Friend or Foe?
The figures' silhouette grew smaller as they stepped closer, revealing three skeleton figures.
How many sanses are there in this multiverse?! Its getting really confusing, they all pop here and there from time to time. But I know for sure that these clones or other versions of him right now are far from good.
"I may not be in my real form but I can get used to this, after all, this is Littletale." The weird rainbow guy chuckled darkly.
"LEAVE THIS PLACE, ERROR..." Jade stood up, hate and fury in her eyes as she looked at him as if he's her mortal enemy. Is he though?
"HA! LOOK WHO JUST SHOWED UP TO RAIN ON MY PARADE~ ISN'T IT THE GOAT LOVER.~" he chuckled, that cockiness in his glitchy voice.
Jade flinched from the nickname, taking everything he said as an insult as her face dimmed showing no expression.
"Shut up Error! Just leave!" Sans retorted, backing her up as flames flickered on his right eye socket.
"Puhleasee! I just arrived, why not welcome your visitors? Its such a shame no one shows me and my crew such hospitality." He sang between the words, rolling his eyes as he gestured the reaper guy and a hooded glitchy figure.
For some reason, I noticed that the actions of Error's henchmen are quite odd..?They look like undead, no. Not like THE UNDEAD as skeletons but they act out of the ordinary like being controlled or something.
"Because you are NEVER welcome.." Sans gritted his teeth as Jade stood there, still in dead silence.
"Welp, I tried to be nice. Guess I'll have to take some of your friends." the reaper looking guy swirled his scythe and dark boomerang-like magic shot towards us.
The scythes cornered us in dark bands of grip, squeezing our lives out. I squirmed and tried to escape as well as sans, who tried to teleport himself but it was no use, since he couldn't snap his fingers.
"Flowey! Please help us! Better make it quick because they're taking them away!" I shot towards the immobile flower whose staring in fear.
"SHUT UP! I'M THINKING!" he hissed, his eye twitching hiding the fear in him.
"Seriously??! This isn't the right time to think Mr. Sassy!" I grunted, as the dark bands squeezed us tighter.
"Cmon! Your still into that?!"
"Say that again and I'll E N D Y O U." Sans threatened starting another dispute between the two.
Goodness, I really wanted to bonk them together right now. Starting a dispute in a dispute. Why are they so hard to comprehend?!
"Dreemurr, use the vines." Jade spoke in a monotone voice. Flowey perked up and puffed his cheeks. Waking into focus as green vines full of thorns emerged underneath us and anchored the dark bands down making them disappear in thin air.
Whoa, talk about expect the unexpected, I didn't know Flowey got some tricks under his pot. But why did Jade called him Dreemurr? Is that Flowey's real name or was it just the nickname she came up for him? Its odd, but Flowey started to act strange when Jade showed up.
Do they know each other? I brushed the questions of my head and focused at the situation at hand, I gasped for air and ran towards them.
"Hang in there, guys!" I called out as I watched them screaming and trying their best to escape but escaping was no use for them...but I can help.
Power surged within me as it reached the end of my fingertips. A red aura surrounded my palms and it blasted towards Reaper, knocking him down.
"Oh...My...Scrumptious Cookies... I DID IT!! HAHA!!" I fist bumped the air as everyone ran towards me.
"Frisk! How did you do that??!" They all asked simultaneously.
"One word....Magic~" I mystified, to be honest, I don't really know how I did that but I guess it has something to do with the cookies that Mrs. Winfret offered when she was new in town.
Every now and then, I can't help but think that Ms. Winfret is hiding something under her mischievous cooking recipes. One time after school, I heard her talking to someone by the garage.
They seem to be talking about something important but the words where barely audible, All I ever heard were "Determination" and "Power".
Such a nosy kid neighbor as myself wanted to hear their important commotion, just like how kids wanted to sneak in an adult conversation, what's the word? Eavesdropping....? Whoops!
"There's no time to lose! We gotta head to the exit!" Undyne retorted as we followed the order. I led them the way and beckoned towards the exit.
"You glitchy psychopath!" Jade reacted as she dashed towards him with a whip in hand but she missed when Error jumped up high and landed on his glitched gaster blaster.
Sans dashed towards him with an army of bones behind him and sent them flying in their way. Geno, the guy with a white jacket on's name I guess, summoned gaster blasters and burnt them to ashes.
"Running away so soon? Why not come and join us!" Geno blocked the exit and smiled evilly with a half tired Sans beside us.
"Sorry Mr. Geno, but we're gonna be late." I insisted as Tori and Corey helped Sans to stop him from stumbling.
"Late? But you're all just in time... In time for your DOOM." he chuckled and dashed before I could even blink, that's when I felt nausea dragging me down.
"Help! Tori!"
"Watch out!"
Faint screaming and calling rung in my head as darkness slowly clouded my vision.
"Thanks for the tokens, don't worry they'll all be in good use." Error chuckled as he, his crew and everyone ceased in the hole and disappeared.
