Jonathan pov:
I woke up to my alarm clock. It bothered the shit out of me. I turned it off before I was about to throw it. My mom would be pissed cause this would be the fifth time. And I'm not trying to buy another one. I got off from my comfy bed and I went to take a shower. I took my clothes off and I started to take my shower. After I was done with my shower, I put on a towel, I brushed my teeth, dried my hair and I fixed it as well. I got my poppin clothes out of my closet and I put them on.
Okay so I know that this shit isn't really school material but my mom and dad doesn't want me walking out like trash. And btw, trash to them is wearing normal fucking clothes. But I don't really mind it's their money not mines.
(Btw, Delirious is rich)
I grabbed my phone and I saw texts messages from my friends. They have to text in the group chat. I said to myself, sighing.
Group chat
ooSnuckle- good morning you amazing people 😍😍😘😘
MiniLadd- good morning
407- gm
Lui- morning
Terroiser- top of the morning 🇮🇪🇮🇪
Terroiser- cause he have school you dumbass
Wildcat- oh yeah
Wildcat- but do we have to go!?!
Vanoss- yes
Vanoss- if the rest of us have to go then, you have to go
Kryoz- can I sleep?
SMii7Y- no you ain't allowed
Kryoz- bet
SMii7Y- don't you dare
Kryoz- or what?
SMii7Y- bet
MiniLadd- let me join in on this
Kryoz- MEME WAR!!!
Wildcat- don't
Lui- bet
Wildcat- Lui I swear god, if you send a meme, I'mma beat the shit out of you when I see you on the bus
407- bet you won't
Kryoz- do it pussy!!!
Lui- I ain't no pussy!!
Lui- bet
(I just found this and I started to laugh at it LMAO)
SMii7Y- where did you get that?
Lui- I got it from Kryoz
Kryoz- lol
MiniLadd- lol
SMii7Y- you betrayed me!!
SMii7Y- you ain't my friend anymore
Kryoz- worth the 20
H2ODelirious- friendships are being ruined 💔💔
Vanoss- where did you come from??
H2ODelirious- I was here the whole time
H2ODelirious- *crazy laughter*
MooSnuckel- are y'all at the bus stop yet?
Everyone- oh shit
I ran out of my room to the kitchen. Grabbed me some water and a granola bar, said by to my family and went sprinting to the bus stop. I made it, just in time before the rest of my friends showed up. So all of us have the same bus stop, well except Craig and Scotty, but they got each other. Some of them were out of breath, but me, Evan, Tyler, Brain and Brock, of course cause he is always on time or early. "You guys should really be on time." Brock said smirking. "Well, we all don't get up at 6 in the morning like you." Tyler said. "Well I actually get up at 3 through 5." I stated. Everyone just looked at me. "What?"
I questioned. "Why the fuck do you wake up that early. Especially at 3, the past year you went to sleep at 12!" Brain said. "Well, I don't need that much sleep-" I was cut off by Evan saying. "You do over 2 sports! How are you still stable!?!" "Well, I just do okay.
It's not really important to sleep. Well to me." "You gonna hurt your body." "Okay." "But you eat right?" "Yes." I lied. I don't eat. I only eat when my friends are around. My family (parents) knows that I don't eat, cause they don't want me to become chubby. I'm skinny as fuck and they want me to stop eating. I listen to them, if I eat I throw up, not in front of my friends but when I'm with my parents. I was so zoned out that I didn't realize that Tyler was fighting Lui and Lui going behind me. "Hey don't use me as a shield!" I yelled at him. "Use someone else!" He didn't move. Any time Tyler would come closer to me and him, he would go backwards with him tugging my shirt, almost making me fall. "Just give it up. This all about him just sending a picture. It's really not that bad." David said. Tyler just looked at him and said fine. Lui left me and went to David saying thanks and David smiling. "So Jonathan, is something on your mind?" Evan said. Going back time the questions. But this time he was closer to me. "Well actually, there is." "Spill." I laughed at his response and he laughed as well.
