the closet is running out of people
"Ze?! Ze, what happened to you? Weren't you in third a few seconds ago? Where'd you go, buddy?"
Steven groans, letting the controller drop onto his bed and his head fall into his hands. "It's not fair, Chilly. I went from third to tenth, I swear there wasn't a single thing that didn't hit me!" He shook his head, tensing up as a hand rubbed his back gently.
"Awh. Is little Stevie sad? It's okay, why don't we take a break? I'm hungry, we should go get something to eat."
Steven peeks through his fingers to look over at his friend, eyebrow raised. Didn't he just eat? Where does he even put all that food anyways?
"I don't know what we have to eat. There might be some leftovers in the fridge if you're okay with that."
"I checked. There's nothing good." Anthony nods his head confidently.
"Not even the pizza? I know for a fact that there's pizza in there."
Anthony made a face. "But there's pineapple on it. Who orders that?!" Suddenly, Anthony runs up to Steven and pulls his hands off of his face, leaning in very close.
"Did you order that? You know I can't be friends with you if you did."
"No. I would never," Steven whispers.
They're close. They're close, foreheads leaning on each other and lips nearly touching, Steven can feel his breath fanning out against him and for a moment he can't help but wonder what it would feel like to kiss Anthony.
The thought, in fact, is so intrusive, so sudden, that Steven leans forward and, instead of kissing Anthony, knocks him backwards onto the floor.
"Woah! Ze? What happened there? How'd you even lose your balance like that?"
Steven didn't know how he was supposed to respond when he felt like he was about to melt out of embarrassment.
What even happened there? Why would you ever think that something so stupid would be a good idea?
But... What would've happened if I had kissed him? I would've- I don't know, been all mushy and cute and maybe he would be my boyfriend or something?
Steven simply shrugged, a sheepish smile stuck on his face.
(hahaha I'm proud of myself for that one idk why)
"You tried to kiss him and fucked up that badly? Wow. Impressive, Ze." Minx chuckles, tapping a hand on the steering wheel impatiently as she looks around.
"Are we finally getting out of here, or-"
"What the fuck is that little shithead doing?! Does he really think that giant fucking truck of his is gonna fit through this tiny little- oh." The truck pulls forwards, successfully trapping them in the middle of the parking lot.
"Where are we going, anyways?" Steven quietly pulls out his phone, scrolling through his messages. Max had sent him something this morning and-
"Why is Max yelling at you over text? Actually, don't answer that. I reckon it was something stupid that you did." Minx speaks quietly, staring longingly at the trail of cars trying to exit.
"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going because I was more focused on defending my fuck-up with Chilled that I almost got run over this morning." Steven stares at his lap, feeling a bit ashamed.
Minx cackles, and he can feel the car begin to move. Whether she's laughing because of him or because they can actually drive now is unknown to him.
Ten minutes later they're at a house. It's not one he recognizes, though, and he's about to ask when a girl comes out onto the porch, waving her hands at Minx excitedly. It doesn't solve anything, but it does keep him from actually asking Minx about it because Minx is suddenly dragging him out of the car.
"Krism! This is Ze, he's pretty nom. I brought him because he had nothing else going on today." Minx leads him up to the girl, who grins at him mischievously.
Ze briefly wonders if everyone he met was going to be taller than him. Minx towered over him, being the same height as Anthony, and this other girl, Krism, was probably a good three inches taller.
"Ze, this is my girlfriend Krism. And yes, I know we're both tall." Minx smiles proudly, and the sight of it makes his heart warm.
He looks between the two of them, and gives a little laugh. "That's cute and all, but... Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Minx shrugs. "It never seemed relevant. "
Krism scoffs, grabbing them both by the arm and leading them inside. "You guys are boring! Let's go watch some anime or something!"
Well, somehow anime and junk food turned into "ask Ze about his love life" while anime plays in the background. What anime is this, anyways? Why is everyone freaking out? Why are there six of them and only four cake-thingies?
"So you almost kissed him, but chickened out? Or did you just panic and mess up?" Minx is currently braiding Krism's hair, who is trying to stack flower crowns and hair clips on Steven.
Steven, admittedly, doesn't mind as much as he thought he would. "Kinda both, honestly. It was kinda awkward after that. We both sort of laughed it off, but then he had to go because his mom was mad at him for just wandering off out of nowhere."
"Well, first off, if Minxy gives you any advice, do not take it. Second, why don't you ask him out and kiss him there? Take him to a movie or out to eat. Everyone loves- ow. Michelle! Stop pulling my hair!" Krism whines softly from behind Steven, accidentally knocking the stack off of his head.
"Well, the thing is, we've done that before. Both of them, actually. What else should I do? I'm pretty sure he likes me, it's just that I don't know how to go and... You know.."
"Well, take him somewhere cool! It's October now, all kinds of stuff are going to open up!" Krism grins excitedly, having moved to Steven's side to start doing who knows what with his hair.
"By the way, Krism and I are probably throwing a Halloween party this year. I reckon you'll come?"
Steven nodded silently, a plan beginning to form in his head.
I mean, come on. How bad could a party possibly go?
Fun facts from the author: this story was initially going to end with people dying. Then i realized that I'm bad at writing sad stuff so I gave up on it
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