butterflies, butterflies
"Hah! Get fucked, Team Steven's got this!"
"Believe in the Stevens!"
"What?! Wait-wait, what about team Italy? Smarty, get your shit together!"
"What do you mean get your shit together, I'm in third place!"
"Galm, does our team have a name?"
"No, we're not even supposed to be teaming! This is fucking free for all!"
It had been like this for the last hour and a half- thanks to someone suggesting the six of them try some Mario Kart. To Steven's delight, the six of them blended together really well.
Being with these guys were nice. Especially when you and the other Steven were kicking ass.
"No! Fuck you guys and your shitty teams!" Galm stands up, controller dropping onto the bed as he turns and walks out of the room, ranting without a care.
Aphex is curled into a ball, giggling hysterically to himself, Smarty quickly joining in. Steven smiles at the sight, only for it to fade the instant he hears a loud "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT WHO CHANGED MY PHONES BACKGROUND TO A SHITTY DICK DRAWING," and then they all begin to laugh.
They were all at Galm's house, which made it even better when Galm threatened them.
"I swear to god, if anyone changes my phone's lock screen to another meme I'm grounding you. All of you!"
Tom laughs, looking away from the game of Smash to raise an eyebrow at Galm. "What, are you our mom or something?"
"Well, you know what they say, his house his rules," Smarty chimes in. Chilled nods his head in agreement from his spot on the floor.
Steven chuckles quietly. "So, who wants food? I'm all for ordering pizza right now. Especially since Galm's probably not gonna cook for us."
Aphex raises his hand like a child. "I am!"
"Can we get broccoli on it?" Chilled looks... excited, to say the least.
"No, broccoli gives you gas, and we're tired of that shit." Smarty and Tom speak in unison, turning to look at Chilled. They then look at each other, straight into each other's eyes.
Steven can't help but wonder if they're dating or not. Chilled says they aren't, but when you look at them....
It's probably better not to ask.
"I had fun today. Even if my mom's gonna yell at me over this."
Steven smiles up at Chilled as they walk towards Steven's house. Anthony had been kind enough to offer to walk him home, claiming that "it's dangerous to go alone so late at night."
"Yeah. It was pretty nice, but I think Sark is gonna give me detention tomorrow for walking out of class." Anthony looks up, a calm smile on his face.
With the way the moonlight hits him, along with the faint glow from the lights on the nearby houses...
It made him look nice. There was just something about Anthony that was so good about him. Being with Anthony felt sweet and comfy, like hanging out with an old friend. And being with Smarty and the others?
It felt like home. There wasn't any other way Steven could describe it. They made him feel safe and happy, Anthony made him feel loved and the others were amazing too, but...
Anthony was just really, really nice.
"You look cute when you're thinking. Like, your thinking face is cute," Anthony blurts out of nowhere.
Steven feels himself blush lightly, and he looks over at Anthony who's turned away, his cheeks also a slight pink.
"Sorry, I, uh, wasn't thinking."
"It's okay. You're cute when you're all flustered like this." Steven can't help but giggle at his friend.
Anthony rolls his eyes, then wraps his arm around Steven's shoulders. The action feels so natural that Steven doesn't even question it. He just leans into Anthony and allows himself to be lead home.
Of course, ten minutes later they're at Steven's front door, and, of course, Steven finds that he doesn't want to let go. But he does, and is instead standing across from Anthony instead of leaning into his side.
"You know you gotta go inside your house, right, buddy?" Anthony chuckles to himself.
"Well, yeah, but..." Steven's voice trails off into silence, as he stares up at Chilled.
The urge to kiss him, right here, right now, is overwhelming.
And so, without giving it any more thought, Steven stretches up onto the tips of his toes and kisses Anthony.
If Steven told you it was like in the movies, with sparks flying and everything being perfect, he would be lying.
Their teeth clacked together, Anthony almost fell over backwards, and Steven realises halfway into the kiss that he bit his tongue somewhere along the way. His heart's pounding so quickly that he's surprised Anthony can't hear it, and he's never kissed anyone before so he's not sure what to do with his nose or if he should try to open his eyes.
But he feels Anthony smile into the kiss, he feels a little rush of excitement run through his body, and it felt perfect just the same.
(a.n: writers block is a biiiiitch. i mean so is ap world history but lets be real here, who's the real bitch?)
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