Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Seventeen
“A cup of coffee,” Yasmine’s dad ordered.
“Coming right up.” Rhea jotted down the order in the notepad and sent Yasmine a ‘what’s-going-on’ look before heading to the kitchen.
Yasmine turned and stared down at her hands. She had taken her thirty-minute break when she found her father sitting down at her workplace. Listening to James’ advice, she decided it would be best to let her dad explain about the whole situation going on.
“So,” Yasmine started, “what happened?”
Mr. Hamilton frowned, making wrinkles form on his face. “A lot has happened, but always remember I loved your mom.”
“That doesn’t change anything,” Yasmine whispered. “What happened between you two? Why do I have a sister? And out of all the people, why is it Lily, the person getting married to Aaron?”
“Aaron’s getting married?” her father asked. “With Lily?”
Oh yeah, he doesn’t know, Yasmine thought. She nodded slowly, and kept her eyes on her fingers. “They are.”
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry,” he apologized, reaching across the table to pat Yasmine’s cold hands.
She pulled back. “It’s fine. I’m not angry. I’m okay.” She gave a little smile to show him. “I even have a boyfriend.”
“Really? Who?” Mr. Hamilton had on his ‘over-protective father’ face on.
“You know James?” Yasmine said. “We’re kind of together now.”
“Really?” Her father shifted in his seat. “Good, I like that boy.”
“Me too.” Yasmine smiled thinking of James. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. He told me to let you explain. I’m staying over at his house for now too.”
“What a nice boy,” her father commented.
“Dad, we’re getting off topic,” she told him. “Tell me what happened. I have about,” she brought up her wrist to look at her watch, “twenty more minutes left.”
“Alright, honey,” Mr. Hamilton sighed. “Well, it all started when we got a new neighbor, Mrs. Porter. She had just divorced with her husband and had moved in with her older son, Peter.”
“Lily has a brother?” Yasmine interrupted. Even that was new information for her.
Her father nodded. “Your mother had started getting the symptoms of her brain cancer. But, it was caught very early on. This was before you were born. Your mother was in the hospital almost everyday getting chemotherapy and what not. I had lost my job, and got involved with my gang. Everything was just such a mess.” Mr. Hamilton grimaced.
“One day,” he continued. “I had gotten drunk to try to get rid of the stress. I somehow wobbled my way back home, and Mrs. Porter had seen me. She took me to her house and gave me some tea. I told her everything going on and she listened. It felt so comforting, and then things . . . just happened.”
Yasmine gasped, tears brimming her eyes. “Mom was fighting to stay alive and you were prancing around with another woman!” Her father reached for her, but she shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me!”
“Listen, sweetheart,” her father said. “Let me finish.”
Just then, Rhea came back with two mugs of steaming coffee. “Enjoy your drinks!” she chirped. Rhea glanced at Yasmine’s expression and frowned. She knew it wasn’t her right to butt in even if she wanted to help. Rhea decided to walk away to give Yasmine and her father some privacy.
Yasmine and her father reached for their cups and took a sip before her father continued.
“It . . . It was just a fling, just one time. I had done it in the spur of the moment. Mrs. Porter was just heart broken from her divorce, and I was hurting because of everything. We didn’t really intend it to get that far out of hand.” Her father paused. “Your mother got better, and was cancer free. Mrs. Porter and I swore never to mention it, and pretend we had never met each other.
“She even moved away to make sure what happened between us wasn’t spoken. Then, your mother was discharged from the hospital. We spent every single moment together after that. Your mother and I fell back in love again. We went on trips and everything. Everything was normal. We even had you.” He smiled. “Everything was perfect . . . And then your mother’s cancer came back again. She was immediately hospitalized.
