Father's Day
De wanted to make something for people to cry over, so enjoy Milo being a happy boi with his two dads
Also, I fixed it to where people can have Milo be either one's son, and fixed the ending as well
Milo was very happy lately. He woke up early (very shocking to Mono since he was normally the one to wake up at the unholy hours), he helped Mono surprise Seven with breakfast in bed after his 48 hour shift, and couldn't seem get out the door quick enough.
He helped Mono with chores like sweeping and doing dishes, helped Seven with cooking (he got to lick the mixing bowl), and even drew a picture of all of them, holding hands with messy scribbles vaguely spelling 'MY FAMILY' on it. Mono didn't have the heart to tell him his 'L' was backward. God bless this boy and his dyslexia sometimes.
What had gotten the now seven year old boy all excited, Mono nor Seven knew. One day, he finally explained what had him so excited.
"Tomorrow is Father's Day at school and all the dads are supposed to come, and I want you and Seven to go with me!" He squealed at last. Mono, who had previously been scrubbing dishes after their lunch, froze, looking down at him with surprise.
"Me and Sev? You sure you want both of us?" He asked. Milo nodded his head quickly.
"Yeah! I already asked Seven, and he said yes, unless there was an emergency at the hospital," he answered. Mono gave a small sigh, rinsing the last of the dishes and placing them in the dish drainer. Seven didn't tell him about this... looks like Friday was no longer a free day.
"Well, I'll see if I can, okay? But, like Sev, I might not make it if there is an emergency, okay? I don't want you to be upset if either of us don't make it, okay?" Mono said, drying his hands with a small hand towel.
Milo beamed happily at him, letting out a small squeal again as he jumped and hugged the other. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
The doctor chuckled at him, patting the other's soft black hair. Milo let go soon after, continuing with helping Mono with a few chores, sweeping and helping water his plants, even helping him put the dishes up once they were dry.
Soon, dinner rolled around, Seven dragging himself from his shift, rubbing his eyes, running and ruffling his own hair with his hand. "Hey, I'm home," Seven greeted from the door, dropping his bag at the side of the door.
He went into the kitchen, looking and see his colleague busy making food, a pot of boiling water with noodles to the side while he stirred a sauce pan with spaghetti sauce.
"Hey," he greeted. Mono looked over, his good eye spotting the other, and gave a soft smile.
"Hey, how was work?" He asked. Seven gave asked small groan, dragging himself, dramatic leaning on the other, head on his shoulder.
"I thought I would never get out of there," he muttered. Mono gave a chuckle. "That bad?"
The doctor in blue looked up, taking a deep breath. "Two code blues, a code red, and an attempted code violet," he muttered.
Mono looked up, eyes wide as he looked at them. "Violet? What happened?"
"Just a guy with a fake gun wanting to scare folks," he answered, "it's all settled now."
Mono gave a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that," he scolded, before turning the stove off. Seven retrieved the plates, placing them on the table.
The absence of loud cheering and not being tackled by their little artist made Seven realize how quiet it was. Too quiet...
"Where's Milo?" Seven asked. Mono walked over, carefully placing the pot of noodle and meat sauce down on hot pads.
"He went off to bed early, he's super excited about tomorrow. He already ate a grill cheese, so don't worry about that. Now, I got a question," he said, before turning to the other, who was fetching plastic ware.
Seven looked over, placing the forks right by the plates. "Yeah?"
"When were you going to tell me about the Father's day meet up tomorrow?" Mono asked.
"Father's day meet up..." Seven asked, brow knitted in confusion. His eyes widen, face draining a bit of color. "That's tomorrow?" He said franticly.
Mono sighed as he noticed just how shocked the other was in. "You forgot?" He mumbled.
Seven gave a loud sigh, rubbing his face with his palms. "I hate to admit it but yes, I did. God, I nearly forget the PTA meetings too, if it isn't for you reminding me, I can only imagine how deep of a grave I've dug for myself."
Mono looked over, reaching out a pulling the other into a hug. "Which is why we agreed to raise Milo together, as a team. I remind you of dates, and you help keep me motivated and try to get me out of my comfort zone."
Hugging back, Seven let out a small groan. "I guess that's true..."
"C'mon, we got to eat, clean up, and than get ready for tomorrow," Mono said, patting the other on the back, letting go.
The two ate their fills, Seven volunteering to handle the dishes, while Mono cleaned the table. They then split up for the night, going to their own separate rooms and falling alseep.
Milo couldn't stop himself from smiling as he walked to school. His cousin, Eerie, was with him, the blond haired girl with brown eyes dressed in an orange light weight jacket with blue jeans and small boots finishing her looks.
Eerie watched him as he practically skipped ahead of him, dressed in his green jacket with gray jeans, backpack, and shoes. His fluffy black hair was bouncing with him, faint freckles dusting his lightly flushed cheeks from the still chilly spring air.
"Today is going to be great! Don't you think it's great, E?" He asked. Eerie looked at him, giving a small groan as how cheerful and hyper her cousin was today.
"Yeah, it'll be great if dad doesn't decided to start signing randomly," she muttered, "I hate it when he does that..."
Milo stopped skipping, falling in pace with her. "I like it when Uncle One sings, he's got a funny voice," he stated with a smile.
The school came into view, kids being joined by their fathers walking into the building. They were all excited, chattering being heard from where they were just a little over a block away.
Eerie glanced to Milo, who continued to smile a large goofy grin. She shifted slightly, trying to figure out how to bring up what had been bothering her the whole walk.
"Hey, Mi?" She started. Milo looked over, brown eyes bright and sparkling. Eerie took a moment to think of what she wanted to say. "Are you sure who wanted to invite both uncle Mono and uncle Seven?"