"There is this person that I love and he is coming to stay with me for the rest of the school thing, until we get to graduate." I said lying, but I'm also telling the truth. He looked a bit sad. "What's the matter?" I asked him concerned. "Nothing, just wondering on who is this person that you seem to love instead of me." He looked down more sad. I blushed on what he said.
"No no no, I didn't mean it like that. The person is an old childhood friend and he-" He cut me off. "Great, he knows more about you and you probably already are dating him!" Evan said that too loud, cause everyone else looked at us. I was blushing really badly. And so was he.
Me and him have feelings for each other, but I don't want to make it official yet cause of my parents. They hate gays. "Are you guys okay?" Smii7y asked. (I don't know his real name). "Yeah, just messing around with Jonny over here." Evan said while putting an arm around my back and kissing my cheek. This asshole knows that he get me to be more red cause he started to laugh at me. I started to pout and I moved away from him, both even looking at him. "Come on Del, don't be like that. It was just a joke. I know that you can't fall for someone else, especially when your heart wants me." Evan said. "And if I do love someone else. What you gonna do about it?" I said teasing him.
He is a very jealous and protective over me. He grabbed my wrist and said. "Well if you do then I would just have to kill that person so that you can only love me and I would fuck you till you scream my name." His eyes were red when he said that. "Okay." "So do you love anyone else?"
"N-no." "Good. I don't want to start killing people now." He moved away. This bitch made me stutter. He gonna pay. The bus finally came and we went on the back of the bus to see our two missing friends. "Damn, the bus came really late." Kryoz said. "Well cause the people in the front wanted to sit in the back so me and Scotty over here were yelling and cursing at them to leave. And the bus driver threatened us if kept on doing it then he would've kick us off the bus." Craig explained.
"What an ass. They should know by now that this is our spot and no one else's." Tyler said while looking over to the group who wanted our seats. So here is the thing, what ever we want we get it. And you can't say no unless you can fight back. Which people don't want to fight us cause we have trucks up our sleeves. Literally, I have a pocket knife in my pocket. Tyler has brass knuckles and so does Evan. David, Brain, Kryoz and Smii7y have these fake guns, but they do shoot and they hurt like a bitch. They shot me once. "Del, here." Evan said while giving me my personal and favorite sweater. He had it cause my parents hate it. So he gives it to me when we are in the bus and I give it back when I know that we aren't going to see each other for the rest of the day. "Thanks. Maybe you should get a reward for keeping my sweater so clean~." I a is the last part in his ear while moving my hand to his crotch. Me and Evan sat together and no one pays any attention to us cause they are doing their hw, well some of them.
"Ahh. Stop that. We are going time get caught." He said turning red. "So, I want my baby to have pleasure and I think that he needs it now cause his little friend is looking out~." I said while putting my hand underneath his pants and palming him. He was really blushing now. I smiled at that.
I got up to his ear and whispered. "Pay back is a bitch isn't it?" I said while smiling. He looked at me mad and I knew that he was going to do something. I removed my hand. And he whimpered. "You do realize that I'mma fuck you in either the bathroom, an empty class or the janitor's closet. And I'mma make you wish that you never did that to me."
Evan said with just and anger in his eyes. "Oh bebe, I'm ready when ever you are." I winked. He is going to kill me. I pecked him on the lips. He looked at me. "So are you willing to make us a thing or not?" He questioned. I thought about it. I was scared cause if my parents found out, they would kill me. And I'm not joking. "S-sure." I said. He looked at me happy, the most happiest that I have ever saw him. Like a kid on Christmas. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He asked for an entrance. I allowed. I didn't care if he won for dominance. I love when he moves his tongue around my throat. We stopped when we were at school. Me and him could hold our breathes for a long time, but I could hold it in longer. We groaned. "School time guys." Kryoz said with sadness. We all got off the bus and me and Evan were holding hands. "I love you." I heard him say. I looked at him and said. "I love you too my teddy bear." He kissed me know must forehead and we kept on walking towards hell. I hat it here so much. Like no one else likes it here. Oh well, time to deal with everyone else's bullshit.
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