spiders, spooks, and shovels
The door shut on them. There was basically no way around it- they were trapped in the creepy little shed.
Okay, okay. Steven needed to calm down. There was no reason to panic, there really wasn't. All they had to do was wait for someone to come let them out, they could send a text and....
Right. Neither of them had their phones, because it was early in the morning and they hadn't ever thought they'd be in this situation.
Steven looks over to Chilled, and finds himself whining softly. "Chilly? Did that door really shut that hard?"
Chilled's response is a grunt as he shoves himself against the door, pushing it with all of his strength. It doesn't budge, however, and this leads to him groaning as he slides down against it to sit on the floor.
"So we're fucked?" Steven frowns down at Anthony, who just nods.
"Yeah," he mumbles. "Don't think we'll get out of here for a while."
Steven sighs tiredly, joining his friend on the floor. He snuggles into Anthony's side, shivering slightly. "It's cold in here, Chilly. You're not cold?"
Anthony looks at him, the rolls his eyes. "No, buddy. But you're always in jackets or something, of course you're cold. You need some warmth?"
Steven nodded his head, about to go snuggle up to Anthony when he noticed something behind him. Something small and black, crawling onto Anthony's head.
"No snuggles, buddy? You know, use each other for body heat? None of that?" Anthony pouts slightly, giving Steven a hurt look.
"Uh... Yeah! I just thought i saw something on you, that's all!" Steven laughs awkwardly, sitting next to his Anthony on the floor. Maybe he was just imagining the spider, maybe he's just tired.
Steven shrugs the idea off, choosing to cuddle into Anthony's side. "I'm tired,Anthony. Why did you choose now to go check out this death trap?"
Anthony chuckles and wraps an arm around him. "I guess I wanted to get you alone, you know? We could totally get some alone time in here, if you catch my drift," Anthony laughs. He winks at Steven, making him smile and roll his eyes.
"Seriously, Chilled. We're gonna be in here for a while, because I doubt any of us are morning people, and-"
"Ze? Ze.... What's on my head?" Anthony cuts him off, sounding mildly panicked as he stays perfectly still.
"I... Nothing, nothing! It's just a little bug, okay? Look I need you to not panic, okay? Just sit- stay still! I'll get it off your head, just..." Steven tried to reach out, to grab the spider, but it falls into Anthony's lap.
Anthony is immediately doing the complete opposite of what Anthony said. He scrambles to his feet, screeching about how the spider on his head was totally going to kill him, and how Steven should've warned him.
There's so much yelling and panicking coming from Anthony that Steven finds himself feeling the same way. In the midst of his panic, he grabs the first thing he can reach and smacks the spider with it.
The thing is, though, Steven grabs the shovel, of all things, and not only does he swing a shovel at Anthony, but he misses the spider entirely. Instead he hits Anthony on the head, sending him to the floor completely unconscious.
If Steven wasn't worried before, he sure as hell was now. Steven found himself pushing Anthony's body to the side of the shed, leaning him against the wall. He tried to check him over for any injuries, or to see if the spider was there, but found that he couldn't keep Anthony stable. He kept falling over.
"Oh, oh fuck," Steven whispers, backing up nervously. He sets the shovel down against the wall, and sits across from Anthony. "I think I killed him," Steven mumbles to himself.
He tries to stay up, to watch over Anthony, but he finds that he can't. Then again, getting up at the crack of dawn is a bit tiring, especially if you only got some four hours of sleep.
His eyelids feel heavy, and the only thought he can really process is the one telling him to go to sleep and deal with everything when he's awake. And since Anthony wasn't able to protest, Steven did exactly that.
Steven wakes up, however, with Smarty in front of his face, waving his hands around. It takes Steven a moment to process everything, but when he does, he sits up a bit straighter and looks around.
"Can I help you?" Steven looks up at Smarty, who rolls his eyes.
"Yeah! Why are you guys sleeping in a shed? And why does Chilled have a bump on his head? What did you do to him?" Smarty points over at Anthony, who is either fast asleep or still unconscious.
"Uh..." Steven pauses for a moment, trying to think back to their 4 a.m. shenanigans. "There was a spider, and he was freaking out, and I swung at it with a shovel, and..."
"And you murdered him? A little harsh, but I can work with this," Tom jokes. "But we're gonna have to find a way to lug him back inside. Then we'll eat whatever Aphex makes us for breakfast."
"You go back inside and clean yourself up," Galm orders. "You look like shit. We'll dispose of the body."
Steven scoffs and rolls his eyes as he gets up. "Yes, Mom."
He does as he's told, though, because the dirt and dust that was all over the shed made him feel grimy, and a shower sounded wonderful right now. So he takes a shower, then puts on some more comfortable clothes, and walks into the kitchen.
"Oh! Ze, help me with the pancakes! Flip, can you? I'm making a sausage." Aphex shoves a spatula into Steven's hands and pushes him towards the stove.
"A single sausage?" Steven chuckles as he begins to flip the pancakes. "Do you want me to put more on, or is this all?"
"Yes, a single sausage because someone ate all the others. And yeah, use whatever pancake stuff we have left. I don't know how much I made," Aphex hums, doing... something on the counter.
The kitchen was quiet, and Steven would be lying if he said he didn't like the calmness of making breakfast. It was peaceful and simple, enough so to make him completely forget about Anthony.
The subject of Anthony is forgotten about until after breakfast, actually, because it's Aphex who looks around at the dirty plates and asks, "Where's Chilled?"
Galm laughs. "We had trouble carrying his fat ass for more than a few seconds, so we used a wheelbarrow to bring him over. But we can't get him out, so he's chillin' outside right now."
Steven and Aphex both look out the back window, where, sure enough, Chilled is there, fast asleep in a wheelbarrow.
Heya guys!!! I don't actually have anything to say, I just wanted to say hi. I smell like vanilla because I've been baking all day. Send help.
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