Lunch is on!
"Okay students! Be sure to be back on time!" Tr. Melody chimed, as we exited the room. "Hello freak!." The boy and his friends pushed the skeleKID he's bullying awhile ago, they laughed at him, as he tried to stand on his back.
This guy needs to stop. I grabbed my backpack and confronted the boys. "Hey! Back off! Stop bullying him!" I reprimanded them, "Whoa, what do we have here?" He said backing off. "I tell you to stop bullying him! He hasn't done anything wrong!" I scolded.
"What are you gonna do about it..hmm?" the guy pushed me away, as I lay on the ground with a bruise on my knee. "Oww!" I yelped in pain, they all laughed at me, calling me weird names.
"Haha you're worthless!" The red haired boy annoyed. "Worthless! Worthless! Pathetic!" They all laughed and sang shoving me, they threw my backpack away. "Stop! Stop!" I cried, but they didn't listen, they continued to laugh and holler at me.
"I wouldn't hurt her if I were you." A voice called behind me. "What? Isn't she a worthless freak like you?" The boy, who I presumed to be Kevin insulted the skeleton.
"May I ask you a question...." His voice became dark and scary. "Do you wanna have a bad time?" He faced us with his other eye flashing blue? he summoned bones to the guys direction, which startled them. "Ahhhhh! Run!" They screamed, scampering away.
"hey r u alright kid?" he said, approaching me as he extended his bony hand. "Its OK, I'm good, just a scar." I sighed, taking his hand as I slumped the backpack behind my back.
"Howbout I take ya to the clinic?" he asked. "No, its ok, I have a bandage, besides, we don't have much time for lunch." I said, unzipping my bag to get the bandage.
"So what's your name kid?" he asked as I applied the bandage on my knee. "Frisk!"
I exclaimed, extending my hand for a handshake. "Sans, sans the skeleton." he grinned, shaking my hand. "Pffft." I burst out laughing as sans did too. "Whoopee cushion in the hand trick." he chuckled.
"Haha that was funny." I beamed, as we walked to the school cafeteria. "Thanks for saving me back there sans!" I thanked him. "No prob kiddo, you should've not dealt with them, I can handle those kind of situations, so let me be." he smiled, dusting his hoodie.
"You know, you should stop calling me kid or kiddo."
"Why kiddo?" he grinned.
"Coz we're in the same age!" I said frustratedly.
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry bout that frisk." he said, scratching his skull.
~~~At the cafeteria ~~~
"So do you have someone to go with?" I asked facing him.
"Umm, actually..I -"
"HELLO BROTHER! ITS SO NICE TO SEE YOU!" a tall skeleton approached, hugging his brother, I giggled.
"Nice to see you too paps!" he said, as his face were scrunched up in the tight hug.
"paps! I'd like you to meet frisk! Frisk this is my brother paps, paps this is my classmate frisk." sans exclaimed, as he was set down.
"NICE TO MEET YOU HUMAN!" he squealed.
"Nice to meet you too papy!" I chuckled.
"So howbout we join you for lunch?" sans asked carrying his lunch box.
"Sure!" I beamed as we walked towards undyne, asgore and toriel.
"Hello frisk! Sans and papyrus!" Undyne yelled, leaping off the table, as she approached us.
"Hiya!" I chimed.
"Why hello sans and papyrus! Why didn't we saw you this morning in the bus?" toriel asked as she ate her butterscotch pie.
"OH BECAUSE SANS HERE, WOKE UP LATE!" papyrus yelled. "I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT LATE TODAY!" papyrus frowned.
"Sorry paps, promise, I would get up early tomorrow." Sans reassured, patting his brother's back.
"Oh I see." Toriel said, wiping the pie off her chin. Undyne crept closer to sans and whispered something to him, while eyeing asgore. Sans' smile widened as they both gave asgore a two thumbs up.
Asgore shot them a glare, looking flustered as ever.
"OK let's eat!" I spat, interupping the tension between the three. We sat on the table, I sat between sans and papyrus, while undyne changed places with asgore, Which made sans giggle, undyne just wiggled her eyebrows at asgore. Asgore just ignored it, drinking his tea.
I pulled out my ham sandwich and my bottle of apple juice. Sans set his lunch box down, revealing a two bottles of ketchup? "Sans? Why are you drinking ketchup?" I anxiously asked.
"Oh, I just love em so much." He casually said, chugging the ketchup bottle down. "Okay?" I said, as I munched my sandwich.
"Hey sans?"
"What?" I reached for the two loaves of bread and smashed it by the sides of his face. "What are you?" I asked. "Umm...a SANSwich?" he beamed, as everyone of us chuckled and laughed, except papyrus.
Who looks enraged than happy. "OH MY GOSH SANS!" papyrus screamed as he fired sans of how the pun was terribly bad. We all laughed so hard, but then interrupted by the bell.
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