Milo looked at her confused. Of course he wanted both of them to come! It was Father's day, their day! Eerie noticed her mistake, trying to reword it for the other to understand a bit better.
"I mean, what if the other kids find it weird you have two dads?" She said. Milo blinked, but smiled to her. "Well, that's their problem."
Eerie looked a bit taken back, but gave a small chuckle. She should have known Milo won't have cared. They continued on their way to school, making it to their class before the bell rang.
They took their spots, getting their books out as kids came in, dads following not that far behind them. Soon all the kids attending that day came, and their dads, the room going quiet as the teacher walked in.
She was a strict woman, but she did care for the kids, and offered help regularly to her students. She looked to the back wall, giving the children and fathers a smile before speaking.
"Good morning, everyone,"
"Good morning, Miss Teacher!" The kids greeted.
The basic morning routine took place, just sharing what the parents were going here and what they would be doing for the day.
Milo looked back, hearing the door open after the teacher explained, a sheepish looking uncle One slipping inside and standing with the others, giving a small wave to Eerie, who pretend she didn't know him.
Milo turned his gaze to the wall, brown eyes glancing over the many faces. Where was Mono and Seven? He didn't see them. Milo looked back when the teacher started to call kids up to the front, kids excitedly going back and bring their father up with them to the chalkboard.
More and more names were called up, until most kids went up and introduce the class to their dad and explained what they did and fun memories they had together.
Eerie gave a groan, reluctantly getting up and going to the back, taking her dad's hand and leading him up with her. They stood in front of the board, Eerie putting on a very forced smile she probably picked up from aunty Three.
"This is my dad, One, and he is very musical and loves to play with our pet cat," Eerie stated in a monotone voice.
One looked down, smiling at her. "Yep! Hi, everyone! I'm Eerie's dad, I'm a simple musician that likes to try and brighten people's day," he explained a bit better.
A kid rose his hand. "Yes, Truls?" the Teacher asked.
"What instruments do you play?" He asked. One gave a small laugh.
"What don't I play? I can play guitar, drums, flute, clarinet, piano, bass, and a whole lot more," One answered. The kids started to ask a few questions about the instruments, calling out random names of various musical instruments to see if he played them.
Still, Milo looked back, still not finding Mono or Seven in the crowd. Maybe they were running a bit late? Maybe there was an emergencies?
Milo knew Mono told him not to get his hopes high, but a part of him hurt at the thought of the two most important people in his life couldn't make it to something as special at this. And like any kids whose feelings were hurt, he felt warm tears line his eyes.
No! No, cry! He was too big to cry now! He wiped his eyes, quietly sniffling to avoid looks from his peers.
Finally, the teacher suggested that maybe it was time for them to sit down, Eerie running to her seat and burying her face into her textbook. Uncle One joined the other's again at the back of the room, a bright smile on his face. Whatever happened, apparently Milo had missed it.
Milo looked up at his name. He quietly gulped, getting up from his seat, his excitement from early evaporating at that very second.
They didn't make it...
He quietly walked to the front, hearing whispering as he passed by his classmates.
"Where's his dad?"
"Should have known, a dad who cares more about work than being here,"
"Wait, so Milo doesn't have a mom and a dad?"
Milo came to the front, turning around to meet his peers' curious gazes. Dads looked looked at one another, some mumbling to ask whose kid he was.
"Milo?" The teacher asked, making the boy look up at her, "Where is your dad, honey?"
Milo shuffled slightly in his spot, looking over to the crowd. Eerie looked at him with a sympathetic look. "I... I don't know, I thought they-"
The door opened, a panting disheveled Seven and Mono entrying the room. Seven nearly falling if it wasn't for catching himself with the door nob.
"I'm so sorry we're late! We had an emergency so we had to come in real fast. We're not to late, are we?" the doctor in blue explained quickly, still trying to catch his breath.
The teacher smiled. "You're just in time," she answered. Milo smiled wide, his eyes sparkling with excitement as saw them.
He ran to them, hugging them tightly. "You made it!" He cheered. Mono smiled, patting his head, hugging him back.
"Told you we try to make it," he teased. Milo's smile softened, taking their hands and leading them to the front of the room. A few kids looked at one another, confused, as did the adults.
Milo stood between them, excitement on him clear as day. "These are my dads! Mono and Seven, they raised me after my mom passed with the help of my aunty Two and aunty Three. They're doctors, and they helped save my life, and is the reason I'm here today."
Classmates whispered.
"Two dads?"
"Wait, but the biology book said-"
"Shh! Gross, don't talk about that!"
Mono chuckled at hearing the kids whisper. "It's true, we're Milo's parents, adopted ones. We took him in after his mother passed, and he's been the center of our lives ever since. Some will think it's strange, but no matter what, we are and will be his family, just like your own dads and moms."
"But, enough about that. We're doctor at the nearby hospital," Seven explained, going on about what he and Mono did at their jobs, some kids asking questions related to it.
"Do you have a fear of needles?"
"How broken bones have you seen?"
"What's AIDS?"
The teacher quickly stopped them before anymore questions could be asked.
Soon, the teacher said it was time to officially start the day, the kids saying good bye to their dads. Eerie gave uncle One a hug, which seemed to catch him off guard before gladly returning it.
Milo happily gave his dads a hug, giving a goodbye to both of them. "Thank you for making it," he whispered.
The two smiled, giving him both another final hug each. "It's no problem, Champ, we try to make time for you" Mono said back.
Milo smiled to them one final time, before taking his spot back at his seat, watching the others leave. He loved his family.
Finished - June 23rd, 2021
It's freaking 3 am and I just got done with this so I'm sorry for any typos-
Goodnight I am very tired-
Take care!
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