Welcome to the technically-first-but-now-maybe-third-I-guess interactive Warrior Cats hunger games!
Originally, I got this idea from UnitedWarriors' hunger games and the BrantSteele hunger games simulator, but it was a lot to keep up with, so I've made changes to the game, based on theirs, as it seems to work.
To create a cat, you need two strengths and two weaknesses out of the following categories. They will affect and be affected by the strategy you have in mind, so be careful!
Fighting Power (FIP)
- The raw power you fight with.
- More effective than fighting skill in terms of damage but doesn't affect the accuracy of your blows hitting.
Fighting Skill (FIS)
- The skill you fight with.
- Less effect than fighting power but also affects the accuracy of your attacks.
Agility (AGL)
- How well you move around.
- Affects how much you dodge attacks, hit attacks, and whether you land the first blow.
Speed (SPE)
- The speed you can run at.
- Affects how fast you can travel, the chance of running away, and the chance of catching a cat who is running away from you.
Tracking (TRA)
- How well you find the location of others and surprise them.
- Affects tracking, whether you strike first when finding someone, and if you notice when someone is on a block near you.
Hunting (HUN)
- The ability to catch prey.
- Affects how much prey and how large the prey that you catch is.
Herb Knowledge (HRB)
- The ability to find herbs and heal wounds.
- Affects how many herbs you find, the strength of the herbs you find, and whether you can heal.
Resilience (RES)
- The ability to survive through more injury, hunger, and thirst.
- Adjusts the health, hunger, and thirst bars by one.
There are several terms that will be used to refer to things that could be new things.
The Arena
The arena is a 7x7 grid where cats can move around and interact with their environment. Each square on it is called a block. If a cat goes off the map, they will end up on the opposite side of it. The center block is the cornucopia, which is where everyone will start at.
Some blocks are also special, containing hidden and open rivers, water sources, thunderpaths, animal nests, traps (arena, tribute, and prey), and items dropped by other tributes.
Something being open means that a cat will know and be exposed to everything that is open on the block without using any commands and just being there.
Something being hidden means that a cat has to use /look around while on the block to find anything that is hidden. They will find everything that is hidden with one search, so be careful.
Items are what cats can use to gain an advantage. They can be found by hunting, foraging, looking around, or from a pack. The items inside of a pack are randomized by the pack's rarity (first tier being the best and third tier being the worst), meaning things like weak herbs will be in the third tier packs and large prey will be in the first tier packs. Hunting, foraging, and looking around will be/have been explained.
Each cat can only hold up to three items in their inventory though, so an item must be dropped using /switch (item) for (item) in order to pick another one up. The dropped item will then become a hidden object that others can pick up if they use /look around on that square.
When a cat dies, their items will automatically be dropped or picked up by their killer.
There are two types of traps that cats a can use- prey traps and cat traps. Both traps can be set up with /set up (prey/cat) trap, as long as they have the trap in their inventory. They can also be taken down by using /take (prey/cat) trap down. Both of those require the day/night's action.
Prey traps allow prey to be caught automatically, as long as the trap is set. Any cat can use it if they find it however, though it will be a hidden object to anyone who didn't set or already discover the trap.
Cat traps are open objects that injure and possibly kill any cats who step in them, including the setter, though they have a higher change of realizing that this trap is here.
Every cat has four to six health, depending on their resilience. Health can be both raised and lowered, and when it reaches zero, the cat dies. Health will decrease when being injured in combat, traps, and the environment.
To heal back up, a cat must use /heal (self/name of cat) to heal themselves, though it will only work if they have a herb, don't have a healing weakness, and, if they don't have a healing strength, succeed on a 50/50 roll. It will give them a health point and reduce the size of the herb they use to the next level (strong -> medium -> weak -> nothing). The command still reduces the herb even if they fail though, and /heal can be used multiple times per day/night. To find herbs, a cat uses /forage.
Every cat has three to five hunger points, and will drop by one every night. If it reaches zero, the cat dies. To raise the hunger back, a cat must eat prey use /eat, making the size of the prey smaller (large -> medium -> small -> nothing), and it will restore one hunger point. Cats can eat as much as they want, as long as they have the prey. To get prey to eat, a cat uses /hunt.
