"WAIT, WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Bob roared, his nostrils flaring, and I swear I could see steam coming out of his ears.
"It doesn't quite matter to you." I shot back
"Oh really? If my sister is thinking about some nasty greaser, I do think it matters to me." He glared at me through the rear view.
"I'm older than you, I think I can handle just fine. And he's no where near as nasty as you and all your diseases." I spat at him debating literally spitting on him or not.
"What, you wanna jump his bones or something? What would Ma and Pa think about this hmmm?" And he hit my weakness. He knows I'm such a suck up towards them and that their baby girl would do anything just to please them.
"OI. FUCK. YOU." I bit back
"Yeah, that's what I thought." He smirked this nasty smirk and faced forward paying attention to getting to Kieran's place.
He pulled up to the curb by her place purposely hitting the mailbox and knocking it down. When she opened the door he turned around to face me.
"Get out." He stated
"What?" I asked
"This is my car, get out." He reiterated through clenched teeth.
"Gladly." I flipped him off while stepping beside Kieran.
We stepped inside her house and ran up to her bedroom. I sat on her window seat while I watched her rummage through her closet looking for clothes to wear.
I hugged the knickerbocker plushy tighter against me while rubbing her pomsky, Bailey.
She tossed me some clothes and shoes and we both changed into our outfits.
She took our work clothes down to the laundry room and I touched up my makeup while she was gone. She soon appeared back in the room and did the same thing I was doing.
"You wanna go somewhere?" Kieran turned to me
"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders, after all it was only 5:30 PM and nowhere near dark yet.
"Alright, follow me." She beckoned and we were off.
After about ten minutes she asked "Are you not going to ask where we're going?"
"Do I want to know, because I feel like you have something evil planned." I replied and she only shrugged.
"Fair enough."
And then all fell silent between us until we came up to this little sort of run down looking house in greaser neighborhood
There were shouts coming from inside the house and what sounded like a little of fumbling or wrestling.
"Oh don't tell me--"
"Yep." She cut me off and grabbed my arm before I could protest or run away
"I hate you. I hate you so much. God I hate you. It's not even funny right now how much I despise you. You know, the Joker would be proud at how much I hate you right now, Batman. I freaking despise you so much. Let me go." I muttered and smacked her all the while she dragged me to the front door of the Curtis household.
I dug my feet into the earth trying to create friction and stop us from moving, but she wasn't having any of it.
"Nope, we're going in there, and you're going to meet the whole gang, and you're going to have a good time. You understand me?" She demanded making me roll my eyes
"Yes, Mother." Came my sarcastic reply as I blew a bubble in her face before tossing my gum into the ditch.
"Drop the sarcasm."
"Ehh, I'm good. I'd rather drop you."
"Yeah, well, you're stuck with me Robin, so suck it up."
She barged through the door and everybody stopped what they were doing and turned to look at us. Everything fell silent and everyone except for Darry had glares on their faces all pointed towards me. Kieran dropped my wrist and turned to inspect the scene in front of us.
"Well this just got awkward." I whistled while scratching the back of my neck.
"What is she doing here?" A short stocky one in a Mickey Mouse shirt spat with venom while getting up from where he had another one who had chocolate all over his face pinned down on the floor. He dusted off his pants, his scowl never ceasing.
"Yes, I would like to know too." Another without a shirt and only a grey DX hat on agreed. All glowers in the room seemed to turn to Kieran.
"Look, I know she's a soc, and I know she's Bob's sister, but she's my best friend, and she's just like me so you'll have to deal with her. She's actually the only nice soc out there. And she's not here to hurt you or tell anyone where you live. She hates everyone in this town just as much as you and I do." Kieran ranted and was out of breath by the time she finished
"Great, we don't need another Kieran." Someone grumbled exasperatedly.
"Watch it Pony." She pointed him.
"I'm just kidding, you know I love you, Kierry." He laughed.
"Hey now." Mr. DX hat barked and turned to glare at 'Pony'.
"Now, introductions." Kieran clapped her hands together and giggled.
"Boys, this is Olivia Sheldon, Olivia, this is the gang. Chocolate face is Steve Randle, Mickey Mouse is Keith Matthews AKA Two-Bit, DX hat is Sodapop Curtis AKA Soda, blue cutoff shirt, slicked back shoulder length hair is Ponyboy Curtis AKA Pony, scar on the right cheek, blue jean jacket is Johnny Cade, surprisingly not slicked back hair, cigarette, sharp eyes, chain around the neck is Dallas Winston AKA Dally, big flirt, dirty mind. And you've already met Darrel Curtis, AKA Darry." She explained then turned to me smirking causing me to glower at her.
"Not. Funny." I said behind clenched teeth.