“One day, you and I were just hanging around at home, waiting for the doctor to call, when the doorbell rang. It was Amelia, or Mrs. Porter. She was back in town and she wanted to drop by for a hello. She had remarried and had a little girl, Lily. While you and Lily played together, we talked and she told me that Lily was actually my child,” he explained. “I denied it, but it was true. I told her to get out. You and Lily had become best friends within the two hours you guys played together. You even called her ‘sissy’,” her dad smiled. “You even chased their car when they left.”
So, the dream was true! Yasmine thought.
“That was the night your mother passed away,” he whispered, barely audible. “And you know the rest.”
Yasmine took a sip of her coffee, urging herself not to cry. Her watch beeped, indicating her break was over. “I have to go.”
“Wait, Yasmine.”
“Dad, I have to go,” she pushed.
“Honey, I love you and your mom. I never meant for anything to happen. I never meant to get Amelia pregnant. I never meant to break your trust and betray your mom. I really didn’t mean to.”
“But you did, dad. And nothing’s going to change that,” Yasmine grimaced. Her father’s face fell. “But, you still are my father. I love you. You’re all I have left. I forgive you, but I’m still mad and need time to myself.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll give you anything. Just please, forgive me. I love you, honey. I would never do anything to hurt you,” her father said, giving a hopeful smile.
“I know, dad,” she smiled. Even if he did the worst thing possible, he was still her father. And nothing could change that. He was there when nobody else was. “I’m going to stay with James for a couple more days, before I move to college dorms.”
“College dorms?”
“Before you say anything, its not because of you,” she explained. “I’ve wanted to move in with Hailey for some time now, and I think this is the perfect chance.”
“Alright, honey,” her father smiled.
“Yasmine! You’re break’s over!” Sally yelled from a distance.
“Well, I have to go,” Yasmine said, standing up. Her father stood up too and opened his arms for a hug. She immediately ran to his arms. She’d missed him so much. He still smelled like peppermint, as always. “I love you, dad.”
He kissed her forehead. “I love you too, kiddo. I’ll be here if you ever need me, alright?”
“Alright, dad,” she said. It felt like boulders were lifted from her shoulders. Relief flooded in. Everything felt okay again.
Her father left and she turned on her heel and began filling in orders. After a couple of hours and hundreds of orders, a beautiful sunset fell over the city and La Cavier had only a couple of customers left.
“Here’s your steak, medium rare.” Yasmine set the huge tray down on the table. “And here’s your diet coke.”
“Thank you,” the man in his fifties said, taking the diet coke.
“No problem,” Yasmine grinned. She took her notepad and pen and wandered around the restaurant to see if anyone needed anything.
“Yasmine!” someone called.
She turned around and saw Sally frantically waving at her from the cash register. Hurrying over there, she wondered what was up.
“What’s wrong, Sal?” Yasmine asked.
“Listen, I gotta go. Something’s come up at home. Looks like Mikey’s in trouble again,” Sally explained. Mikey was her troublemaking ten year old son. He’s been suspended four times in the last two months. Once, he even tried setting his math teacher on fire. Yasmine had only met him once when Sally’s husband couldn’t clock out of work one day, leaving Mikey to either stay home alone or go to work with Sally. Being the overprotective mother Sally was, she brought him to work.
“What’d he do this time?” Rhea asked, appearing from the kitchen, behind the cash register. She was fumbling with her apron.
“Looks like he decided it was a good idea to bring a dozen chickens in and let em’ loose,” Sally said in her southern accent. “What am I gonna do with that boy?”
“He’s hilarious,” Yasmine giggled. “My sixth-grade days would be so much better if I knew him then.”
“Well, I gotta go,” Sally told them. “Can you cover my shift, Yasmine?” She reached somewhere under the table and got out her purse.
“Sure thing, boss,” she answered, putting two fingers up to her forehead and saluting like soldiers did.
“Thanks a ton.” Sally quickly put her coat on and grabbed her keys before leaving.
After Sally left, Yasmine went to the other side of the bar, and made sure everything with the cash register was fine. There were a couple of men, and one woman sitting on the high stools of the bar. All of them were sitting at least two stools away from each other.