A cat also has three to five thirst points that will drop by one every night, like the hunger points. It will also kill the cat if the thirst reaches zero. To gain thirst points, a cat must use /drink while either standing in a water source block or in possession of a full water packet. Standing in a water source block refills the bar completely while the water packet brings it up by one. Water packets can also be filled while standing in a water source by using /fill water packet. They usually hold up to one point of water, but large ones can hold up to two.
Every cat has four energy points, which decrease by one each day and after winning each battle. Using /sleep makes the cat who used it sleep, and they'll wake up with a full energy bar the next day/night. Cats can sleep during the night as long as they have energy to recover, though they can only sleep during the day if they are tired.
However, when a cat is attacked while sleeping, they gain one energy instead of a full bar, and the attacker automatically gets a hit on them. If a cat's energy gets to two or below, they become tired, turning every skill they have as a strength into a normal skill and every skill they have as a normal into a weakness. If a cat's energy gets to zero, they will be forced to sleep, no matter where they are.
An encounter happens when two cats end the day/night on the same block. When in an encounter, a chain will be made and both cats will be forced to make a choice between /fight, /flee, and /ask to team.
- If both cats use /fight, a fight will begin, and one of the cats will be killed.
- If one cat uses /fight and another uses /flee, a chase will begin, and the outcome will depend on both cats' speed (it starts as 50/50, though each strength/weakness in speed will add or subtract 25% to the chance of their success). If the fighter wins, a fight starts, though the fighter will get an automatic first attack. If the flee-er wins, they manage to get away in a random direction, and the fighter gets left behind.
- If both cats use /flee, both of them will run away in a random, but different, direction.
- If one cat uses /ask to team, the other cat will use either /accept or decline.
Fights are automatic and end in death for one of the cats in it. It's turn based- one cat attempts to attack, and the other attempts to dodge, then vise versa. Sometimes, the first blow is guaranteed because a cat was sleeping, was tracked, or was caught during a chase. The winner gets to keep the loser's items as a prize.
Cats can work together in teams with up to three cats in total. Any cat can leave the team at any point using /leave team, though the former teammates might attack them. They will also do everything together- this means they can't split up.
However, while they sleep, one or two of them can use /keep watch and stay awake while the other(s) sleep(s), and it will stop any attack bonus to be done to them because of sleep.
The guard will also automatically be the first one who fights anyone who attacks them. The guard can also take the items they can carry and leave the team peacefully or ambush them with, though the realization that they've done something so horrible will drop their energy to zero if they succeed.
The team shares an inventory as well, meaning cats can't horde things for themselves. They can also only move one block in a row.
When encountering another cat or team, everyone in the encounter uses the normal encounter commands (individually), though /leave alliance is an option as well (and must be done before /ask (cat) to team if they are planning on that). They must also specify who they fight with /fight (cat), and if a singular cat is asked to fight two different cats, only one of the cats will be fought.
Tracking is when a cat pinpoints the general location of another cat. After using /track, if it succeeds, (50/50 for neutral, 25/75 for weakness, 75/25 for strength) the cat is given the location of the nearest cat and is asked whether they follow the scent. If a cat is a block away from the tracker and they have a tracking strength, the tracker gets to know who the cat they tracked is as well.
There are several phases/situations in the game that may require different actions. Any option is usable!
Bloodbath starts at the beginning of the game, and only lasts for that one day. On that day, fifteen packets holding supplies are scattered throughout the middle of the arena, the cornucopia. They are divided into three tiers- first tier being the best and third tier being the worst. From there, there are three commands you can use.
- /run (direction) is used to flee in a direction of your choice, without any speed reduction. You won't get any packets though.
- /grab and flee is used to grab a random third tier packet and run in a random direction with a speed reduction of -1, though the cat will move at least one block.
- /search is used to more thoroughly search for a packet, giving the cat who did this a second tier packet. They will then run in a random direction with a speed reduction of -2, though the cat will move at least one block.
- /stay and fight is used to stay and fight for the best packets, the first tier ones. There will only be one winner at the end, whether it be a single cat or a team, however. They will receive all the packets that are left as well.
Normal Day/Night
On a normal day/night, each cat is free to do whatever they feel like, whether it's traveling, hunting, foraging, or looking around.
Whole Arena Event
Will be added later...
Any questions? Ask on this page!
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