Huntsman : Okay so, I finally got you all captured.
Six, Mono, Shadow six, and two are captured.
Before I kill children I like them to introduce themselves to me. Be honest y'all. I might even let one of you out if you're good enough.
Yellow kid!
Six : Oh, so I'm an accidental murderer. Kinda get this uncontrollable painful hunger randomly but ever since we got an actual home every time I get hungry I get food given to me asap.
Sometimes it's thrown at me.
Mono : Wait, what?
Huntsman : Next is you, trench coat kid.
Mono : Oh, I'm the one basically caring for these dorks. But all these children are my best friends. My job was to build the house, now my job is just repairing some parts.
I also sometimes get food for us but normally two and three do that.
Huntsman : very nice, very nice.
Green cloak girl.
Two : u h.
Well, I like collecting things.
I like stealing pretty things from the big big white building with clothes and stuff.
Huntsman : The Mall.
Two : Sounds like The Maw.
Huntsman : We already done that joke in this wattpad book.
Two : I like The Mall, I like the color pink, I like bubblegum.
Huntsman : You sound like a generic high school movie character.
Two : I also like the LUIGI board.
Huntsman : l u i g i board?
Two : yes it's creepy.
Huntsman : Luigi? Aight' im not gonna say anything bout' that. You'll find out what's wrong eventually
How about you emo girl?
Shadow kid : Oh, me?
Huntsman : Yeah.
Shadow kid : I like to hurt people.
Huntsman : .
Six : .
Two : .
Mono : .
Huntsman : That's it?
Shadow six : Yes.
Mono : Uhhh, she's going through a phase...?
Shadow six : Nah, it's not a phase. I enjoy hurting people, I did come from the underworld and I was only created to steal the souls of innocent children and also turn good kids evil.
I also do nothing for us, besides existing.
And giving company I guess, but I normally stay in the basement and disappear for a few days.
Huntsman : alright.
I get it.
I'm sure most of the time it's just self-defense.
Shadow kid : NOPE.
I be sneakin' up on a kid and then kill em! Watch em burn!
Don't even need to be bothering me, I just go and do it.
I'll go out of my way to do it.
If I see somebody I'm not friends with or been told by friends not to attack, I'll hurt them.
Huntsman : whispering why is this kid like that?
Six : whispering I had no idea she did that while she was let out alone.
Mono : whispering Me either...
Two : whispering this kid needs some friendliness lessons.
Huntsman : Okay, moving on.
Two : Is that a kid sneaking in?
Huntsman : Oh, yeah it is.
Shadow Six : pulls out shadow knife OBSERVE.
Huntsman : how did you get out?
Six : she's a shadow creature.
Shadow kid kills the children off camera because I'm too tired to make a whole scene.
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