"Soda, put some clothes on, there are ladies here." Darry ordered and soda got off the couch grumbling all the way to his room.
Everything was silent for what seemed an eternity all eyes looking at the intruder of their group until Darry spoke up.
"Wait, what happened to your face? That purple/red mark wasn't there when I last saw you in the diner."
"Bob's what happened to her face." Kieran angrily sighed.
"Wait, Bob, your own blood, hits you too? I never thought someone as him would stoop so low." Dallas stated angrily.
"You get used to it." Johnny and I said at the exact same time and I looked up, my eyes locking with his in understanding. It seems we had a silent conversation with each other just by looking at each other. I have a feeling we are going to be great friends. I felt his pain.
"Well you shouldn't be used to it." Dallas and Kieran yelled at the same time.
"Yeah and JFK shouldn't have died, but some things you can't really change, can you?" I retorted and Dally glared while Darry smirked at me.
"Anyways, Soda-and-I-are-going-to-the-Dingo-and-Jay's-so-bye." Kieran rushed out and grabbed soda by the hand dragging him out the door.
"I literally hate you so much right now it's impossible." I yelled after her.
"Love you too, Robin." She chimed back.
I groaned and fell into the armchair closest to me. I threw an arm over my eyes and ignored the world around me. As usual.
"Robin?" Someone asked above me and I nodded my head.
"Yeah, she's Batman, Dark Knight, etc. and I'm Robin, Boy Wonder, etc."
"Well, it seems we should get to know you." Darry muttered and I only nodded my head as a response.
"So tell us a bit." Two-Bit said and I just sighed
"There's nothing much to tell, nothing interesting at all. I'm Olivia Sheldon, older sister to Bob Sheldon." I started
"Hate that son of a bitch." We all stayed at the same time as if it was chorused. I looked up a bit freaked out with wide eyes.
"Anyways, I'm 21 and still living at home, have been working at the diner since I were fifteen, was forced into college, prefer the simpler things, prefer greasers than stuck up snobby ass soc's. Sarcastic. I don't know." I finished shrugging my shoulders.
"You'll fit in just fine." Johnny cracked a smile at me which made me grow less tense in hearing that.
"Thanks, Johnny." I smiled back at him.
"I need a smoke." Dallas muttered getting up and walking outside.
"Yeah, I do too." I agreed pushing myself up and following him out.
"You got a lighter?" I asked after pulling out a stick and realizing I left my lighter in the pocket of my apron at work.
"Yep." Dally replied in short and lit me up.
"You know he hasn't had a girlfriend since high school, and now with everything going on he's going to think he doesn't have time for flings." Dally spoke and I choked on air.
"W-what?" I gasped and coughed for a breath
"Darry. You haven't stopped staring at him since you came here, and Kieran couldn't make it any more obvious." He stated still staring in front of him while leaning on the fence.
"Yeah, well I have hope in the brighter things that neither of us can see." I shrugged while puffing on the cigarette in my hand.
"I guess that's the difference in you and I then. The broken and cold, and the hopeful and damned."
I shrugged while stomping out my cigarette butt.
"Doesn't really matter to me though. What's meant to be, is, and what's not meant to be, isn't." I said while walking inside, Dally hot on my trail.
"Sure, whatever."
Just then Kieran and Sodapop came busting through the door, rage apparent on their faces.
"Calm down. It's not like I'm going to get back with her anyways." Soda replied
And with that Kieran stormed out of the house, Ponyboy chasing after her. I immediately went into a rage after that. A rage I had never seen myself, or though I could emit.
I stormed over to Sodapop and grabbed him by the collar slamming him into the wall behind him.
"So you're Sodapop, huh?" I got up in his face, "Well let me tell you something, Curtis. You need to fix this, whether she is overreacting or not. She's still insecure about what went on between you and that little Sandy Bob decided to knock up. Do you know how many times she's come to me crying because of you, or Sandy, or both? Of course you don't, BECAUSE YOU WERE NEVER THERE. You were stuck up your little bitch's butt. Too into your own little world to care about who you were hurting. She's always been there, and yet you chose that stupid soc over her. Why? What could she give you? What more did she have than Kieran? Oh right, nothing. Not a single damn thing. You just saw the soc in her and you jumped at the idea of getting in her panties. Didn't you? Exactly. And something tells me more went on than what we just saw and what you're letting on. Am I right? Yes. Now you don't talk to her for the rest of the night, but FIRST thing tomorrow morning you'll be at her door with some flowers and you'll be kissing her ass and making everything fucking perfect, cause that's what she deserves. You hear me, Curtis? You've done hurt her too much, and I'm surprised she hasn't dropped you like a sack of rocks. Now get out of my face." I pushed him in the direction of the rooms and punched the wall where I was standing right where his head would have been. Now there was a gaping hole.
