💧 Replacement
Caregiver: BTS
Little: Hobi (2)
Caregiver: Got 7
Little: Bambam (2½)
I love him okay... Don't be mad at me...
Author POV
"Where is my cute baby?" Yoongi ask the little from Got7. They have to ask BTS to take care of him because they're having some technical problem. Hobi sat at the corner waiting for his caregivers came and take care of him. It's almost 5 hours ago starting when Bambam came and that was like 7 a.m. "Bammie... Do you want to eat? Jinnie make you some yummy." The little giggles and reach his hand to the older. Hobi's eyes starting to form a pool of tears. He walk towards Jin and said "Eomma me hungwy too." he said it with a pout. "Hobi can't you see I'm busy giving little Bammie his yummy." Jin said pushing Hobi away.
"Bwut me didn' ewt yet." Hobi whispered under his breath and walked towards his room. He sit under the cover and started to sobbing quietly. After half an hour of crying, Hobi heard someone knock on his door. He wash his face and unlock the door to reveal Yoongi and Bambam in his hand. "Wesh daddy.. Wut cwan me hwelp?" Hobi ask tilting his head. "Hobi I need you to play with Bammie and I will sit in here for looking after you and him." Hobi smiled thinking that there's someone who is cared about him. "Otay daddy! Bammie wet's pway." Hobi said pulling the other little hand. He put all his stuffies which is on the bed onto the floor.
"Bammie... Twis ish mah stuffies. This ish cooky, koya, RJ, tata, chimmy, shooky an' twis ish mah favowete Mang. She ish cwute an' me wuv her." Hobi said hugging and kissing the stuffie. Bambam grab the stuffie from Hobi and said "Twis ish mwine." And bite the stuffie. Hobi got angry and grab the stuffies making the other cried. Yoongi heard Bambam crying and immediately scold Hobi. "Hobi what did you do to him? I thought you are a good boy Hobi. You disappoint me." Yoongi said walking out of the room. "B-bwut Bammie stwart iwts fwist. Stwupid Hobi. Me bwad boy... Mwakin daddy mwad awt me." Hobi said climbing into his bed and slipped under his blanket.
After a whole 1 hous of crying
Hobi woke up from his sleep with puffy eyes after crying for the whole one hour. Slipping out from his head space, went to the toilet and wash his face. He look in the mirror and see his reflection. "Haha stupid Hoseok.. Do you think they cared about you? No.. They not." Hobi said chuckling slowly as his tears make their way to his cheek. "I'm so stupid. Let's go to do something useful and stop being useless." He said and when to his room take his favorite hoodie and a comfy trousers and wear it. He walk out of his room and getting eyes from the others who is sitting in the living room. He went to the door and open it and not forgetting to wear his shoes.
"Where are you going?" Jin ask. "None of your business and go and take care of your baby." Hobi said with a scoff. "Don't be so rude Hoseok." Yoongi said hugging the other little who is sleeping soundly. "Yeah, yeah and now I'm rude? Okay." He closed the door and wiped his tears which is threatening to roll down his face. Luckily their company just two blocks from their dorm. He went inside and straight to their dance practice room. On his way to their practice room he bumps into TXT members. "Hey hyung!" Kai say. "Hey." Hobi said with a low voice. "Are you okay hyung?" Yeonjun ask. "Yeah I'm fine." Hobi replied back to him. "Oh okay then... If you need anything we will be in our practice room which is beside yours." Yeonjun said and watch the older went into his practice room. "I hope he is good." Beomgyu said while the other agreeing with him.
Hobi dance to their songs again and again without break for 3 hours straight. He heard someone knock on his door. He stop the music and open the door to reveal Soobin who is holding some food with him. "Umm hyung you want some? We thought you need it cause you didn't came out from the practice room like three hours." Soobin said with worries in his eyes. "Ah! T-thank you Soobin. You can go now. I'm fine." Hobi said and wave to the boy and close the door. "Maybe there is someone who is care about me." Hobi said sliding down the door and started to cry. He stop crying eat his meal and started to dance again. Its nearly 8 pm and he is still dancing nonstop.
He started seeing black dots on his vision. "F-fuck." He stop and sit on the floor. "You're so weak... That's why they didn't love you." Hobi said to himself. He tried to wake up again but fail and fall on his leg. "Arghhh! F-fuck, not my leg." He tried to straight up his leg but fail miserably. "Haha and now I'm useless right? No one care about me. I'm here for fucking 8 hours and no one text or call me? Haha, it's hurt." He laids on the floor and close his eyes. "I wish they still love and care about me."
