"Annabeth! She won't stop crying!"
"Annabeth? Lily's out of diapers!"
That's my typical day. Whether I'm present in the room, at school receiving frantics texts, or trying to sleep, there's always a problem.
"Mommy? Are you okay?" Came Hazel's concerned voice. She was standing there, homework in hand, frowning. You see, when my family kicked me out of my home a few years back, I decided that I'd start my own life. I got a job, started college, and adopted sweet little Hazel, whose 5 years old.
"I'm fine, sweetie." Turning to her, I stood shakily. "What do you need?"
"Oh, It's ok, I-I can ask Auntie Piper ... " She trailed off uncertainly, backing from my bedroom doorway.
"No, no, it's alright," I said. "Come here, Hazel.¨ Slowly, she hobbled over. "Iḿ sure Aunt Piper is plenty busy with Lily," At the mention of her sister, she frowned, "But, I'm free now, and that's quite rare."
She tilted her head. "Can you help me with my homework, please?"
Noticing she was missing something, I grinned. "Hmm..." Her eyes dropped, "Do you have a pencil for it?"
Looking around, she spoke again, "Ummm, no?"
"Then how can we do homework without your pencil? We can't, right?" Hazel nodded vigorously. ""So, instead," I crept close to her and sat on the bed, "I guess I'll have to... Tickle you!!"I exclaimed, tackling her to the bed, squeezing her sides.
"MOM!!" She gasped, before laughing. "Mommy stop!" She squirmed out of my grasp and ran near my bookshelves. ¨You can't catch me!¨ she taunted, grinning and squealing.
"Yes I-"
Immediately, all was silent.
"She threw up on me!!!!" I sighed. Piper.
"I'm coming!" I yelled, running down the hallway, Hazel right behind me. As I leapt down the stairs, I heard a crash, then silence.
"Ow!!!" Then, the crying started. Oh my gods! "Hazel! Are you okay?" I shouted back up behind me. Lily began wailing in the living room. Why me? Running back up the stairs, I grabbed Hazel off the floor where she had fell. Then, quickly turning back to the stairs, I raced down them once again to assist Piper and Lily.
Everything was a mess. Hazel fell, or tripped, who knows. Piper and Lily both were covered in puke, Piper hyperventilating, Lily wailing her lungs away. And I was struggling to hold on to life. Everything in my entire life always went bad. I go to a party, get wrecked, get knocked up, get kicked out of my home, all while going to college, taking care of Hazel and Lily, and living with my friend, who's a huge help.
"Annabeth?" Blinking rapidly, I notice Piper there, now much calmer, and still covered in baby goop. "Help?"
"Oh, oh gosh Piper. I forgot." Hazel whimpered in my arms. "I'll situate Hazel first ok? Then Lily, then you, ok?" I know, that sounded pretty bad, but Lily and Hazel are my daughters, and no matter how long you've known your friends, your family comes first.
Rushing Hazel into the bathroom, I sat her on the toilet. "Ok, ok, what hurts?"
"Umm... it's ok Mommy. I can wait... It doesn't hurt a lot..." She slowly rubbed her knee.
"Are you sure Hazel? It doesn't hurt?" She nodded. Well ok then, I thought. That's new... Slowly, I make my way to the living room.
"Here's Mommy!" Piper cheered, handing off a wailing Lily. She smiled, and sneezed. "I think I'm allergic to babies...."
I grinned, "We'll see, huh?" I said. Lily screamed in my ear, and I rushed back to the bathroom. Hazel limped over to the tub and sat there instead of the toilet. "Thanks Hazel sweetie!" I barreled past her and towards the changing table. Grabbing wipes, I cleared her face and hands, and Hazel prepared water in the rubber duck tub.
"It's warm Mommy!" I turned around, and Hazel was back on the toilet again.
Gently, I sat Lily in the baby tub, and freed her from the goop. "That looks yuck," called Hazel, holding her nose. "Yuckity yuckity yuck!!" Someone laughed then, but I couldn't turn to see who.
"What happened to your leg Haze?" Piper, always the one to be motherly.
"Nothing." Was her reply, and I smiled. No injuries.
"Hey, scoot Lily's tub over, to the back." I frowned, but complied. Piper made her way towards me, but turns last minute, and sits in the tub, fully clothed, next to Lily.
"Piper!! Oh my gods!! What are you doing!?" Hazel was giggling, and Lily had stretched her arms out towards Piper. Sometimes I wish Piper was the mom, and I was the rich, supportive best friend.
"Umm, I'm dirty too!!"
"Hazel no!!"
"Sorry Mommy...." Hazel, Piper, and Lily were all sitting in Piper's overly large bathtub. Lily was the only one lacking clothes.
I facepalmed. " You guys are crazy, you know that?"
"I am?" Hazel looked up at me with worry in her eyes.
"Oh, Hazel, sweetie I didn't mean it!" Hazel was raised all things serious. Her mother was allegedly a "witch" and had a curse. They were called crazy and psycho all the time. It's the reason nobody would adopt Hazel. It's why I did. We're both turned away and cast out.
"Oh, come here." Hazel's eyes were tearing up, almost making me cry at the raw emotions there. Despite the fact she was sipping wet, I hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. "I love you, ok? We all do."
She sniffed. " Even baby Lily?"
I grinned, "Even baby Lily," I said.
Hey guys, I know what you're thinking. "Geez, another story!!" Yes, another story. I have a huge blowout idea for this one, so don't blow me off!!
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