Battle for the Trident
Tyson's POV
We reach the ship and hear the commotion above. Scuttle had obviously stalled the wedding. I lift Ariel onto the ladder and let her go up first. Before following as I reached the deck. I see Anya releasing Max, telling him to get Vanessa. Aka, Ursula. He bite her bum and her shell necklace went flying. It smashes on the deck, releasing mine and Ariel's voices. Breaking the spell Prince Eric is under.
Ariel sings and Eric looks at her in awe. "Anya!" I call and she runs into my arms. As Eric embraces Ariel.
"You got your voices back!" Anya cheers as I hold her close.
"It was you both all the time" Eric states happily. He goes to kiss Ariel as Vanessa shouts "no!". The last rays of sunlight disappear over the horizon. I feel myself start to change and I see Ariel starting to change also as she pulled away from Eric. I let Anya go.
"What's wrong?" Anya asks me concerned.
"You're too late!" Vanessa laughs sounding like the true Ursula. Ariel and I fall as our tails replace our human legs. Anya and Eric look shocked. Suddenly Ursula returned to her true form and grabbed Ariel. "So long my dear" she tells Eric and dives into the water with Ariel.
"No, Ariel!" I shout and drag myself to the edge. I let myself dive into the water. I swim after the pair. "Let my sister go!" I shout at Ursula. I go to punch her, but I am restrained by Flotsam and Jetsam.
"Do not worry sweet prince, it's not you and your twin I am after. I have much bigger fish to fry" Ursula says with a smirk. Suddenly a glowing trident is pointed at her.
"Ursula, stop!" dad commands.
"Dad!" I shout relieved.
"Why, King Triton! How are you?" Ursula asks him.
"Let them, go" he demands. As Ursula transferred Ariel to her tentacles, taking out the contract Ariel had signed.
"Not a chance, Triton! She's mine now!" she states. "We made a deal, though you can have your son back" she adds.
"Daddy, I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean too!" Ariel cries.
"I'm sorry, I failed to keep Ariel safe dad" I state. He tries to destroy the scroll with his trident, but nothing happens.
"You see? The contract's legal, binding, and completely unbreakable, even for you" Ursula brags. "Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain. The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity. But I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better" she tells my dad.
"No, don't do it. We'll find another way to save Ariel" I tell dad. But he doesn't look at me as he nods at Ursula. Who draws up another contract. As Ariel is caught in a minnie whirlpool.
"You will agree that none of my daughters or my son will be harmed in any way?" dad asks her.
"Fine! I won't touch a hair, on their precious little noggins! Now, do we have a deal?" Ursula asks him. Holding out the contract. Dad points his trident at the contract and his name replaces Ariel's.
"No!" I shout as dad is turned into a living plant. Like the ones that surrounded Ursula's lair. His crown and trident lay to its side. Ariel and Sebastian are aghast. Ursula puts on the crown and picks up the trident.
"Dear Triton! I hope you'll enjoy the garden as much as I'll enjoy the palace" Ursula says.
"Over my dead body!" I shout and break free. I ram into her and try to take the trident from her. "I'll die before I see you rule the seas!" I yell. Two of her tentacles ram into my middle and I fly away into Ariel.
"Tyson!" she shouts helping me up. Suddenly a harpoon grazes Ursula's arm. We all look up to see Eric and Anya.
"Why you little fools" Ursula growls.
"Eric, Anya look out!" Ariel and I shout. But we were to late. Jetsam and Flotsam grab them. Keeping them from returning to the surface. Ariel and I swim towards them. Sebastian and Flounder got to them first. They made the eels release them and I helped Anya to the surface. As Ariel helps Eric and Ursula accidentally kills the eels, while trying to shot us.
"Eric, Anya you gotta get away from here" Ariel tells them.
"No, I won't leave you" Eric tells her.
"And I'm not leaving Tyson!" Anya adds as she clings to me. Suddenly we are separated by something. I look down to see Ursula has made herself huge and the thing that had separated us was the crown she wears. We all dive into the water as she laughs.
"Now I am the ruler of all the ocean! The waves obey my every whim!" Ursula says in a loud booming voice. As she starts a storm with the trident. Eric and Anya are swept away from Ariel & I by a huge wave. "The sea and all it's spoils bow to my power!" she says creating a whirlpool. Which sucked Ariel and I to the bottom.
We look up at Ursula, who smiles wickedly. Pointing the trident at Ariel. I push Ariel out of the way. Ursula then tried to hit me and I dodged it. "Tyson, what do we do?" Ariel asks me scared.
"I don't know" I tell her disheartened.
"So much for true love!" Ursula booms and goes to fire a Ariel again. When a ship impales her. I look up to see Eric and Anya steering the ship. Ursula dies as the whirlpool disappears. I swam over and grabbed the trident as it sinks.
"Son" dad says and I turn to see him a merman again. With his crown. I hug him tightly. Before pulling away.
"I believe this belongs to you" I tell him offering him the trident. He smiles taking it. Clapping me on the shoulder.
"Where's your sister? Where is Ariel?" he asks me. I look up at the surface. I head for it, with him following me. We find Ariel on a rock looking at Eric and Anya. Who had washed ashore. I wonder what happens now?
Gif above of King Triton signing the contract and picture on the external link of Ursula.
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