Note/Beginning of chaos
Hey guys! Rubix here with another story! I don't really have background of this game , so enjoy!!!!!
Shout out to MochaCuppyReader , RoyalAphmis and theoneandonlySALT for some reason.......
Rubix and Bezel went to Banbans Kindergarten to find they're little sister , Rose, who went missing there. "See anything? Anything.....useful?" Rubix said , turning on a flashlight. "Nope. Nothing- oh wait , there's a blue keycard here. Maybe it powers that blue door" Bezel said , picking up the card. Bezel swiped the card on the pad , and it worked. The door opened and they saw a remote and a drone on 3 boxes. Rubix picked up the remote and saw it needed 2 battery's. "Aw shit. This thing need batteries." Bezel said , Looking at the remote. "Yeah , No shit." Rubix said , walking around for batteries. Both of them found the batteries later. "Now let's see.." Bezel said , clicking the ONLY button on the Remote. They saw the drone heading to where they pointed the Remote. "Maybe the remote can be used on these two buttons across this room!" Bezel said. "Good idea!" Rubix said , directing the drone to the buttons. After that , a door opened. "Let's go!" Rubix said while the two of them were walking towards the door.
To be continued ......
Chapter 2: The Biggest Bird
Release date: 7-22-23
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