“Can I get a Scotch?” a bearded man yelled from the left. Rhea immediately went to the back shelf, grabbed a glass, and poured some scotch with ice.
“Here you go, sir,” she said, placing the drink in front of the man.
“Thanks, sweet heart.” The man chugged down his drink. He must be having a bad day today.
Rhea appeared by Yasmine’s side. “So, what’s up with you and your dad?”
“Nothing really,” she lied.
“You’re lying,” Rhea pointed out.
“No, I’m—”
“Can I get a beer over here?!” A lady with a sharp voice waved her hand in the air, trying to get Yasmine’s attention.
“Coming right up,” Yasmine replied, getting a mug and filling it with beer before placing it in front of the lady. “Enjoy.”
Yasmine wiped her hands on her apron. “I’m not lying,” she said after getting back to Rhea.
“You are,” Rhea retorted. “Don’t even deny it. I’ve known you ever since you started working here. And, that was a long time ago.”
Yasmine didn’t say anything for a second until she breathed a sigh of defeat. “Okay, I’ll tell you.”
“Well?” Rhea urged. “What’s happening?”
“My dad . . . he cheated on my mom,” she let out.
“What!” Rhea almost yelled. “What do you mean?”
A man came up to pay for his meal. Yasmine opened the cashier and took his money, before tapping some keys and giving his change back. The man smiled before leaving.
“Apparently, it was just a “fling”,” Yasmine repeated her dad’s words, using her hands to make quotation marks in mid air.
“Shut up!” Rhea denied, disbelievingly. “Not true. Right?”
“I’m serious,” Yasmine said. “I couldn’t believe it either. I was so blind sighted.”
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for asking!” she cried.
“It’s alright,” Yasmine responded. “I’m over it.”
“Wow, it must be hard for you. I’d be on my knees crying if I had your life,” Rhea told her, then immediately snapped her head towards Yasmine. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know what you meant,” Yasmine smiled.
Before they could go any further into the discussion, another worker named Tom came up to them. “Hey guys, I’ll take it from here.”
“Thanks,” Rhea and Yasmine chorused.
They both headed to the locker rooms and began changing out of their clothes. Both of them didn’t mind being naked in front of each other. They both shared the same body parts, so Yasmine figured it wouldn’t matter.
Rhea pushed her skinny jeans up to her waist. “Thank god, today is over! I’m so tired!”
“I know right!” Yasmine agreed, putting her shorts back on. “I’m so behind in classes with everything going on!”
“I can let you copy some of my notes if you want,” Rhea suggested.
“Yeah, sure,” she smiled.
“Thanks so much!” Yasmine gushed. “I’ll remember to thank you in my graduation speech.”
“That would be an honor,” Rhea chuckled. She slammed her locker shut and hoisted her bag over her shoulder. “I’m gonna go now. Text me later!”
“Alright,” Yasmine grinned. “Bye!”
“Bye!” Rhea said, walking to the door, then closing it behind her.
Yasmine buttoned up her t-shirt, and slipped her converses on before throwing in her work clothes and taking out her phone. She slammed her locker and sat down on the wooden bench next to her lockers to tie her shoes.
Bzzzz! Her phone vibrated.
She reached and accepted the call. “Hello?”
“Hey, babe.” It was James. “All done at work?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?” she asked. James shouldn’t know when she got out of work.
“Hmm, just a guess,” he replied. “Wow, you look nice with your hair up in a bun.”
“Haha, thanks,” Yasmine giggled before stopping. “How’d you know my hair’s up in a bun?” She looked around for any sight of James.
“I’m not in the locker room,” James chuckled. “Try the door.”
And there he was, standing at the doorframe, leaning it against it like in all those movies. He looked just as cool.
“Hey! Boys aren’t allowed in here,” Yasmine informed him.
