Bryce's tree troubles- the second holiday special
It was finally time for Bryce and his friends to set up the tree. Minx and Krism had come over earlier this morning, and Ohm was going to be over in a few. Ritz might come over too, if time allowed them.
Ritz had told him that he and Adam were taking a few others and "snowing some balls," whatever that meant. Bryce didn't want to know, honestly.
He smiles to himself as he stares at the empty space in his living room- big enough for the tree to be placed in.
He didn't actually have a tree yet. Minx and Krism had heard about his tree issue and offered to bring one over for him, though, and who was Bryce to refuse such kindness? The two girls were gonna bring the tree over, and they would all decorate it together. With Ohm, of course, because according to him, Christmas wouldn't be the same without him.
Bryce was pretty sure Ohm was only showing up for cookies and hot chocolate.
He sits down on the couch, smiling as one of his cats comes up and lays on his lap. Hopefully this would go well. It would suck if his cats knocked the tree over again. Then again, that was probably inevitable considering there were four cats and one tree.
But with four (possibly five) people decorating, they were bound to scare the cats off. So all Bryce had to do is wait and hopefully everything would go according to plan!
A knock on the door makes him sit up, smiling brightly as he opens it up to reveal Minx. She gestures to the truck parked in front of his house, nodding her head.
Bryce gets her message, and goes to help them drag the tree inside. The first thing he notices though, is how this tree was absolutely massive. It had to be at least twice his height, at least!
"Uh... Guys? Where are we gonna put it? I don't know if this is gonna fit in my house. Actually wait- it's not gonna fit. Not at all." Bryce laughs awkwardly as he watches Minx and Krism stare down at the tree, then over at Bryce's house.
"We'll make it fit. We can cut a bit off the bottom if we need to. Don't you worry, Bryce. We've got this shit," Krism insists.
Three hours later, and all they've done is fail miserably at cutting a dang tree. They got a few nicks in it, but none of them had anything to cut the tree with.
Bryce had found an axe, but the axe handle had broken and now they had the sharp end of the axe stuck in the tree. None of them owned a chainsaw, so they were kinda stuck.
This lead to them calling up their friends and asking if they happened to own a chainsaw. Luckily, Adam knew a guy and said he would drop one off for them. So now they were waiting inside, drinking hot chocolate and trying to decorate the inside.
It was hard when Bryce's cats kept batting at all the tinsel and chewing on mistletoe. But then again, the mistletoe was mostly an excuse for Minx and Krism to make out in various doorways. So maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all.
The knocking on his door was a welcome distraction from the happy couple making out in Bryce's bathroom.
He opens it to see Ohm there with a chainsaw in hand, grinning.
"Hello, Brycey. I ran into Adam and he told me to give this to you. You're not planning anything, are you now?" He hands the chainsaw over, laughing as he steps inside.
Bryce rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. We just need to cut the tree a bit. It's a huge tree, you know."
Ohm looks back out at the tree, then nods. "I assume Minx and Krism are busy right now?"
"You can say that."
Ohm nods again, then pulls Bryce outside. "Well, the chainsaw noise is bound to kill the mood. They'll come out once they hear us starting without them."
"Do you even know how to use a chainsaw? It looks a bit dangerous doing it like this," Bryce notes. "Shouldn't you put on goggles or something like that in case of flying wood? You know, safety first?"
Ohm shakes his head. "Too much work. All we gotta do is start it up and plow through the tree. Watch me, alright? I'll do this for you."
Bryce makes sure to stand a few feet back as Ohm cuts the tree. He wasn't sure how this was gonna work, but hey, at least he was having fun.
Well, Ohm's theory of interrupting Krism and Minx's "session" only half worked. Instead of stopping the kissing all together, they simply moved to a quieter spot- Bryce's bedroom.
Ohm had insisted on getting revenge by getting it on in Minx's bedroom instead, but that didn't seem all that appealing to Bryce.
So they just locked the two lovers inside, assuming that they'll notice once they're done with... with whatever it is they were doing. Bryce didn't want details.
He and Ohm had managed to get the tree cut and inside, with a surprising lack of injury. They were now trying to decorate it, but the main problem here was that they didn't quite agree on what to do with it.
"I'm telling you, Bryce! There's no need for so many cat ornaments! It needs more sparkle!" Ohm gestures towards a few glittery ornaments, and groans as Bryce pushes them aside.
"But what do I do with all of these then?" Bryce gestured towards a small collection of cat themed ornaments, in all shapes and sizes. "You can't tell me we're just gonna leave them off!"
"Well... Maybe a few. They're kinda cute," Ohm admits, taking one into his hands to examine.
"So I win?" Bryce is already beginning to place them on the tree.
"Well, I guess. You didn't even wait for me to surrender, wow." Ohm fakes a hurt look as he places his cat ornament on the tree.
He then begins to hang up the glittery ones, too.
"There, see? We did it, Bryce! Without Minx or Krism's help!" Ohm gestures to the tree, a proud look on his face.
"Wow, so independent," Minx remarks, coming in through the front door. Krism is right behind her, looking impressed at the tree.
"What exactly were you guys... Actually, I don't wanna know," Bryce admits.
Minx shrugs. "We got a bit festive, I guess. Nice of you to give us privacy, though. I reckon you locked the door for that very reason, of course."
Ohm snickers. "So how'd you get out?"
"The window," Krism announces. "We climbed out the window."
"You guys did a nice job at decorating, though. It's- oh!" Minx gets cut off as the tree comes falling down, two of Bryce's cats scrambling out of the tree as it falls.
Bryce just groans, and tries to resist yelling at his cats.
"Well, it was a nice job. Now we gotta do it over again," Krism corrects. "It's okay, because this time we can help! See? It all works out in the end!"
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