First Day
"Sweetie! Breakfast's ready!" mom called me from downstairs.
"Coming!" Yass! I'm so excited for today!Today's the first day of school!" I squealed with delight as I ran downstairs.
"Excited are we?" mom smiled, as she was washing the dishes.
"Yep! Today's the first day of school!" I muffled, flailing my hands in the air, as pancakes were stuffed in my mouth. Mom laughed at my energetic actions.
~~~Tem skippp!~~~
"Goodbye sweetie! I'll pick you up later! Have fun!" mom said waving at me.
"I will" I grinned, climbing on the school bus. The school bus was crowded with humans and monsters. I walked in and saw a spare seat beside a boy.
"Hey! Mind if I seat here?" I cheerfully asked. "Umm..sorry my friend sits here." He apologized. "Oh OK." Hmm..there are no more seats..except for the goat like kid by the back, he was reading a book, approached him.
"Umm..h-hello! May I sit here?" I stuttered. He looked at me, shutting his book close. "Oh sure!" he smiled. "Thanks!" I plopped beside him and looked at the book his reading, "what are you reading?" I asked. "O-oh u-uh a book a-about flowers!" he grinned, showing me the book.
"Wow! How fascinating! They're so pretty!" I exclaimed. "Yeah! They sure are! But, I like buttercups the most."
"Me too!" I exclaimed, we talked about how fascinating the flowers are for a couple of minutes.
"That's cool!" I shot, as he closed his book and laid it on his lap. "By the way, the name's asgore!" he cheerfully stated. "Nice to meet you asgore! The name's frisk!" I extended my hand and shook his.
The bus stopped as a goat like girl walked in, carrying a small violet backpack. "Hi toriel!" Asgore stood up, waving awkwardly at her. "Oh, hello gorey!" She smiled as she waved back, coming towards us. "Ehehe." He looked flustered as he sat beside me.
"Oh, who's this?" She asked gesturing towards me. "Oh! Tori meet frisk! Frisk meet tori!" he explained. "Nice to meet you toriel!" I happily said. "Same here frisk!" She exclaimed sitting between me and asgore.
She reached for her backpack and pulled a pie out of the container. "You guys want some?" She asked, looking at the both of us. "Sure!" Asgore beamed as toriel handed it to him. "No thanks! I'm good" I casually said with a smile. "Gorey! Careful! Its hot!" Toriel exclaimed, giving asgore a worried look. Asgore's eyes started to tear up.
"HOOOOT!" he shouted, panicking on his seat. "Here! I have some water!" I said, reaching for my water bottle, but suddenly a fish like girl dashed and shoved a bottle of water into his mouth. Asgore started to calm a bit.
"Haha Ive saved you again! Glad Im always right on time!" she proudly said, puffing her chest. "Thank you undyne!" Toriel thanked her. "No problem tori!" She exclaimed. Sitting beside me. "Heya! What's your name punk?" She asked with a toothy grin. "Oh the names frisk!" I smiled.
"Oh nice to meet you!" She looked around, then to me. "You wanna hear a secret?" She asked, whispering on my ear while eyeing on asgore with her mischievous grin. "Uh sure?" I said, giving her a puzzled look. "Gorey has a-" "UNDYNE!" asgore screamed at her face. Everyone on the bus, looked at us.
"Umm..sorry." Toriel apologize as everyone started to mind their on biz again. "That isn't proper gorey! Don't shout at undyne! She did nothing wrong!" Toriel huffed crossing her arms. "Sorry..undyne." Asgore apologized, looking down. "Fuhuhu! No problem GOREY!" undyne teased.
Asgore glared at her as undyne giggled silently. The bus suddenly, stopped I looked outside to see a big humongous school, crowding with children. "We're here!" Toriel jumped, as we walked out of the bus. "Wow! This is amazing!" I gazed in awe, watching some monsters and humans chatting around the campus.
"Let's go find our rooms!" Undyne said, dragging his inside.
~~~~temmmm skippp~~~~
"Hmm, oh look! Tori! Me you and asgore are classmates!" She exclaimed hugging them, "oh goodie!" She beamed. "Aww, come on! We aren't classmates!" I nonchalantly said, reading the list.
"That's okay frisk! We can meet up later at lunch!" Toriel reassured me, patting my shoulder. "Sure! See you guys later!" I waved, as I saw them running into their classroom. I can do this, I sighed entering my classroom, as I sat down the third chair by the first row.
I watched the other kids run around the room playing tag. "Good morning kids!" A tall lady came. "Goodmorning teacher!" Everyone of us greeted. "My name is Tr. Melody." She wrote on the blackboard.
"And we're gonna have lots of-" she was interupped as the door creaked open, revealing a skeleKID. "Late on first day huh?" tr. Mel said, giving the kid a warm smile. "Oh, sorry tr. I forgot that today's the first day of school." He smiled.
"Oh, very well then, have a seat." She gestured him the seat in front of me.
He sat down and put his bag by the side.
I saw a bunch of kids, whispering and giggling while looking at the kid. A boy threw a crumpled paper on him, it landed on his skull.
He opened the crumpled paper and I saw it read. I GOT MY EYE ON YOU, LAZYBONES. he crumpled it and threw it into the trash can, he looked down as the kids kept on laughing at him. Poor him, bullied on the first day of school. I thought.
I need to help this guy! I need to tell those kids that its bad to bully! I pounded my fist, Determined to help the kid.
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