My breathing was ragged and all I was seeing was red. I stared at everybody in the room who all had wide eyes and gaped mouths. Even Dally looked surprised, and something tells me he's seen a lot and something like this shouldn't really surprise him. Finally, I got off my chest what I have been wanting to get off my chest since the first time Kieran came crying to me over this 'Sodapop Curtis'.
Slowly a clap started around the room and I stood there trying to calm down while staring at everyone like they had three heads. I just busted a hole in his wall and even Darry was clapping and smiling at me like I was this magical being.
"Look, I'm sorry about that and now the hole in you wall, I'll just leave n--"
"No, it's fine. It's about damn time someone knocked some sense into that kid." Darry cut me off while shaking his head, his smile never leaving.
"In fact, would you like some cake?" Darry looked up at me.
"Um, yeah, sure. Why not?" I shrugged and nodded following him into the kitchen.
"Ooooh this must be serious, ol' Darrel's giving her some of his famous cake." Someone called out behind us followed by a bunch of wolf whistles.
"Cut it out." Darry called back at the rowdy boys in the living room (den). They all busted out in laughter after that.
Darry pulled a chocolate cake out of the refrigerator and slid it on the counter. He cut a piece and put it on a plate handing it to me with a fork and a glass of milk.
"Thank you, Darrel." I said as I sat on the bar stools around the island.
"Please, call me Darry." He said and I nodded as I took the first bite of the cake.
"Ohmygod, this is heavenly. Literally. Heaven on a plate." I moaned out after swallowing.
"Oh, you're hand is bleeding. Here, let me patch that up for you." Darry took my small hand in his much larger, calloused, warm hand.
I willed myself to stop blushing, but fate just wasn't on my side today. I watched as he wet a wash-rag with warm water and dabbed it on my hand before disinfecting it with alcohol and putting a Mickey Mouse tattoo on each knuckle.
"All better." He slowly dropped my hand back onto the counter and I could finally breathe again.
"You look tense, what's wrong?" I asked looking at Darry's tense shoulders and biceps.
"Oh nothing." He shrugged, and I saw the wince he tried to hide when he did it. I gave him a deadpan look and he sighed.
"It's just, with being a carpenter, sometimes my muscles get stuff and my back aches. But seriously, it's nothing." He explained. I put my dirty dishes in the sink and turned around to face him.
"Well, you're in luck, I'm a licensed massage therapist. Now go into the living room and lay down on your stomach, I'll be there in a minute."
"No protesting, now, I'm waiting."
He just sighed and walked in there. I walked over to one of the closed doors I assumed was a bedroom and knocked. Soda soon answered and flinched a bit when he saw me. I smirked at this.
"Do you have any lotion?" I politely asked him. Hell no I was not apologizing for doing what I should have. He shook his head and closed the door as I walked away.
I walked back into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets for a bowl. Once I found one I filled it with warm water and I put a tag in there with it while also grabbing two dry ones. This will have to do for now.
When I got into the living room I set the supplies on the coffee table and saw Darry laying down in the middle of the floor. I rolled my eyes at him, does he know nothing?
"On the couch, doofus." I said and tapped his side with my foot. I glared over at the people on the couch and they immediately moved. I smiled gratefully at them as Darry layer down there.
"Shirt off." I demanded while rolling one of the dry rags. I got a little water on my hands and placed the rolled up rag at the top of his jeans. I sat down on his butt and started with dabbing the wet rag on his back, shoulders, and biceps.
I pushed the palms of my hands into the most tense looking places and rolled them in counterclockwise motions. In doing that I felt that he had two baseball sized knots there, which was not good. He groaned as I did that and I took that as a sign of good work.
After around an hour I had relieved most of the tension in his back, so I sat up and used the other dry rag to wipe his back down. I got up and tossed him his shirt while taking everything I used back to the kitchen.
He looked brighter, less stressed and tired, and stood taller I noticed as I walked back into the room. He was rolling his shoulders and smiling as if it were a miracle.
"Thank you, Olivia, I've never felt better." He complimented as I walked to the door.
"Oh, you're welcome. Bye now." I said as I left outside and saw Kieran sitting on the steps with Ponyboy.
"Let's go." I patted her back and she stood up with me.
We trekked back to her house in a comfortable silence, that is until a certain blue mustang pulled up beside us and rolled down the windows.
"What do you want, Randy?" I glared at him through the window.
"Oh nothing, just, you know how Bob feels about greasers. How would he feel about you hanging around this scum? Huh, Olivia."
"He already knows, and he doesn't care." I flipped him off.
"But does he really know?" Randy asked in a way that told me he knew more than he was letting on. I rolled my eyes as he revved the engine and sped off down the street.
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