you guys want in?
Iowa: You know i'm gonna say yes what say you guys?
NC: Well i wanna say here wanna catch up with myself
Missouri: Well i made some sweet news outfits for and my sisters
Wisconsin: Really?
Missouri: Well they do require some makeup
Other sisters: Oh?
After some discussion the Iowa sisters,Salem,Tarawa,Midway,Yorked,Lex will join the attack force while the others will stay in the base after some remakes on Missouri's ship the four came out in their new outfits.
Missouri: So what do you girls think?
Wisconsin: I would say not bad but was the hair dye really necessary?
Missouri: Of course do you think blonde would go with that outfit?
Wisconsin: I guess so
New Jersey: I really like mine it's stylish yet fit for combat duty
Then as Iowa came out
Wisconsin: Oh.....My.....God......
New Jersey: Damn Iowa you looking good
(Pants were creamed after looking at this)
Iowa: I look like a prostitute....
Missouri: a very good one that is...kind of like the one that should be in a hentai
Iowa: Not cool
Wisconsin: But hey at least your chest isn't that tight
Iowa: I guess so....
New Jersey: Chill out sis hey went we get back the boys are in for a show
"Note: in the future male ships existed as well"
Iowa: Hmmm"Starts to imagine"
"Day dream"
In said daydream Iowa imagines all the US male ships reaction to her new clothes
Iowa: hello boys.....
Sullivans: GOD DAMN!!!
Boise: She THICC
The others: Wohoo "Whistles"
Doris Miller: Well i'm gonna fuck an old timer who's with me?
Bunker Hill: Here
Barry: Same
Franklin D Roosevelt: I'll get her granddaughter in there as well
"Insert gangbang"
Then she was interrupted by Wisconsin shaking her violently
Wisconsin: Sis knock out of it your having wet thoughts
Iowa: Waoh huh? oh sorry but yeah i'm starting to like this thank Mo
Missouri: Ahhhhhh no problem
A few minutes later they went down to the docks were the others were setting up for the attack the raid force is consisting of Enterprise,Essex,Hood,Duke of York,Cleveland,St Louis,Baltimore,Grenville,and Vampire
Iowa: Right were ready Ghost
Enterprise: Alright then
Baltimore: Love the new outfits
Duke of York: Hmm Iowa why do you look like a prostitute?
Iowa: It's just the design
Enterprise: Well let's go
Meanwhile back in the future the US navy is pulling a full hand ship hunt the four descendants of the Iowa class were in the south pole region looking for them along with Hue City,Hopper,Howard,and Indianapolis
BBS-87 Iowa: Grandma GRANDMA!!!!!
BBC-00 Wisconsin: Where the fuck are they?
BB-200 New Jersey: They couldn't had just disappeared could they?
BB-300 Missouri: Don't test your luck if they could that would be yang tastic
BBS-87 Iowa: Ah jesus......
Hue City: All of our fleets around the world are at full force
Howard: Haven't found anything yet
Hopper: This is gonna take months
Back in the past the fleet approached the Sardegna base
Enterprise: We're here
Hood: The plan will be as so we will move our ships in a line formation and fire broadside salvos at them
Wisconsin: Or we could do this
The four Iowa ships turned to broadside and fired their cannons along with their missiles at the base along with Salem while Midway,Lex,and Yorked launched their helicopters and jets at them
Iowa: let the 16 inch bang
Inside the Sardegna ships were talking about their allies encounter with the new ships
Littorio: Those ships could do that?
Zara: From what Eugen saw these new ships can fire these tube like aircraft that can destroy a ship in a single shot
Then the floor shaken by explosion after explosion they look outside and saw the museum ships blasting away at them
Meanwhile back with the fleet
Enterprise: Uuuh isn't this a little over kill
Midway: Not in our eyes
Tarawa: This is normal for us
A few moments later the Sardegna base was completely leveled almost all buildings were now piles of rubble everyone was dumbfounded at the pure power of these ships
Missouri: What?
Salem: Well that was fun
Yorked: Time to head back
Hood: R..right let's go
Tarawa: You all didn't help ye just stood there and watched
To be continued......
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