Alright, alright fine I'll tell you when Adrien is going to show up......
You'll see him in 10 chapters..
*insert troll face*
"We'll see you tomorrow Marinette." Mylene smiled as I grabbed my bag to go home, while her and Ivan were preparing to close. The others had already left, so I was the only one left. "Be careful getting home okay?"
"I will, Thanks Mylene. See you later Ivan!" He gave a slight smile and waved. The more I got to know him, I realized he was just shy around new people which is why he worked in the back. The only ones he seemed to open up to was his friends who also happen to be his coworkers.
It was still raining outside when I got off of work. I pulled my hood over my head and proceeded to make my way back home. It wasn't raining as hard as before, but I can still feel my skirt becoming slightly damp. I began to look through my bag in search of an umbrella, hoping that I might of grabbed it on the way out.
During my search, I hadn't been looking where I was going and I ended up crashing into another person who was rounding the corner. I tumbled to the ground and landed right on top of the victim of my sudden clumsiness.
"H..Hey watch where you're going!" The person I literally stumbled into growled and I realized that they were male.
"I..I'm so sorry." I stuttered out an apology and removed my weight off of him. When I looked at his face I froze, his eyes were a bright beautiful green and he had golden hair. Not to mention he was wet from the rain that made him even more downright handsome.
"Can you get off of me now?" He asked sounding displeased, probably because I was staring at him for so long.
"S..Sorry." I quickly got up off the ground and extended my hand to him. "Let me help you-"
"I don't need your help." He stood up on his own and disregarded my hand completely. He winced slightly and I realized he was hurt from the fall.
"Oh no you're hurt..." I said worried, "I'm really sorry, let me see if I have something that could he-"
"If you're really sorry you'll leave me alone!" He shouted before stomping off pass me.
I blinked staring off into space and wondered what in the heck just happen. I became angry as I thought of just how rude he was being, handsome or not I hope I never run into that jerk again!
When I finally arrived home, Grandma had been sitting on the couch waiting for my arrival. "There you are sweetie, I was worried that something might have happened because of the rain." She paused, "Is something wrong Marinetta? You look upset."
"It's nothing, I just ran into a really rude guy on my way back from work."
"His loss, he doesn't realize just how extraordinary you are." She stood up and headed the kitchen, "Dinner is ready, I made soup and had it simmering on the stove so it'll stay warm once you finally got her. I'll go make us some bowls."
"Thanks Grandma." I smiled, placed my stuff down and went over to the bathroom to wash up.
Even as I sat down with my Grandmother and relayed the rest of my day to her, I couldn't stop thinking about that blonde boy I had ran into in the plaza.
That night, I had a difficult time going to sleep. I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, but for some reason nothing was working. I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of a large howl echoing through the night.
It had been so loud that I was convinced whatever it had came from was right outside my window. I got up from my bed and went across the room looking out into the forest. I didn't see anything other than the dark grey clouds traveling across the night sky and the occasional owl flying across the sky. I looked over to my clock to see that the time was three in the morning, still a few hours before any sunlight would appear.
Suddenly one of the bushes had started to ruffle violently and I spotted a figure rushing from that spot before it disappeared completely. What was that? A bear?
I really hoped that wasn't the case, wild animals didn't normally get this close to the cottage, if one of them was lurking around, we might have to find a place closer to the village. Knowing my grandmother she won't be fond of the idea, she loved this place way too much.
I decided to brush it aside for now and not worry about it until the morning. I reach for the curtains drawing them close and head back to my bed
Did I say 10 chapters? I meant in the next 10 seconds.
Sorry for the short chapter, got a little sick while writing so I decided to stop it here.
Stay tuned for more!
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