Two-Bit ran naked with me because he was drunk...
What about you guys?¿
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it's warming up your bare legs
You can't deny you're looking for the sunset
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
It's the search for the time before it leaves without you
Have you lost your mind or has she taken all of yours too?
Whats this about? I figured love would shine through
We've lost romance this world has turned so see through
Open your mind, believe it's going to come to
Romance alive and hope she's going to tell you
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
She's got you high and you don't even know yet
The sun's in the sky, it makes for happy endings
You can't deny you want a happy ending
- She's Got You High, Mumm-Ra
Olivia Sheldon
I lay on my bed after a week of doing nothing but work and reading, completely exhausted.
I have been ignoring everyone, even Kieran, after what had happened with everything. She'd try to talk to me at work but I always brushed her off saying something about cleaning a table or something of that nature.
It had become normal and often a regular occurrence now after everything that has happened.
"Some nights when I was little I'd hear Maman crying herself to sleep in her room. I used to go to her bed then and crawl in with her. She'd hold me tight and say nothing. Sometimes at moments like that I felt she really wanted to tell me more about him, and I longed to ask, but I knew that to ask would be to intrude on her grief and maybe make it worse for her. Time and again I'd let the moment pass. I'd try asking her another time, but whenever I did, she'd look away, clam up, or simply change the subject - she was very good at changing the subject. I didn't understand then that her loss was still too sharp, her memories too fresh, or maybe that she was trying to keep her pain to herself."
I was so lost in the book I didn't hear the knocking at the door or see Kieran in the room until she said something and I was forced to look up and see her face. I saw the look on her face, the same pitying look she's been giving me for who knows how long now. It had started even before anything happened, and at first I was confused. She was giving me these looks and kept repeating sorry over and over and never really telling me anything. Then we stopped going over to the Curtis house and when we did it would be in short spurts never staying for long or doing much. I didn't understand then what it meant, but I do now, and I halfway hate her for it.
I simply rolled my eyes before jumping off the bed and going straight down two flights of stairs to Bob's room knowing he and his stupid friends were down there doing whatever it is they were doing.
I barged straight through the doorway even though I knew it would be a bad idea and went over to where the four buffoons were, standing in front of them.
"You drinking tonight?" I asked the first thing that came to mind even though I already knew the answer.
"Always." Bob replied to my question with a nasty smirk curling his currant colored lips.
"Count me in." I stated while staring at the boys in front of me. We all started walking away and toward the garage door to get to the mustang when:
"Olivia you don't want to do this." I heard behind me.
"You don't know what I want. Go home Kieran, you don't belong here." I ground out through clenched teeth turning back and glaring at her.
"I'm your best friend I know you better than-"
"No you aren't, you're just some dirty girl who works in a diner to support daddy's drinking problem after mommy killed herself, that I pitied."
"You don't mean this, you're just upset, and he doesn't mean it either, he loves you he's just too afraid to admit it." She said with tears in her eyes and clenched fists.
"That's the difference in you and I. The broken and cold, and the hopeful and damned." I quoted before turning on my heel and slamming the door.
A few drinks and many many shots later and I was in the kitchen again pouring another two shots and a mixed drink while talking, or rather flirting with a few other people who were in there. I was way passed smashed and had already thrown up multiple times all over everywhere.
I was at that point where I probably had bruises all over my body, would blow up a sobriety test with my extremely high numbers, and if I tried to sleep it off I would be on the blade of a helicopter and/or I would asphyxiate on my own puke.
(Supposedly if you're drunk enough and you try to sleep it feels like you are spinning around and around and around extremely fast and never stopping. But what do I know, I'm only 14)
So I stayed awake and kept drinking all the while making conversation with everyone about everything.
"Kurt-y-o! Wals wit meeeeeeeeee!"
"Of course."
"I'mmm sooooooooooo drrunnnnkkk." I slurred me words and giggled with a hiccup at the end.
"Yes you are." He laughed in return, we were now backed into a secluded little corner of the house by ourselves.
"IiiiiI rrreaallllllyyy wanna kissssssssss youuu."
"Mmmmmm I want to kiss you too Olivia."
"Then do it."
"I can't."
"Whyyyyyyyy?" I pouted close to tears at being denied
"Because you're drunk."
"Drunk actions and words are sober thoughts." I pointed and stumbled a bit seeing cross-eyed
"I know, but I don't take advantage of drunk girls, especially Bob's sister and a Greasers girl."
"We're like oil and water..." I sighed dropping my head feeling the fresh sting.
"What?" He asked looking genuinely confused with me.
"Nothing, never mind." I dismissed with a wave of my hand walking away.
"We're like oil and water, no matter how hard you try we just don't mix. I'm the dirty oil, and you're the nice, clean, pristine water. I can't taint you. This won't ever work. You can't force it to be true when it just isn't. Please don't be so oblivious to the obvious. We can never work. I'm sorry." Darrel said sympathetically looking straight into my eyes with a pained and guilty look.
"You don't get to hurt me."their were tears in eyes by now and I had clenched fists at my sides.
"It was never my intention."Darrel bowed his head with sorry look masking his features
"Bullshit. You. Do. Not. Get. To. Hurt. Me." I poke chest with each word.
"Goodbye Olivia." He looked up with a tear tracked face and red eyes.
"Whatever, Curtis." I glared and spit at his feet while walking away.
Heaven help the fool who did her wrong
It's too late, too bad: she's too far gone
He should've thought of that before he left her all alone
If she's lonely now, she won't be lonely long.
- she won't be lonely long, clay walker
Who knew it, smart-ass one has a heart. AWWW I'm in love.
Not happening.
Anyways, yup, that's it for now,
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