The morning sun was warm against my face as I wake, the air crisp with an early morning breeze. Even if the bed was warm, the cold spot beside me in the bed tells me Damira isn't lying beside me.
"Mira...?" I call softly, blinking away the soft morning light against my eyes. The small little tree house seemed to be empty. Where has she gone so early this morning? Usually she is still asleep beside me. Perhaps something has upset her again. After I had arrived back from the river, after finding my true power and purpose, Damira had seemed to fade a little. Her heart isn't in its right place and I'm quite worried. But, I gave her my promise to wait for when she is ready. I will not be that one partner who can't trust their other half. I will wait for when she is truly ready.
With a dramatic yawn, I stretch out like a cat under the silky bed sheets. My spine cracks with pleasure as does the rest of my body. I feel amazing today. After three days of non-stop muscle grinding training, the bond training today sounded blissfully perfect.
"AHH!" I cry, jumping from the feathered bed and scanning the open window just above the bedhead. My mates cackling laughter melody to my ears as she watches my shaking figure. Too bad my heart never made it out through my throat at how hard it jumped.
"Mira! You scared me!" Damira, still laughing wipes away amused tears.
"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't help myself," breathing out a sigh, she watches me with a small smile. The light in her eyes brighter today. Determined. "Breakfast is ready, Dia and Selene are waiting." I nod, another yawn escaping loudly.
"Let me get dressed," I murmur, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and virtually trying not to trip off the bed like yesterday. I still have the bruise to prove it. "Where were you this morning?" I ask, turning into the makeshift closet, grabbing my workout attire.
"I was out on a walk, thinking."
"Oooh now that's dangerous."
"Hey!" Damira whines, a little giggle escaping my lips. "It was serious thinking. You know, thinking about how undetermined and worthless I've been." Her words hit home, a worry and anger fluttering around my belly.
"Mira! Why on Earth did you say that?" My voice comes out harsh, but sadness lies there underneath. Worry also. Damira has been perfect... well part from the first time we met... but she has been adoring and loyal and amazing. I could never think of anyone else other than her as a life-mate.
She winces, leaning on her arms over the window sill, chewing her bottom lip with something on mind. "Because it's true. I haven't given you my hundred percent, Soleil. I haven't been truthful to you about my past and who I truly am."
I shake my head, angry. Before I could lash out and call on her about how wrong she is, I bite my tongue. Huffing, I yank on my clothing before storming out the door and onto the handmade wooden patio. Damira stands by the window, watching me with sad eyes.
"Have I given the impression that I'm impatient and I don't love you, Damira?" She blanches, shaking her head with so much ferocity, her poor brain must be dizzy.
"Of course not!"
"Then, why would you think that? Because, I thought I had already stated that I love you and would wait for you forever. No matter how long or how bad things will be, you are still the love of my life." Damira goes silent, rubbing the side of her face before pulling her arms around me. Her wood scent crushing my senses as I'm smooched into her chest.
"I'm sorry. Forgive me?" I kiss the tunnel of her throat before slowly pulling away.
"Come, lets get some food. I'm starving!"
"But you ate a whole pork last night!" Damira watches me with surprised wide eyes, a small smile littering her adorable and fierce face. I giggle, pulling on her arm to leap down the steps winding around the large trees.
"Yes! But that was last night!" Damira swings into a step beside me as we walk down the winding path towards the Hall. The Hall was a stone structure that the visiting Royals and some of the Dwarf Elders sat to discuss politics and war as well as eat delicious food.
For breakfast today, a warm bowl of porridge and fresh fruit was on the menu. My stomach growled in satisfaction as the sweet aroma filled the Hall for breakfast. The Hall was partically empty bar a few Council members and Selene who sat very far away. I gave her a small smile as we sat down, thanking the Dwarf Chef for the bowl of porridge.
"Good morning, Selene." I greet, digging in. Damira beside me mutters the same, eyeing the bowl before cautiously taking a bite. The look on her face as she realizes how good it is makes me laugh. What a weird wolf she is.
"Morning, you two. Are you ready for the bond training?" Selene asks, pushing away the empty bowl aside. I smile softly, eyeing Damira in the corner of my eye. She nods, grinning.
"Of course."
"Yes," I reply. "I'm glad that I won't be fighting alone. It comforts be to be able to have my mate beside me every step of the way." Damira huffs in pride, clasping my thigh.
"Damn right. We're the power couple. Better together." I giggle at her sillyness but my heart beats in the chest at her words. How much love she holds to her words. It means the world to me that she thinks we are amazing together. We work and I freaking adore that we are a power couple.
"Good!" Her regal voice echoes through the room, the High Queen grinning at us from our seats. "Because today! You will both be battling through a challenge today! HAHAHA."
Oh boy.
Evening guys.
I have to apologize, the late update was unintentional but things have been a bit rough. I'm stressing over some stuff (and losing hair in the process aha) and so I haven't had time to write. The chapter is also a bit... meh...
Thanks for reading and until next time ~
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