~Tem Skip~
"Frisk! Wake up! Wake up!" A faint voice echoed in my ears, followed by a blurry vision.
Ugh... My head weighs like a thousand tons... I couldn't even move a muscle nor open my eyes. All for sure, I know is that I could hear faint voices. But it turned into silence...weird? I thought they were-
I jolted up wide eyed and felt adrenaline rushing as my heart thumped in an insane fast speed.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" That evil burst of small laughter made my headache a lot more painful than the song and the impact.
"Haha Really funny.." I rubbed my head and rolled my eyes sarcastically at Flowey as I cushioned myself on the unfamiliar bed.
"Whoops, I have to change that ringtone alarm. It comes in handy sometimes... Apologies, my soon daughter-in-law." A deep voice soothed my ears.
"DAAAAAAAAAAD! FOR *BEEP* SAKE! I'LL TOAST YOU ALIVE!!!"Sans' threathened, raising his small voice.
"Yes, yes my son, please mind your language... after you...TELL ME YOUR CRUSH~" he taunted in a childish manner as he started nudging Sans.
"Real mature dad, real mature.." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Are you alright, Frisk?" Jade asked, handing me a damp towel to remove the dirt all over me.
"Yeah, totes..." I smiled warmly.
"Where's Tori, Gorey, Alphys, Ton-ton, Papy and the others..?" I asked, hoping that It was only just a dream.
"Oh...they by error..." She sighed as Dr. G and Sans got a lot more serious.
"But why?? What does he want? Is there a way for us to bring them back?" I pleaded, still a tinge of hope in me.
"They're gonna kill them, so don't waste your breath to mention their-
"KEEP IT LOW, DREEMURR." Jade warned as she gave him a hard stare for a moment. Flowey scoffed and mumbled softly by himself.
"Yes, indeed, we may be able to bring them back...but it would take a miracle to find them easily.." Jade pondered.
".....................?" I gave her a confused look coz I seriously don't understand a thing. She seems to explain like how a philosopher would, it always comes in riddles, that takes a lot of thinking for me.
"She needs to know, Jade" Sans casually brought in. She only sighed and looked down in sorrow.
"Alright, but I would not give out everything...only the necessary things.."
"I'll go find something to cook for everyone, its almost dinner. I'm at the kitchen if you needed anything." Dr. G said, disappearing into the nearby hallway.
Dinner?! How long was I out??! Oh mom is gonna kill me!
"Don't worry about getting home, Frisk. Dad called your mom and told her that you'll stay here for the school project." Sans reassured with a wink.
Whoa...can he possibly read minds? Geez, there's so much more that I needed to learn about him.
"Dad got everything covered, so, no worries."
"Oh goodie" I sighed in relief. But I still can't stop worrying for her. Mom gets frantic whenever something dangerous like this happens. I might just call her tomorrow.
"Care to take a drink of ketchup?" Sans offered, handing an extra bottle of ketchup.
" thanks, I'm on a ketchup free diet." I chuckled lightly.
"Well, more for me then." He grinned and chugged the bottle down.
"So, to start things off...." Jade started, feeling uncomfortable and fidgety all of a sudden.
"I came from the future to help you" Jade exhaled it all out.
What?! But how..? Why?!
Aaaaand anothah cliff hangerrrrrr! xD
Apologies for that, I just can't piece the right words to continue this chapter ._. But I wrote this really loonggg, right?
I'm literally writing this for straight 2 hours and its already 10pm. Holy cow my eyes hurt O_O
So I remembered TheMiniArtsy and HEART_MELERA_123 for a request on how the story plot would run along. Tho it became a conversation xD
They both shared the same suggestion to add Poth in the story and then *cool brain blast sound*
IT GAVE ME A WONDAHFUL IDEA! Sorry it took long ._. Thank you for you guys! ^w^ I'll add them in the next chapter . Sadly, they wouldn't be teachers :( BUT! Instead, they'll be a big part of the story plot twist!
*Poth fangirls' screams*
Yes yes, no need to thank me xD
Also I have a teensy bit problem ehehe
You see, I don't know much about Palette and Goth.
All I ever know is that Palette's parents are Ink and Dream. On the other hand, Goth's parents are Reaper and Geno. (Have I mistaken? Please correct me if I'm wrong)
So yeah, I need your help about their personalities. I'm not really a Poth shipper so I have limited knowledge of them.
But I'm starting to research and try to learn more about them.
Thank you in advance! All your comments and votes are highly appreciated tho I don't respond to most of you, I read every single comment y'all give.
And it makes me laugh in most of how hilarious they are to me *sheds a tear of laughter*
So thaaaaaank youuu!💓💓💓 I can't believe this story would reach 7k reads! I can't thank y'all no more :)))))))
Anywho, I'm stealing some of your precious time with this crappy note xD so byeeee! Till the next chappie!
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