How to date: Steven Style
Steven felt happy right now. It was February 12th. Two days before Valentine's day, to be specific. And Steven was currently sitting in history, waiting for the bell to ring.
He scribbles mindlessly on his paper, completely absorbed in his plans for the 14th. He and Anthony were gonna go out and eat somewhere nice, and then they were gonna go out and catch a movie, or maybe just run around in the park like a couple of losers and then go back to Steven's place for some games.
Only... Their plans weren't quite official yet. Steven hadn't asked Anthony about any plans for the day, and Anthony hasn't mentioned any plans, either...
So simply put, Steven was gonna ask Anthony out on a date. And he was gonna be super smooth and flirty and casual, and he was also going to charm Anthony into getting him his lunch because Steven is lazy.
The bell finally rings, making Steven nearly jump with joy. He grabs his stuff and heads towards the cafeteria, more than eager to see his boyfriend. He and Chilled have been dating for about three weeks now, and it's been the best three weeks of his life.
He giggles to himself, feeling giddy at the idea of being able to kiss Anthony again. Though they had gone out for breakfast earlier this morning (and by that, Steven means they missed their first two classes because they couldn't decide what to eat), Steven felt as though he hadn't seen Anthony in years.
Steven steps into the cafeteria, smiling as he makes his way over to his usual table. His smile grows even bigger as he notices Ritz has joined them, sitting in the corner between Chilled and Smarty.
His smile vanishes completely the moment he realizes something is wrong, because Ritz is slumped over, looking a bit upset. Steven quickly slides into his usual spot, looking around at all his friends for some kind of context.
"Midlife crisis," Tom says casually. "Something went down, and now Ritz needs a good pick-me-up for Valentine's day so he's not some sad loser eating an entire tub of ice cream while crying over soap operas."
"Oh, wow. Way to have faith in him," Galm remarks. He reaches over Smarty and Tom, grabbing Ritz's tray. "I'm taking your bread, by the way, Ritz. Someone's gotta eat that."
Ritz gives a wry smile, a tired look on his face. "Yeah, sure."
"Well," Steven starts, feeling a bit awkward, "I was here to talk about Valentine plans, but if this is a bad time..."
Ritz shakes his head, a small laugh coming from him. "Nah, dude, it's fine. Share with us your gay agenda."
Steven blushes at the statement, having not been prepared for such... Ritz-ness. "W-well, I, uh... I-I kinda just wanted to- wanted to ask Chilled if he could... You know...."
He doesn't know what to say. Why was this so hard? Anthony was right here in front of him! His boyfriend was right here!
"Y-you. You. And me. Movie," Steven chokes out awkwardly. "Um... O-on Valentine's day. Like a- like a date."
Anthony looks at him with amusement in his eyes and a grin on his face. "Of course, buddy! Isn't that what boyfriends are for?"
Ritz chuckles along with everyone else, all of them getting a kick out of Steven's awkwardness.
"You'd think it would be easier to ask your boyfriend out on a date," Galm comments thoughtfully.
Aphex gives an offended look, smacking Galm upside the head. "That doesn't mean shit coming from you!"
"What? What's that supposed to mean, you midget?" Galm gives Aphex a challenging look, still eating away at an apple.
Aphex stands up and leans over the table, returning Galm's stare. "You asked me out by throwing a rock at my head. If that isn't a shitty way to ask your boyfriend out, then I don't know what is."
"Well.... Fuck," Galm sighs, leaning back against the wall. "You got me there. But I'm still less awkward than Ze, so there's that."
Anthony laughs happily, grabbing Steven and pulling him up against his side. "I love you guys, you know that? But I love Ze more than any of you. Just saying."
So now Steven is standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, trying his best to fix his hair. No matter what he did to his hair, it would just stick up in the same curly mess it always did.
And don't even get Steven started on his clothing. He had been forced to come to the horrifying realization that he had nothing special to wear besides a nice flannel shirt that wasn't even his. It was Anthony's, he had left it here one night after dropping Steven off and had never come back for it.
The doorbell rings downstairs, making him jump. He quickly puts on his shoes, and gives himself one last pep talk as he looks in the mirror.
He looks better than usual today. He is cute and happy and nowhere near as awkward as he usually is. Steven is a cool dude.
He takes a deep breath as he opens up the front door, revealing none other than Anthony, standing on his doorstep all dressed up with a bouquet roses and a big box tied up with a ribbon.
"Happy love day, Ze! You ready to go do whatever dates do?"
aaaaand we are back from the grave whoop y'all ready for this?
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