A/N Just a random dream, it will be only one chapterA/N
The punch snapped my head back and made my vision swarm and I tried to breath through the pain that ricocheted through my body and not swallow to much of the blood spilling into my mouth.
Ray said to much blood in my stomach would make me sick.
"Where is he?" Dead man number one asked as I lulled my head back forward and took a deep breath only to tell them "My boyfriend isn't going to be happy you left a mark" with with a big smile making Deadman number two punch me so hard everything went black and I started to Remeber how I came to be in this situation.
Silent tears ran down my face as I laid sprawled on my side on the hard linoleum covered concrete floors in the little closet like room. There was an old mattress stained with my blood and bodily fluids left from my cousin and aunt when they decided to pay me a visit.
Memphis had just left and I couldn't bare to look at the nasty bed or my blood covered legs as the words he roughly whispered in my ears played over and over in my head, 'Your so pretty... So fucking pretty Kellan'.
I threw up the little contents of my stomach before I heard a muffled scream and a low thud come from the kitchen below my room followed by my aunts short scream.
I slowly got to my feet and made my way out into the hallway, listening as hard as I could but heard nothing but silence until I hit the main floor and heard a strange wet slashing sound as if someone was running a wet sponge back and forth in a puddle.
As I rounded the dining room that connected to the kitchen via an arched opening, I saw what was making the strange sound and my mind refused to comprehend what it was I was seeing.
A young man with shoulder length red hair pulled back into a ponytail was was sitting on the waist of my aunt on the kitchen island. The top half of her body was laying on the counter as her hips and legs lay limp slightly out as if the boy had jumped on her waist and broke her spine on the island top leaving her legs to go as the may underneath her.
The wet sound came from the boy happily pulling her insides out, splashing her blood along his bronzed skin as he acted as if he was in a bathtub and was playing with a toy, making what I assumed to be her heart and a lung bash into each other.
His lips moved as if making a pewpew noise but no sound left his mouth.
I stood there watching him for I don't know how long until I noticed Memphis sitting with his back against the fridge with at least fifty stab wounds in him but he was breathing and attempting to get up while trying to call me over.
I didn't move. I couldn’t, my body just wouldn't comply and every time I looked at him I saw him laying on me. He was a rapist and a pedophile and I didn't want to help him! He was the adults he was supposed to help me! I was 16 he was 43! But in the end it didn't matter, I started to cry as I slowly slid my food forward to go to my cousin and help him but as soon as my foot moved the boys head whipped towards me. His face which had no emotions looked slightly like a gorgeous mask until it split into the creepiest smile I had ever seen making me stop all movement as my mouth fell open and I just starred at him.
As if he was a clown he proceeded to make strange faces at me, stand up then slowly lower himself backwards until his hands hit the floor and do several back flips before giving me another creepy ass smile.
I can't lie it was entertaining and I felt myself smile a little watching the strange boy who was surprisingly short, he barely reached my chest.
As he finished his seventh bow he turned away from me and produced 3 long bladed knifes and began to juggle them. His eyes never left me until he threw the knives one by one behind him and I heard a garbled scream and my blood ran cold.
I was so caught up in the act that I forgot this boy was covered in blood and had killed my aunt and now Memphis. The boy threw up his hands like he had just completed some amazing act and stayed like that.
I wasn't sure what he was waiting for until his face went blank again and he began Stalking towards me. I tripped trying to scamper backwards to keep space between us but the pain on my lower area made my legs give out.
The boy sat on my chest and pulled another long knife out from God knows where and slammed it into the hardwood floor by my head and began scraping something into it.
Where the fuck do these knives keep coming from?
When he was done he smiled again and started to clap his hands like a crazy person before stopping and staring at me blankly. His eyes were a beautiful gray I had never seen before. Now that I looked at him he was beautiful all over. He couldn't have been older the 15 with his baby doll face and maybe of mixed descent with his caramel bronzed skin but his eyes and his hair color were not normal for his denomination.
He smiled again grabbing both of my hands and began to make me clap until I started on my own.
He then jumped up with a smile and bowed several times as I clapped from the ground. After draged a chair over, helped me up and began to put on a puppet show with the dead bodies of my family. He never spoke tho and I didn't think he could hear me as I pleaded for him to stop.
