The vats were huge- nine in all, three in a row. Frisk stared at the drop to turn and face G.
"Question: Would you die for me?" He asked.
She answered without hesitation. "Yes."
"That's too easy." He said. G, dressed in a white buttonup shirt with black jeans and trenchcoat, thought for a minute. "Would you...would you live for me?"
Frisk didn't answer.
"Careful Frisky." G teased. "Don't say this thoughtlessly." He hand came over her mouth. "Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power."
The thirteen year old was silent.
"Do you want this?"
Frisk knew what he was doing. G wouldn't do this to a kid without her consent. He was giving her a chance to back out.
"Say it, say it, say it." He said. "Pretty, pretty, pretty..."
"Please?" Frisk asked.
"God. You're so...good." G said. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. Frisk walked to the edge and turned to face G. Arms spread, she fell.
She dropped headfirst into a vat, the chemicals splashing. G chuckled and walked away. He hadn't made more than ten steps before he growled. Turning back, he yanked his coat off. He ran and landed in the vat.
Frisk was dragged up, eyes closed. Her tanned skin had been bleached to white. Her blue eyes opened as she coughed and sputtered.
White from G's shirt and red from Frisk's sweater spun in the beige liquid.
It echoed their laughter.
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