🍦 Play date
Caregiver : Namjoon and Yoongi
Little : Hobi (3½)
Caregiver : Jin and Jimin
Little : Taetae (3½)
Author POV
It's just another hectic day in Namjoon and Yoongi's house. "Daddy! Appa! Wuv chu!" The little shout and kissed both of them make them chuckles. The little run around the house again and trip before he get up and continue to run again. "Namjoon did you give extra sugar to him today?" Yoongi ask while trying to stop his laughing after he saw what Hobi did. "No I didn't give him any... Let's ask him.. Hobiii!! Can you come here for a minute?" Namjoon shout and hear the little footsteps approaching them. "Ywes Appa?" Hobi ask with a puppy face. If he have a tail you can his tail wiggling so fast.
"Did you take any candy?" Hobi shake his head. "So why are you so happy baby?" Namjoon ask. "Daddy... Appa... Twoday we hwave pwaydate wif Taetae... Dwo chu fowget?" Hobi ask them and hold their hand. "Ohhh i see that's why you're being so active today... Go and get ready bun we will go to their house in half an hour." Yoongi said and receive a very loud 'yeayyyyyy'. Yoongi chuckle at the little behavior and said "i love him... And you." He looked at Namjoon. "Yeah... Yeah.. I love him and you too." Namjoom said blushing.
"Appaaaa!! Cwome hewp mwe cwoose the cwoth." Namjoon shake his head and towards the boy to pick his cloth. "Appa dwo chu twink twis ow twis ish gweat?" The boy show a pink dress and black tight also a black hoodie and his skinny jeans. Namjoon chuckle and said "The hoodie look cute on you baby..." Hobi smiled and immediately change his outfits. After Hobi finish changing his outfits, he take Namjoon's hand and bring him down to Yoongi. Yoongi is sitting on the couch and reading his book. "Daddy! Me an' papa ish weady.." Yoongi look at them and take his car key and went out to start the car. "Papa! Uppie pwease.." The little pout and giggle after Namjoon pick him up.
"Let's go my babies..." Yoongi said getting a soft slapped on his arm. "What... I'm stating the fact." Namjoon shake his head and pampering kisses on Hoseok head. "Papa... Stwob it... Ish twickles.." The little laugh loudly making all of them in the car smiles brightly. The driver of the car which is Yoongi stop at the red lights and get a question from his baby. "Daddy... Do chu bwing me mangie??" The little's sparkling eyes look directly into Yoongi eyes making him melt secretly. "Huh? Uhh yeah... Yeah.. I bring her." Yoongi said while starting to drive his car when the light turns green. The little is focusing on the building that he can see when the car was moving.
After a few minutes later they reach their destination or as Hobi said his 'boyfriend' house. Yes, Hobi, Yoongi and Namjoon are in relationship. But... Hobi and Taetae are just in relationship in their headspace and theirs boyfriends accept it. Hobi went to the door and knocked on them while shouting "Taetae!! 'M here fwor our dwate." The door open and Hobi found Tae and Jin at the front. "Hye Hobi.." Tae say shyly and making both of them blushing. The caregivers who are seeing this is dying in UWU's because of them.
Tae take Hobi's hand and run towards his room before hearing "Tae don't run..." coming from Jin. "Sowwy eomma..." He sit on the floor that have a fluffy carpet and patted the space at his side asking Hobi for sit. Tae is wearing his Tata pajamas (a/n you all know that Tae love wearing pajamas... So yeah...) "I wuv chu pajamas Taetae." Hobi said making the other little to blush. "I wuv chu hoodie too. Dwo chu wan' to excange wif mwe?" Tae ask playing his finger. "Yeahh... Mwe cwan gif chu mwin'..." Hobi said smiling.
After 3 hours of playing and 'dating' Hobi started to get sleepy. "Daddy... Me wanna sweep." Hobi put his head on Yoongi's lap. "Owhhh did my baby tired? You want to go home already?" He got a nodded from the sleepy boy. "I think we're going back now Seokjin hyung, Jiminie... See you soon." They bid their farewell and went into their car. Yoongi who is carrying their little tugged their baby at the backseat and put a blanket on him. "Look at our baby Joonie... So beautiful.." Namjoon look at Yoongi's gummy smile and chuckled. "We were lucky enough to have him." Yoongi pecked Namjoon's lip and say "I'm lucky enough to have both of you as mine. Go to sleep baby... I will wake you up when we reach our home okay?" Namjoon nods and fall asleep at the moment.
This is for all my babies.... Love chuu alllll💖💖💖💖
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