It was about 5:30am when I saw headlights pull into my driveway and the boy dropped the body's and with no emotions on his face began to collect his knives. But before he left he wrote a note with the bloodied hand of my aunt and left it on the kitchen island with one of his smaller blades through it. Then gave me a girly wave before contortions and twisting himself through the small kitchen window which my aunt use to leave open. No human should have been able to fit through it!
I sat there for at least four hours waiting to see if he'd come back to kill me but he didnt.
He was gone.
I jumped up and looked at the floor to see what he had written and it said "smile, I'm Ray." And nothing else
The I slowly walked over the blood covered floor to the mutilated corpse of my aunt that was not laying chest down on the counter near the letter he had wrote layed with the small bloodied knife in it. The note said "See you soon" in blood with a disfigured smiley face after.
***********************************The next punch brought me back to the present and I started to laugh.
They just didn't know. They thought it would be an easy job, kidnap a rich family's kid ask for a ransom then kill me, it should have been easy.... would have been if I wasn't adopted into that house.
"MAN this kid is wack! Let's just kill him and be done, they don't need to know he's dead already." One of the seven dead men said and I just laughed some more.
Hey at least it wasn't Raynor or God forbid Jasper! They won't have lasted three minutes.
How long has it been? A half an hour? Time was running put for them.
"Did you leave the message?" Dead man one asked dead man two
"Yea they said they would contact me back in one hour with the transfer information for the 6 mil! This was two easy" Deadman number two laughed "But we have to keep him alive, they said he needs to give a code worded before the transfer the money"
"Yea to make sure he's alive and breathing I'm guessing. Dude sounded like a robot."
I just started laughing! They had no idea. That got Deadman number 7 ( the hot head) upset and he heat me in the side of the head and I blacked out again.
The police couldn't explain it and I wasn't talking, I tried bit all I said was 'they are really gone' over and over. They thought the tears that fell from my eyes were from sadness but it was relief, they again reason assumed I was raped by the killer and I didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise so I sat there in one of the interrogation rooms until they told me I'd be going to a group home for the night until my uncle could get there.
My uncle?
"My uncle?"
"Yea kid he will be here in the morning, your lawyer has stopped any farther questions." He huffed, leading me out past the desks of his fellow officers and they all looked shocked except one. A tall man standing near the front doors. His arms were crossed making the muscles in his arms and cheat bulge against the confines of his police uniform. His hair was a reddish brawny brown and I wondered if it was dyed since his skin was a natural caramelized brown, reminding me of he boy.... I tensed and tried to see if his eyes were gray too but he wore reflective glasses that showed me my own fear stricken face.
"This is officer Jasper, he and your lawyer Collin will take you to the group home, I'm sorry for everything that you went through son. We will find out who killed your family." And with that I was left with the silent brooding man.... before I could ask anything another tall man but much more slender stepped from behind the officer, he had long black hair super pale skin and reddish eyes reminding me of an anime character I had seen before when my dad was alive, Vampire hunter D.
"Hello Master Kallen, My name is Daphne Mallory. I am your lawyer and humble servent, please follow me." He said with a small smile that made him look so young tho I am sure he was in his late twenties or early thirties.
he had a chicks name...
"I think you have me confused... my uncle is dead an-and I-I don't have any money...." I stuttered out as I stared at my shoes when the silence went on to long I looked up to see Daphne looking at Jasper with what seemed to be a snarl on his pretty face making it almost demonic. The gasp that left my mouth was like magic, his face went back to the pleasant happy so fast I thought maybe I imagined it?
"Come" came the deep voice of officer Jasper and he grabbed my hand in his slightly calloused ones and pulled me out if the station with Daphne following behind whistling a strange tune.
I was strangely left alone in the boys home, even the staff seemed afraid of me. I definitely wasn't use to it having always been bullied for my weak frame and small hands and always dirty clothes, even though I was taller then some if my bullys at 5'12 my demeanor was broken. The next day at 6am on the dot the staff had me out on the porch waiting to be picked up.
They didn't even give me any food, not that I truly cared. . . I didn't eat much anyway.
A slick limo drove up about 15 mins later and Daphne was out and looking me over like someone had hurt me.
"How are you feeling? Did you eat? Did anyone touch you?" He rambled on and I was just barely able to get out a no before he got me onto the limo and was off.
I didn't get to ask any real questions on the 2hour drive and when ever I brought up that I didn't have an uncle he would go scary quite and start hitting the steering wheel. Other wise he was oddly cheerful.
