Missed me?
"Morning frisk! Do you fell better already honey?" Mom asked, flipping pancakes on the pan. "Yup, Mrs. Winfret's waffles helped." I smiled, pulling the chair on the table. "OK good, have you fixed your bag?" She chuckled, pulling the maple syrup from the fridge.
"Yup!" I smiled. "Is there anything ms. Melody told you yesterday, mom?" I asked, gobbling the pancakes. "Nothing, she just bid you to feel well." She smiled, slumping the backpack on my shoulders. I nodded and went upstairs in my room.
"Flowey, I'm leaving for school, be good alright?" I smiled, grabbing my crayons by the nightstand. "OK worry not I'll be good to your dear mother." He grinned mischievously.
I know he's gonna scare the life outta mom, hmm..I should bring him with me. "Hmm..I'll bring you with me instead!" I happily said, setting my backpack down.
"No! There's no way I'm staying in your smelly bag! I'd rather stay here!" He huffed, struggling from my grasp. "It's not smelly!" I argued. "It is!" He spat. "Its not!" I yelled.
"It is!"
"Its no-"
"Honey! The bus is here!" Mom called. "Coming!" I called back.
I hurriedly shoved flowey but carefully in my bag and zipped it, "Act like a normal flower, OK?" I said, staring at flowey.
"Geez! Your bag smells like rotten cheese!" He complained, as his head popped out. "Be good or else..." I said, seriousness in my voice.
"Or else what?" He questioned. "Your not gonna have any of your favourite chocolate later." I smiled, mischievously. Yep, he likes chocolate, I figured that out when mom left a chocolate for me by the nightstand, last night.
When I woke up, boom! It was gone, I saw him munch the last piece, which infuriated me. "O-ok" he mumbled softly. I smiled and slumped my backpack again. I rushed downstairs, peeking at the window, Nooo! The bus is gone! I'll be late! I face palmed.
"Fret not sweetie, I'll drive you to school!" She smiled, reaching for the car keys. "Mom enough talk please? I'm almost late!" I huffed, pushing her into our garage. "OK honey, don't forget to fasten your seatbelt!" She smiled, before jamming the car keys as we hit the road. This is gonna be a bumpy ride.
~~~ A few minutes later~~~
"Thanks for the ride mom!" I beamed, entering the school gates, "no problem sweetie! Take care." She waved, driving off. "Are you okay there flowey?" I asked, zipping the bag open, "What on earth is your mom's problem?! My petals almost withered there!" He angrily spat.
"Oh, sorry bout that, I need to catch up before the bell rings." I apologized, giving him a piece of chocolate. "You better be sorry!" He mumbled, munching the chocolate angrily. "OK fine, I apologized already." I smiled. Sheesh! What's his problem.
I slowly zipped my bag as I dragged my lunch box and rushed in my room. "Huh? Earlier than I expected." I looked around my empty classroom. Ahead of the bus I guess? Heh guess I can talk to flowey for awhile since nobody's around.
I examined my surroundings further. Safe and sound. "Finally! I'm dying in this trashbag!" He spat, popping out of my bag as I sat by my chair. "Am I in prison?" He said, examining the room. "No, this is my classroom of course." I chuckled, pulling him out of my bag.
"Eeew! This place is so disgusting!" He complained, pretending to throw up, as he noticed the "nice" stuff, such as cute and adorable stuff flowers on the cabinet. "Pshh! Your just overreacting!" I laughed, "So, I assume you despise yourself?" I snorted.
"What! No, no ,no" he glared. Oh no, I pushed flowey in my bag haphazardly. "Hey! Careful with the mnnnm!" He muffled in my bag. "Have you guys seen frisk yesterday?" I heard asgore ask, outside. "I'm afraid not gorey." Toriel sadly said.
"Her mom came yesterday and told Mrs. Melody she's sick." Sans said, butting in their conversation. "Updated ey?" Undyne taunted. "What?! She's my classmate, Duh!" Sans huffed, pulling his hood. "Mmm...hmm?" Undyne teased, raising a brow. Sans' eye glowed blue? He has powers? Oh yeah..I remember when I was beaten.
"CUT IT OUT BROTHER! UNDYNE!" papy yelled, separating the two. So toriel's not the only peacemaker ey? "THE HUMAN WOULD DISLIKE YOU TWO ARGUING!" He spat, making them go quiet. "OK OK fine." They apologized in unison. They were by the corridor chatting about me, obviously. I walked up to them and- "FRISK!" they all screamed. Well, sorta? Tackling me into a hug.
"Hey guys!" I smiled, hugging them. "Missed me that much?" I asked, pulling away. "Yes, because we have not seen you at recess!" Tori beamed. "TORIEL IS RIGHT!" papy added. "Gorey here kept asking bout ya." Undyne teased, as she elbowed asgore, winking at tori and undyne. "No, we'll yeah, sorta." Asgore plainly said, immune of undynes's cockiness.
I noticed tori and sans looking a bit uncomfortable, when undyne teased. Tori looked a bit pissed? As Her face scrunched up. Sans eye glowed faint blue? Or was it his face? I shrugged the thought and heard distress noises.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" papy asked, searching for the source of the noise. "Flowey! Can't you wait!" I whispered, patting my bag. "Sorry it was my tummy, I skipped breakfast this morning ehehe." I said, scratching my back. Man, how I hate lying to people. Well, its for greater good though.
Suddenly the earsplitting bell rang, I flinched, the speaker just above the door. "Well that's our cue." Asgore happily said, clutching a book near his chest. "See yah later guys!" Me and sans happily waved.
"BYE HUMAN AND BROTHER!" papy called, catching up with undyne. "Bye punks!" She grinned. "What's our first subject again?" I asked sans as we put our bags down. "Science" he said, not making eye contact. "Okay?" I said in confusion, sitting on my chair behind him. Is he OK? He's been grumpy lately? I sighed as I pulled my crayons and started doodling.
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