Triplet switch
The next day at school Kismet waited outside during recess
Branch: do you know if he is going to meet us
Boom: I promise you Dario is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet
Then they saw a kid with green skin, teal hair and turquoise eyes
Boom: hey Dario 😄
Dario: hey Boomer
Ablaze: hey um brother
Dario: you figured out that we're family
Ablaze: yes
Dario: how's dad 😄
Ablaze: dad recently broke up with Allie and she's currently in jail for what she did to him
Dario: about time
Ablaze: and what about mom has she married
Dario: no she says that dad was the only troll she ever loved
Ablaze: I would like to see what living with mom is like
Dario: I feel the same way about dad
Trickee: great I got a plan for you two to know and maybe help your parents get back together
Then Holly came with some skin paint and hair chalk
Trickee: ok Ablaze you and Dario go to the bathroom and switch clothes
And they went and put on each other's clothes
Dario: wow I can't believe we have the same clothes size
Then Holly got some red hair chalk and made Dario's hair red
Dario: what is going on
Trickee: you and Ablaze are going to switch places
Then Holly made Ablaze's hair teal
Ablaze: were going to look like each other
Trickee: yep a twin switch
Hype: technically it's more like a triplet switch
Boom: don't worry we told Autumn
Then Holly made Ablaze's skin green and Dario's skin purple
Ablaze: wow
Dario: we look like we switched bodies
Ablaze: this is so weird
Holly: you're welcome boys and make sure you don't get wet
Ablaze and Dario: ok
Then later it was time for the kids to be picked up
Flame: hey kids
Andrew and Autumn: hey dad *hugs Flame*
Ablaze (Dario): daddy 😄 *hugs Flame tightly*
Flame: aw I'm happy to see you too bud
Becca: hey kids
Bax and Sofia: mom 😄😄 *hugs Becca*
Becca: hi Dario
Dario (Ablaze): hi Bec I mean mom *hugs Becca*
Then both families went home with Ablaze and Dario wishing their parents would be together again
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