Can someone be that evil?
Delilah's POV
Hi, everything is great in Gravity Falls. Well, for my brother at least. But still. I have a lot of friends. My best friend, is my cousin, May. I have other friends too, like Bobbie, Sally, Robery😊,...
"Who are you talking to? Is it your imaginary friend? Hi, Delilah's imaginary friend!" That's my cousin right now, she usually likes to be around me.
*Door burst open*
It was Bobbie at the door, the well-known trustworthy police kid. He said: "You may both know how weird people are here, right?"
We both nodded, he then said: "Well, I met someone, became friends with them, and she seems to be extremly different from other folks out here" May replied: "What's her name? I wanna meet her one day!" Bobbie said: "Bella Galaxia Cipher...." My parents warned me about someone with the same last name, Bobbie then told us the story on how he'd met her
Bobbie's Storytelling:
Heh, the way I met her is pretty weird, she was running from my parents, something about trying to buy and try drugs for the first time. She ran into me, and kept running, I thought nothing of it but I noticed she dropped her cane, it was very clean, so she must've cleaned it-
Delilah's POV
"Why did you add that detail?" May said, interupting the story. Bobbie's really keen on detail, almost as good as me, I don't mind people showcasing it, but May can get really bored. "Doesn't matter, back to the storytelling!" Bobbie said.
Bobbie's storytelling:
I ran after her trying to return it, but I ended up in a random dimension, the portal to it closed, I thought I was trapped, when I saw I was in some sort of chess club in a Gambling dimension! Bella was cutting so many people's wallets, but if they even try to fight back, she mentions the deal the people and her had. It was very scary. I escaped the place but ended up in a suocide house while people trying to bet what I will do for my death! Bella won and set me aside to another room. "What are you doing in Lottocron 9? Aren't you from earth or somethin'?"
She said. "Here, you dropped this." I said, while giving her back the cane. She quickly took it and said: "Thanks, I might get in trouble if I lost it, I don't want to end up in the rainbow dimension again."-
Delilah's POV
May said, yet again inturupting the story. May has a very big love for rainbows and anything happy and joyfull. "Can you stop inturupting me, please?" Bobbie said. "Okay, I'll try not to interupt you" May replied
Bobbie's storytelling
I wondered what was wrong in a dimension full of rainbows. But Bella replied to that thought: "Everything. It was horrible being punished there."
I paniked, how does she know my thoughts? She then said: "Mind reading is easy, why not I give you a tour? I'll teleport you out since the people in here might see you and try to kill you." She teleported me out, showed me around, she even took me to the future, which everyone cried because their ruler died. I also never knew the future had a baby as the ruler, and wondered why. "Well, it's nice meeting you kid, but I got wallets to steal" she said, ending the tour. "It's Bobbie, plus aren't you younger than me?" She laughed after I said that, then she said: "That's cute. I'm Bella Galaxia Cipher, the one billion year old dream demon, also known as the ten space years time troublemaker" I then asked: "How many crimes did you do?" She excitedly replied: "THERE'S SO MANY I CAN'T COUNT THEM ALL, OH WAIT, IT'S 87. I went to time prison 10 times and all times escaped. I stole time tapes, graffiti-ed Time Baby's posters and even freed 50 criminals on the 3rd time I went to jail! It's really fun!" I was shocked, I thought I was going to arrest her, but she saved me so I can't. She gave me some sort of comunication device that isn't a phone, sent me back, and here I am.
Delilah's POV
"Can you give me the device?" I said. "Here, she even taped a note" Bobbie said, giving me the device. I looked at the note and it reads:
Hey, Bobbie, if you want to contact me
Press the red button and select my name by using your fingers, if you want to summon me, read the back of the note.
Your's truly,
Bella Galaxia Cipher.
I was terrified as I read it. But it was kinda nice of her to leave a note. May said: "Summon her? We should do that someday!" "Yeah, but maybe not today, I gotta go, see you guys tomorrow!" Bobbie said as he ran out the door. I wonder, was it true that she is a dream demon? Is she going to kill us? Turn us into statues? Make friends with us? Lie to us all? Or even create an intire appocolypes full of the weirdness and craziness beyond all of the dimensions out there? I will have to investigate it soon, but for now, let's just enjoy the peacefullness of Gravity Falls.
Words: 903
(Not including this message)
Hi guys! The Author here! I am so so so so sorry I didn't update but I finnaly did it! I will get out a Cipher chart because I took 5 minutes using my hands to make the cipher, point out any mistakes and if you know the answer, don't be shy to answer it! I have a lot of free time because of the corona virus, no school, no going out of your house, the end of humanity is here people! Okay, I got a bit crazy there, Stay positive!
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