“Technically, I’m not in here,” he corrected. “I’m at the doorway.”
Yasmine finished pulling the last shoelace. “Alright, smarty pants, let’s go.”
“Yes, your highness.” He bowed down.
“Your such a weirdo,” Yasmine giggled, rushing over to him to give him a hug. “But that’s why I like you.”
“Like?” James questioned, arching his eyebrow.
They walked step in step to the back door and to the parking lot outside. There was a humid breeze flowing around. Summer was definitely in season. And, summer vacation was almost coming.
“Yeah, like.” Yasmine slammed the back door behind them and headed down to James’ Lexus.
“No love?” James asked, opening the passenger door for her.
“Nope,” Yasmine smiled mischievously, slamming the door shut.
Out the window, James feigned a hurt look and stormed off to his seat. He quickly got in, and brought the engine to life. James then just stopped.
“Why aren’t we going anywhere?” Yasmine asked.
“Really? The silent treatment?” Yasmine crossed her arms. “How mature.”
Bzzzzzzzz. Her phone vibrated again. Yasmine pulled it out of her pocket and accepted the call. “Hi.”
“Hey Yasmine,” a deep voice replied. “It’s Aaron.”
“Oh, hey Aaron!” Yasmine chirped. James’ head snapped towards her and glared at the phone. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, just wanting to check up on you,” Aaron responded. “We haven’t talked in a while.”
“Yeah, we haven’t,” she agreed. “So how—“
James snatched the phone. “She’s busy with her boyfriend,” he emphasized ‘boyfriend’ and hung up.
“Hey why’d you do that?” Yasmine asked, snatching her phone back.
James twisted the key into the ignition and accelerated onto the highway without speaking. Few moments passed before he spoke. “Hey, I have a question.”
“What,” Yasmine said flatly, still annoyed on how he hung up on Aaron.
“If there was a burning ship, and you could save either me or Aaron, who would you choose?”
Her eyes widened. She had not expected that. “Why’re you asking?”
“Just answer the question,” he deadpanned.
“I’d save both,” Yasmine said.
“I said only one,” James repeated.
Silence filled his air-conditioned car. All you could hear was distant cars driving on the highway and the sound of the fan working on high.
“I-I don’t know,” Yasmine whispered. Deep down, she knew the answer. She knew who she’d pick. But would she be able to admit it? Yasmine very well knew who she’d pick. And it wouldn’t be her boyfriend.
“I guess I know you answer,” James said harshly, randomly swerving the car to a corner before parking it in front of his mansion. Without a word, he shut the car down and slammed the door when he got out. He didn’t even bother opening the door for Yasmine, which was a first.
Yasmine quickly got out of the car and ran after him but was stopped when he randomly stood in the middle of the driveway. James was staring wide-eyed at a black Mercedes-Benz.
“What’s wrong?” Yasmine asked at his expression.
James took another look at the car before quickly sprinting towards the house and pushing the doors open. As usual, the maids and butlers welcomed him with a “Welcome home, Master” but was ignored by James.
He was just running down the hallway and to the left. Yasmine had no choice but to follow him.
James quickly stopped in front of large double doors. Yasmine had never seen these doors. She waited for James to do something. He quickly threw the doors open, and his eyes widened when he saw what was inside.
“Shit,” he muttered, not even giving Yasmine an explanation to what was going on.
Well, what do you think is gonna happen? :DD
Did I do a good job on this? I bet half of you don't even read this every time I upload. But who cares, I'm glad as long as you're reading my story. So, THANKKKK YOUUU! <3
And if you want me to upload Chapter Eighteen within this week/month, VOTE! It only takes like 1 second. VOTE AND COMMENT!!!! <3
Alright, i'm gonna go re-read Catching Fire now. ^.^
Thanks for the lovely support, and 2,000 READS! AND 95 VOTES! AND __ COMMENTS!
Watering my potatoes,
x Aurie <3
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