{Sorry this took so long I've just been busy doing some drafts just pre-planing some stories once i'm done with this one... also school is being an absolute b*tch}
{Also before you start reading i need your opinion how does a Azur Lane Mafia AU sound?...basically all the factions in Azur Lane are real world mafia's and the ship names act as code-names so when they die their replacement takes up the name}
The fleet had been through some serious sh*t but they all made it out and they were so close to the base. After weeks of piece Azur Lane high command has decided to bring their strongest warships to gather at the main Azur Lane base in order to launch a full blown attack against the Red Axis. Besides Enterprise the Eagle Union has called upon their four Iowa class fast battleships and the carrier Midway while the Royal Navy had already called summoned her majesty's great battleships HMS Lion and HMS Vanguard. But while some want to strike now while the Red Axis leadership is placed in disarray some want to end this war peacefully so they can focus their resources on the war against the sirens.
Most of the museum ships had been on ease for a while everything was going well they had the red axis on their heels they got Bismarck{Among best waifus in AL}. Hood though in her new darker way hadn't had her fill with Bismarck her attitude was drastically different she'd prefer having ice tea instead of the warm kind as the other Royal Navy girls. {Oh the humanity}, She was remembering when she was brought upon the latest Azur Lane meeting.
It was now late at night while everyone was a sleep Hood was sitting in her ship's ammunition room stoning her blades she finally had enough for days she wanted Bismarck killed but was refused saying that they need a peaceful end to the war against the Red Axis Her Majesty and King George V agreed that Hood's anger clouds her judgement so now that mostly everyone was asleep it was time to take matters into her own hands.
Grabbing her hidden blade and newly made cane she set off for the holding cells Bismarck and her escort ships had been held for about a week now Prinz Eugen overheard from other shipgirls that Tirpitz had now taken charge after their capture although August von Parseval had taken temporary command until Tirpitz arrived from the north. Everyone was asleep except for Bismarck who was just sitting down going through her thoughts about when she agreed that IronBlood and Sakura Empire would split from Azur Lane to become the Red/Crimson Axis but thoughts that she would never consider entered her head why would they have achieved when they won the war what was to gain, but Bismarck was in shock to see Hood so late at night standing infront of her.
Bismarck: Hood! w..what are you doing here so late..
Hood simply gave a grim smile as she opened the door to her cell and walked in with cane in hand.
Hood: Oh Bismarck..you have no idea how much suffering you caused me you german bitch!...
As Bismarck tried to back up she was forced against the wall by Hood holding the german by her collar.
Hood: {With a vicious tone} You know Bismarck i've been holding for sooo long but now that you have nearly killed me..the glove have come off
She then threw Bismarck on to the hard floor with a huge thud before striking her with her cane each strike hurt like hell as Hood's cane was made of metal not wood.
Bismarck: {Cough} I was...only doing...what was needed to...be don-GAAH!
Hood repeatedly hit Bismarck with pure pleasure she was now able to get her revenge on her rival. She grabbed Bismarck's coat dragging her outside she threw the pride of Ironblood to the ground as she held her cane towards her.
Hood: I thought we could end this war under peace! but after what you did....i guess it takes more violence to end violence !
Hood pressed a level on the head of her cane which the two sides split in half and a sword blade came out of the centre.
Bismarck: Kill...me....will be....meaning less...for you
Hood: Yeah right..
Hood was about to swing her cane sword to kill Bismarck when suddenly a another sword came out of nowhere and blocked hers turning to see who it was a floating sword and with glare of violet eyes she knew who it was
It was HMS Vanguard turns out she was staying up late she motioned the sword back to her as she pulled out one of her pistol/batons in her left hand.
Vanguard: Well out of all my nights...i never except you to act thsi way Hood..
Hood: Back off kid this german needs to die for what she's done!
Vanguard: You know i can't do that...we need her alive this is treason you know that...now stand down don't make me do this
Hood in anger raised her cane sword as Vanguard got into a stance. Hood shot forward over Bismarck and attempted to strike Vanguard who parried and blocked the attack kicking Hood in the side and striking her on the head with her baton, the two wrestled for a bit before engaging in a blade duel as Bismarck watched from the ground. This was the first time Bismarck had seen Vanguard she knew of the Royal Navy's newest battleship but she never got to see her in person she looked so different compare to the other Royal Navy girls and she seemed to be more expert in combat.
Back to the fight Vanguard pushed Hood and turned her baton into a pistol and fired into Hood's stomach as they collided against a tree. Hood kneed Vanguard in the crotch causing some serious pain for the girl but she took it like a champ and punched Hood in the stomach then struck her in the face with her baton. Hood swung her sword and Vanguard jumped flipped over it, Hood used this and rushed forward tackling Vanguard to the ground and un shed her hidden blade and tried to slit her throat with Vanguard having to drop her sword and using her hand to keep Hood from taking her life the two struggled before Vanguard hit Hood in the side of her head and pushed her back grabbing her sword before unleashing an array of attacks on Hood throwing her off balance she then implanted her sword into the ground before putting her baton away and grabbed Hood by the collar and gave her one last punch knocking her out.
Putting her down and dragging her by the hoody and getting her sword and shedding it, she walked towards Bismarck who was in shock on what she witnessed.
Vanguard: Come on jerry I'll take you back to your cell...along with this one {As she grabbed her arm}
Bismarck: Y..your Vanguard...
As she lifted Bismarck up to her feet and walked her back.
Vanguard: The one and only her majesty's golden pride
She brought Bismarck back to her cell before bringing Hood into her own cell and had to now file paper for war crimes.
Vanguard: God what happened to you Hood...
As Vanguard left the holding cells meanwhile with the modern fleet was just on the horizon.
Old Iowa: Are we there yet?
Old Missouri: No...wait i see an opportunity
Turns out New Jersey was still asleep so Missouri jumped over to her to wake her up.
Old Missouri: Hey sis wake up!
Old New Jersey: HUH WHAT!?
Old Missouri: White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide open enclosure, I'm telling you we may have just landed smack dab in the middle of the San Diego Base. Complete with fake rocks. *taps a rock* Wow, that looks real!
Old New Jersey: San Diego? What could be worse than San Diego!!?
To Be Continued....
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