Pumped up
Recess ended earlier than I expected, well I'm glad flowey loved the sandwhich and so do I, I love those choco sandwhiches that mom packs me everyday coz the filling in it is nutella! I really love nutella ehehe or chocolate you'd say.
I can finish a few jars if mom doesn't find out, I usually come down the kitchen carefully at night to sneak a jar in my room and start watching episodes of my favourite cartoons or anime, but mostly movies.
Gladly she doesn't find out that I'm eating some, but sometimes she notices the choco stained on my teeth in the morning, if I forget to brush my teeth.
She really knows how'll I get caught on act, she's telling jokes in the morning that makes me holler and laugh, it'll show my sweet crime hehe. Suddenly, the bell rang.
"Class, we'll have a field trip to the zoo on Monday, so come early at the assembly area." Ms. Melody chimed, interrupting the loud noises and chattering in class.
The zoo! Oh my cupcakes with sprinkles on top! I always wanted to go there! "YIPEEE! WE'RE GOING TO THE ZOO!" I screamed, shaking sans haphazardly. "Frisk calm down, your rattling my bones!" Sans exclaimed, as his bag were falling off his shoulders.
"Oops sorry! Just happy." I cheered, as I swung the backpack on. "Or just eggscited ey?" Sans chuckled. "Yup!" I giggled exiting the room. "Hey guys!" I cheered, running into gorey and the others.
"Oh hello frisk and sans!" Gorey waved, eating a choco bar. "Hiya frisk! Why do you look so jumpy?" Tori asked, grinning at me. "Heh..she's excited." Sans lazily grinned. "WHY HUMAN?" papy asked, fixing his scarf.
"Cause of the field trip paps!" undyne screamed, wow she looks happy now, but I know she still misses alphys, I giggled. "Yeah!" We fist bumped in the air.
"WOWIE! I NEARLY FORGOT! WE ARE GOING TO THE ZOO ON MONDAY!" paps squealed, vibrating in excitement. "Yep! Gerry told me about the vicious tigers in there! I wanna see them." Undyne said, imitating a blood-thirsty tiger.
"Gerry?" We all tilted our heads in confusion. "Gerry, my awesome turtle guardian! His real name's Gerson, buuut I call him gerry." Undyne smiled. "Oh" we said in unison. "I DON'T LIKE TIGERS, THEY LOOK SCARY." papy gulped, hiding behind sans.
"Nope they aren't, I heard they love to eat small skeletons." Undyne teased nudging papy in the arm, papy shivered. "S T O P I T U N D Y N E... D O Y O U W A N N A H A V E A B A D T I M E?" sans glared, stretching his arms in front of papy. "OK OK sheesh, I was just kidding." Undyne joked, patting papy's back. "OH THANK GOODNESS THEY DON'T." papy smiled.
"Ive heard they have different species of flowers there." Tori said, as she walked by my side. "Y-yeah! T-there are Venus flytraps too! But they aren't flowers." Gorey smiled nervously, walking by my side, biting a small piece of chocolate.
"That's pretty cool!" I beamed. "I HATE TIGERS!" papy screamed, running off ahead us. "RAWR! THEY'LL CRUSH YOUR BONES!" undyne roared, chasing papy. "Undyne! Stop it!" Sans huffed chasing her behind as a blue aura surrounded his phalanges.
"Cut it guys!" Tori and gorey yelled, chasing them as they left me and their bags behind. I giggled and ran off chasing them, as I left my bag by a corner. After running and chasing for a few minutes. It suddenly turned into a game of tag.
"Tag you're it." Undyne grinned, catching papy. "I'M IT?...YAY I WON!" Papy cheered, raising his hands in the air. "No papyrus you're IT" undyne explained, folding her arms. "OH...NOPE! YOU ARE!" papy giggled, smacking undyne's face.
"Papyrus! You slippery snail!" Undyne raged in fury as she chased papy around. Undyne caught sans off guard as she smacked his arm, "Run for your lives" gorey screamed, calling the others. They all laughed and screamed in terror as they were chased by sans.
I was sneaking up to sans who was chasing tori and gorey around. Huehuehue. "Tag! You're-" "Get dunked on!" I giggled, pulling the hood over his face from behind. "Frisk!" Sans yelled, as we all giggled falling on the grass.
Sans chuckled as he too laid on the lush green grass. As our giggles subsided, we all sat up watching the breathtaking view of the sunset. "THE SUN IS SO BEAUTIFUL!" papy gazed in awe. "Yeah, it sure is." I smiled. "I wish alphys could see this" undyne mumbled.
"Agreed, truly wondrous." Tori sighed, as she leaned on Gorey's shoulder. He stiffened as his face we're red as a ripe strawberry. We all gave a smug grin and a two thumbs up, making gorey smile nervously. "I ship it" I giggled, watching them gaze at the beautiful sunset.
Today's been a great day, I smiled as I set my right hand beside me. Suddenly, a hand touched my right hand. "Oops sorry." I apologized noticing it was sans. "No its me! I'm terribly sorry! I uh..." Sans apologized frantically as a blue color dusted his cheeks.
"Sans! Papyrus!" I heard his dad call, making us scoot away nervously. "SANS! OUR DAD IS HERE!" papy called, beckoning sans as he slumped his backpack. "Coming!" He yelled. "Bye guys!" He waved as we all waved them goodbye. "Ooh Someone has a crushy~" undyne teased.
"No, he's not my crush, he's my best friend." I smiled, immune of undyne's teasing. "Are you sure~" she raised a brow. "Yep!" I grinned. "Ok~" she sang as she, gorey and tori were giggling like maniacs.
"Really guys." I said, in frustration. They all sang the annoying tree song, "Knock yourself out, coz I ain't buyin it" I grinned. Making them frown in defeat. I told you guys, nothing gets under my skin. Haha that's sans line. I stood up, catching up with the others.
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