He told me about my 'uncle' and his wife, there two children and the mansion I'd be living in but not to worry the would build on a new room for me, however I liked. ..
He had to be crazy, these people DIDN'T know me and we sure enough wasn't related... but it sounded really nice. Really really nice.
My the time we pulled up through a gated front to a pull around drive way to a HUGE ass mansion I had already prepared myself for rejection. They would see me and know I wasn't who ever they thought their nephew was and I'd be sent back to the shelter.
When I got out there was balloons and flower bouquets being held by at least least a dozen makes and a oversized sign that said welcome home above the double wide dark wood doors and my heart broke more because I really wish I was who they thought I was.
He was loved.
The maids a smiled at patted my head as Daphne told them I didn't have anything to eat and about half ran to make me something while the others fanned over me saying how adorable I was and so perfect for the family?
I didn't get to question it as the doors flew open and a tall dark-skinned man stepped out. He was so handsome and we'll dressed in an all black suit with with a blood red tie, and dark brown hair fell to his shoulders. He gave me all large smile as he scoped me up in his arms and squeezed me to the point is was patting him for release but laughing as well.
"Sir... Sir...Si- omegawds Malcolm put the boy down before you kill him" Daphne huffed while my 'uncle'? Hugged the life outta of me.
Finally he set me down but kept me close to him with a arm over my shoulder, he was tall... really tall at least 6'8!
"My apologies Kal, come on in your must be exhausted!" He said but before leading me inside he grabbed Daphne by the back of his neck and kissed his. Not a peck on the lips. NO, full fledged made our with him in front of me until Daphne started to rutted against him and he let him go with against little shove.
"Don't yell at me, you'll pay for I'd later" He said as he turned away and led an opened mouthed me inside.
Where I was tackled by a tiny women who with long fiery red hair and lovely grey eyes and her skin was a soft white like a lilly.
"MY BAAAAABBBYYYYYY" She cried as she hugged my stomach.
I didn't know what to do so I was hugged her back until her tears calmed.
"Kal this is Martha my wife. Your aunt." Malcolm said as he helped us up. You have met my son's already, they are changing and will be down in a minute" He he said with a smile and I couldn't stop myself. Even if I wanted this family as my own I knew I knew I really didn't belong here. Her lovely dress was probably filthy from touching me and his suit probably reaked since I wasn't allowed to shower often at home.
"Why are you crying babylove? Did I hurt you?" Martha asked then started to cry as well trying to hug me but I wouldn't let her, I didn't want to soil them any farther.
"I... I think you have think he wrong kid, I don't have any family left, I didn't have an uncle. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to waste your time, I-I tried to tell them at the station" I said and cried harder but they both just stared at me with small smiles on their faces as Martha whiped my tears away and literally they ignored what I said and went on about how they love me and how I need to eat more.
I was getting tired of it since they clearly weren't thinking straight and I was about to blow up on them when I heard a small Huff and feet come running at me full-speed. I turned around to see Jasper the police officer standing on the spiral staircase with a small smile on his face and I looked down to see Ray the murderer running at me with a huge creepy smile on his face.
" Oh just in time!" Mr. Malcolm said as Ray jumped into my arms "You know Jasper and Raynor already but Our little Ray of sunshine can't speak or hear. He follows vibrations, sign language and can read lips. Welcome to the Odyssey family Kal, we have been waiting for you for so very long"
I awake to being shook roughly by dead man number 4 while Deadman number 3 held a phone to my ear.
"TELL EM THE CODE NOW" He shouted.
I smiled, it was time.
"Mommy, I'm ready." I said into the phone. The lights blinked out and I could hear them screaming, pleading not to die before the lights turned back on.
I was cut loose and I picked up the phone to let my mother know I was ok. She told me to make sure to call her before we left. Daphne was waiting in the car outside.
I hung up as Jasper kissed my forehead and slide a very bloody dragon blade into my hands and I was smiled up at him and caught a flailing jealous Ray before he could have a full fit and stab his brother (again) out of jealousy.
I signed 'hi baby to him and kissed him until he was week in the knees and handed him off to Jasper who just laughed. I was surprised to learn my little lover was four years older then me. He refused to touch me until I was 18 and then we fucked for three days straight. He train to escape but by then I was strong enough to hold my own against him. And he wouldn't hurt me ever.
I walked over to Deadman number one.he was shaking and telling me to have mercy but I repeated what he had said to me when they first grabbed me on my way home from private school, the dumb die fast.
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