Walking into my room, I sighed and kicked off my shoes while rubbing my temples. Fucking migraines, man.
It's been a long day, from work, to Sandy showing up, to now. I can't even deal. I swear if Bob decides to be a bitch today.
Prim jumped in my lap and I laid back on the bed while rubbing her and hearing her satisfied purrs.
There was something hard against my neck, so I reached back and pulled it from underneath. I recognized the book immediately, it was Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. The book was great, it was about changing and seeing things differently, from a different perspective, possibly from someone else's point of view.
(Wink wink)
I thumbed through the pages and found my favorite part, the part where Atticus, a white male, stands up for Tom Robinson, a black male. The thing about it is, when this was written, 5 years ago, and even now we people are very racist and cruel towards one another. I believe everyone is human though, and someone should be judged by his character and actions, not by look, past mistakes, and skin color.
I looked at all he highlighted parts and the marginal notes in the book and smiled to myself. (I legit do this. It helps me remember and shows important things like lessons.)
I thought back to what happened at the diner earlier today and laughed to myself at what Kieran and I did. Man we're evil.
Sandy had just walked into the diner like she owned the place and being her prissy little self and seated herself at a table that I waited on. I glared at her all the way over there but didn't say anything, because I needed this job. After a few minutes of her looking at the menu I walked over to her and politely tried to take her order. She wasn't having any of it.
"What can I get you, miss priss?" I asked in the most fake nice voice I had ever heard. When she glared over the menu at me I returned the glare but still had an overly fake smile plastered on.
"Nothing from you." She sneered as if she was better than anyone and everyone. Yeah, okay.
"Unfortunately for you, miss, I wait this table, and the only other waitress here at this time is Kieran, and lord knows she isn't going to wait on your ass. So, again, what will you be having?"
"Nothing, I'd rather just leave." She stated standing up.
"No one's stopping you. In fact, the door is right there." I smart mouthed pointing to the glass double doors.
"I know that."
"I'm sorry, you're such an airhead, I didn't know if you were aware."
"By the way, how's the bastard?" I asked before either of us walked away.
"Oh please, I had that problem aborted as soon as I found out. How else was I supposed to keep this figure? But Florida was great, heaven knows I needed the break from this place." She shuddered like Tulsa was a garbage dump and she was the queen of England.
I walked away and picked up a half empty milkshake on my way back to the counter. Once behind the counter I handed it to Kieran who gladly took it.
"Do your best damage." I smirked evilly and leaned on the counter watching as she walked over to Sandy and poured the thing over her head before laughing manically and walking away.
"Oops." She muttered innocently to a drenched and enraged Sandy. I put my hand over my mouth trying to cover my snickers, and I could see other customers trying to do the same. Once Sandy walked out and Kieran came back over behind the counter the other customers and I lost it.
Once I recovered Kieran and I did our signature handshake and went back to work.
I grabbed Long Division the book I was currently reading and editing and a highlighter and pen, and got to work marking in the book when suddenly there was a bit of rumbling outside my window followed by a honk. I walked over and peered out seeing Kieran sticking her head out of Darrel Curtis's truck. My eyes bugged out and I shook my head at her antics. She knows if my parents know she's here she'll surely be skinned alive - especially if she messes up their precious lawn. It was the best in the neighborhood.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled at her while sticking over half my body out of the window.
"Well, I went to the Curtis's and it turns out they all want you over there. And you know I only have my permit, so Darry's in here with me. Hop in, we're going over there." She yelled back up at me. I stared at her like she had three heads and a foot sticking off her shoulder.
"Are you crazy? This is a thirty foot drop, I'll surely break my ankle." I yelled back down to her while shaking my head like a mad man.
"Oh come on, live a little." She retorted and I only sighed. There's no way out of this. Little stubborn ass. She literally only has a one track mind and once it's set, there's no changing it.
I quickly grabbed a duffle bag and stuffed clothes, cigarettes, my work uniform, and the book I was working on along with the highlighter and pen in it. Knowing her, I won't be coming back tonight. And from stories I've heard about Dallas and them, I might be drinking tonight.
I checked what I was wearing and nodded at my jean shorts and flannel in appreciation. I quickly slid some flip flops on and pulled my hair into a messy ponytail.
I threw down the duffle bag and watched it land in the bed of the truck. Skittishly I stepped out onto the roof and walked over to the end bracing myself. I clenched my eyes tight and just when I was ready to jump-
"Your cat's on the roof." Yelled Kieran.
"Of course she is." I sighed riling my eyes and walked back up to my window picking Prim up into my arms. I carefully set her back into the room onto one of the pillows on my window seat and closed the window.
"Now, stay in there Prim and don't even dare to move." I scolded while pointing to her. She simply meowed back to me.
I finally moved to the end of the roof and got the courage to jump off. Without thinking about it I just jumped and for a split second I felt like a bird. And then I crashed. Hard.
"Ow, guys, my butt hurts." Whined I while rubbing my sore bottom. Kieran took off into the street and was rushing all the way back to the Curtis's humble abode.
"NOOOO, what the hell?" I yelled and threw my book across the yard. I watched as it hit Steve in the back of the head then fell to the ground.
"Ouch, what in the world?" Steve turned around and looked on the ground at the book, he then looked up to glare at me. I only smiled sheepishly while shrugging my shoulders.
"What was that about?" Darry, who was sitting in the lawn chair beside me turned to look at me.
"How can a book just end like that?" I asked in return while taking a sip of the beer in my cup holder.
He quizzed "Like what?"
I replied with "In the middle of a fucking sentence." And then turned to the last page to show him, as Steve had tossed it back to me.
"That's shit." He expressed his feelings and I nodded in agreement.
All of us were currently in the front yard while almost everyone played football. As it was summer, so that meant no school, and it was hot. It was only 4:00PM, and Darry planned to grill later
"Hey, who do you think are the better best friends?" Two-Bit asked after catching the ball and stopping the game making everyone groan.
Soda interrogated "What do you mean?"
Two-Bit explained "Well, we have two pairs of major best friends here, Olivia and Kieran, and Soda and Steve."
"Oh," I started pointing between Kieran and I "we definitely are."
"Nuh-uh" Soda childishly stuck out his tongue.
"Um yah, we are." Kieran yelled back to soda
"It's not possible." Steve stated and I only rolled my eyes at his obvious stupidity. Kieran and I will always be the best. Duhh.
Dally smirked "I think this calls for a little competition." He popped his knuckles and acted like he was deep in thought.
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And that is all for this chapter, thanks to brokenpausebutton for the ideas. Anyways.
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