While at the dorm
Bambam wake up and not in his headspace and remembered what he did to Hobi. He looked up to see Yoongi is cuddling with him. "Hyung... Where is Hobi hyung?" Bambam ask with a worried tone. "Ignore him baby... He is being a brat now and make you cry." Yoongi said. "B-but hyung it's not Hobi fault. It's mine, i take his Mang said its mine and bite on it." Bambam said with a sad tone. Yoongi shook his head and said "You don't need to lie for him baby." Yoongi said playing with his hair. "No hyung. I tell you the truth. I'm being a brat not him." Bambam said with tears in his eyes. "O-oh really? W-what time is now?" Yoongi look at his phone and shoke after he knows the time. "It's 9 pm and he is not coming home yet."
Yoongi stand up and rush to Jin's room. "Jin hyung do you call Hobi? Or text him?" Yoongi ask worriedly. "Why would I? He rude to me." Jin scoffed. "But it's our fault hyung we ignored him for the whole day and now he is not even home." Yoongi hold his head on his hand. "Wait let me call him." Jin dialed Hobi's number and call. They wait and try again after the first one Hobi didn't pick up. "Aishh it's our fault hyung. What if anything happen to him. Accident? Get kidnapped?" Yoongi started to cry. "Be patient yoongi... We will get him. Okay?" Jin said. "Wait i will try to call Soobin and see if he saw Hobi."
Ring.. Ring..
Hello Soobin
Yes hyung? What can I help you with?
Do you meet or found Hobi?
Ahh yes yes... We found him earlier at practice room.. I think he sit in there for literally 8 hours.
Ahh thanks Soobin. I need to go there now.
Ahh okay hyung. Bye.
"We found him!" Jin shout. "What are you waiting for? Lets go!" Jin and Yoongi rush out and went to their company. They went to the counter and ask for the spare key and rush to the practice room. They try to open it without the key and the door is locked. They try it again but with key this time and the door open to reveal Hobi sprawled on the floor. Yoongi and Jin rush to his side and shake him. Jin feel Hobi body temperature is high and went to find the first aid kit. "He is having a fever. Try to wake him up Yoongs." Jin said while rushing to the toilet to wet a towel to put it on the younger head. "Hobi baby... Wake up please... Hyung here.. Can you hear me?" Yoongi shake him and see the younger stirred.
"Hobi are you okay?" Yoongi ask wanting to take the younger in his arm but getting a weak 'go away.. Don't touch me' from the younger. "Hobi baby... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry to be an ignorant to you." Yoongi said almost crying. "No... No.. You don't love me.. You love Bambam.. Go and love him.. Leave me here.. Let me just die here alone." Hobi hug his body moving away from Yoongi. "Hey Hobi.. We're sorry okay.. It's our fault. We didn't hate you." Jin said walking towards Hobi to put the wet towel on his head. "N-no both of you hate me.. D-don't touch me.. Leave m-me alo-" Hobi faint again and Yoongi catch him before he hit his head on the floor. "Let's bring him to the dorm." Jin said and Yoongi nods his head carrying the younger in his hand.
They went into their dorm and immediately put Hobi on his bed and Jin put the wet towel back on his head. Bambam already went to Got 7's dorm when both of them searching for Hobi. "Hyungs? Is Hobi okay?" Namjoon ask worried after he saw what happen. Namjoon has been in his studio doing the lyrics for their new album for the whole day and come back to the dorm just for food and water. "I don't know Joon... He didn't want to talk with both of us." Jin said in a sad tone. "Let me talk to him." Jin and Yoongi nods their head and walk outside. "Hobi baby papa is here." Namjoon said kissing Hobi's head. "Papa? Papa! Me mwis chu." Hobi said started crying.
"Baby? Wanna tell me what happen?" Namjoon ask while playing the little hair. "Papa... Chu kno' Bammie ish cwomin." The little look up to his papa face. "Uhmm." "Me didn' ewt bweakfas. Soobin gwave me fwood. A-an' daddy mwad awt me cuz Bammie twake Mangie an' sway ish him. Me angwy gwab Mangie and Bammie cwy. Ish nwot mah faul' ish Bammie." Hobi said with pout and tear rolling down his cheek. "Owhh baby.. I'm sorry to hear that i could have been stayed here with you but i don't." Namjoon said sadly. "Nwo papa... Papa work.. Baby dwun dwistub.." Namjoon smile and said "So can you forgive Daddy and Eomma?"
The little make a thinking and hesitate to say but still whisper ti Namjoon. "Ywes... Me fwogive Daddy and Eomma. Bwut twey gwot pwunismen'." Hobi said and Namjoon nods. "What is the punishment baby?" Hobi whisper to him and he nods walk out of the room and told it to both of the caregiver outside. After a few minutes the both of the caregiver bring some onesies, blankets, mac and cheese and bottle for Hobi. Jin give him his mac and cheese and wipe his messy mouth. "Hobi we're so sorry okay... We won't do it again. I love you." Yoongi said and kissed the little cheek. "Ish otay daddy, eomma. Me wuv chu too. Now cuddles...." Jin and Yoongi chuckles and cuddle with the little.
I'm sorry for the late update... I'm not feeling well and have some problems... So here some angst..
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