Chapter 2
The group had split up into six groups. Grian had decided to settle in the side of a mountain, but Scar had other ideas. After a failed prank involving a creeper that ended up taking Scar's first life, Grian decided to make it up to him by allying with him and agreeing with his wacky ideas. Unfortunately, that meant Grian had to move to the desert. He managed to get Scar to agree with making a monopoly of dark oak wood, but that went up in smoke, as the other teams somehow found more.
Grian glanced at the sunrise. It brought comfort that even though there were dark times, light was ensured, not matter what happened.
A sound from the door of the tower Grian had built made him swing around to see Scar, now on his "yellow" life, leaving the building.
"Hey, Grian!" Scar said, smiling. "What're you up to?"
"Nothing," Grian said, turning away again. "Just watching the sunrise."
"Can I join you?" Scar asked. And without waiting for an answer, he strode over and sat on the edge of the mountain peak.
Grian sighed, but inwardly, he was grateful for the scarred elf's presence. He sat beside Scar and watched as the sky faded from a rosy pink to a brilliant blue. No one said anything, just silence. Grian actually quite liked sitting quietly with Scar, but didn't dare tell him that. He didn't want to lose anyone again. Not after.... No. He wasn't going to think about that. It was in the past. And some of his friends somehow survived and were with him again.
Scott fixed up the front of Jimmy's base. The two of them had decided to team up, making a few houses in the sides of a little flower-filled valley.
Once he had finished, Scott took a step back to admire his work. The front of the base, once drab and a bit displeasing to the eye, was now carved with intricate and beautiful patterns.
Footsteps on grass announced Jimmy's arrival. Jimmy walked over to Scott, staring at the front of his now-beautiful base. "Wow. Did you do this, Scott?"
"Yeah," Scott admitted. "I hope you like it."
"I do," Jimmy assured him, giving him a smile. "It's amazing. Thanks."
"Anyways, did you find a cow?" Scott asked. The cows had become very rare after the members, or "Lifers" as the mysterious girl had called them, had slaughtered them without realizing the spawn rate for passive mobs was dropped very low.
"Yep," Jimmy said, gesturing to a cow grazing on the field behind him.
"Great!" Scott said, taking a lead and taking the cow to a pen beside Jimmy's home.
"What should we call her?" Jimmy asked, making his way over to the pen to stand beside Scott.
"Well, we're surrounded by flowers," Scott pointed out. "Maybe name the cow after a flower?"
Jimmy looked at a few flowers near their feet. "There are poppies, alliums, peonies, lilies, and daisies in the valley, but other kinds in the forest."
"Daisy is a nice name," Scott said, picking an oxeye daisy and potting it on the fence.
Jimmy nodded slowly. "Then we'll call her Daisy."
Scott smiled at Jimmy. He picked a lily of the valley and put it behind Jimmy's ear.
Jimmy jumped slightly at the touch of the flower, but showed no resistance to having it behind his ear. He gently picked a poppy and did the same for Scott.
Scott chuckled softly. The two of them picked a few more flowers and decided to make flower crowns. Scott noted Jimmy seemed to be quite skilled at making crowns from the delicate blossoms. And his eyes shone with memory as he wove the stems together.
"You're pretty good at this," observed Scott, weaving a few flowers.
"Well, I've got practice," Jimmy said without looking up.
"From where?" asked Scott, curious.
"When I was younger, I liked to make flower crowns with my Admin and my friends," Jimmy replied simply. "I was always the best at it and the others respect it, for some bizarre reason. It may have been silly, but it was our thing." Then, he stopped and hummed a bit while threading the petals and leaves together.
"That sounds fun," Scott remarked. "Well, I've never really done this before."
"You haven't?" gasped Jimmy, looking up. "How? You're a natural!"
"I am?" Scott said, glancing down at the crown in his hands. It was weaved with delicate precision and gentle movement.
"You really are," Jimmy insisted. "I haven't encountered another person other than myself with as much skill at making flower crowns, of all things."
"Huh," Scott murmured. He studied the woven threads of blossoms and leaves that he had created. He considered what Jimmy had said. "Wow."
"Wow, indeed," Jimmy chuckled. "My friends thought the same thing." He stopped, his smile fading. Clearly, whatever he was thinking of was not good.
"Are you okay?"
The question seemed to make Jimmy pause. His eyes reflected the blossoms he looked down at, a lone tear falling from his face. "I-I don't know anymore."
"The way you reacted to Grian made me worry," Scott persevered. "And what he said."
"Oh," Jimmy murmured, looking Scott in the eye. "That was nothing. I just- I haven't seen him in a while. I thought he was dead, because he never wrote us. And I guess the same thing happened with him. I didn't know where he was, so I never sent letters out. We tried, once. But it never got to him."
"That sounds...." Scott trailed off.
"Sad?" Jimmy finished for him. "I guess." He made a sad chuckle. "It's all their fault anyways."
"Who's 'they?'" asked Scott, but Jimmy's eyes flashed with discomfort, inviting no further questions. "Y'know what? Forget I asked."
Jimmy nodded slowly. He returned to working on the flower crown.
Scott continued to wonder who "they" were. Grian had mentioned a "they" during the arrival of everyone. And Scott couldn't help but feel like something was off. Maybe "they" weren't a good "they," but hostile instead.
Word Count: 978
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