They stayed over in a small motel he found on the outskirts of the desert. Hopefully S.H.I.E.L.D. would be too busy dealing with the fallout of the building to use everyone in the search against them. Which means with the back tracking he kept doing, they should be able to get a few hours of rest before they have to head off again.
Getting a room was simple using the backup cash in the vehicle, finding a new mode of transport was also simple. Selling the jeep to a local lowlife and swapping keys a few times around until he had the vehicle he wanted and no way to trace him back. Clint was thankful the room they were allocated was at the top, it gave him plenty of height to look out. And he remembered Loki always being at the very most top of the tent each time as well.
Loki leaned back against the bed, staring at the moldy ceiling, his little hawk was building up to be a suitable investment. Which was useful, it would get the Other off his back for choosing an agent who didn't draw his weapon at him.
That was something that confused him, Clint should have, at least he should have after he shot at the man's old boss. Did he remember him? It had to be nearly twenty five years since he last paid a visit to Midgard and ran into the wayward archer. He wouldn't be surprised if the mortal remembered, he always saw through even the most powerful of spells and shields.
Mother had been so confused by his actions, constantly looking for stronger concealments and looking excited when his perfect spell failed to hide him for the man's hawk eyes. Loki loved the challenge it brought him, even if he knew he'd miss the strange young mortal if his eyes did miss him.
Loki wondered if Clint remembered that night in Gotham City and the rest in his pocket dimension. His little hawk, drinking his concoction without question that he was going to poison him. Would he think differently now, after being taken from his life? Would his little hawk hate him now? Or would his hawk eyes notice the difference; figure out that something isn't right?
Clint frowned, entering the room holding the small burger he managed to snatch, as he noticed Loki wasn't sleeping. He placed the plate down on the bedside cabinet, watching as the man's hollow blue eyes turned to face him. They should be green. "I have brought something to eat," Clint said, nodding towards the burger. "It should keep you going until we can get something substantial."
Loki slowly got up, moving to a sitting position. He could feel through the staff that the scientist and the other agent were in the other room both resting in preparation for what is to come. "Thank you, little hawk," Loki nodded, reaching for the burger, appreciating the greasy smell. It had been so long since he'd had something to eat.
Clint smirked softly at the little nickname making another appearance. He was correct about this being the same Loki as the Loki that appeared so long ago within the tents. "Once you've eaten, I recommend having a short power nap. We have some time before we have to move on again," Clint suggested. "It might do something for that crazed look you currently have."
Loki raised an eyebrow at the man. It was interesting that the staff allowed that comment to come through, or for the man to have such control over everything. Maybe because of how he did it — wishing to save his little hawk and not dominate the man — meant he kept his consciousness more.
"I shall do just that," Loki nodded, staring at the archer curiously. "What shall you be doing, little hawk?" He didn't want Clint to burn himself out, he used the staff to save him. He didn't want to work him to death.
Clint grinned. He could hear how Loki was worried for him. "Just setting up some connections again for our next stop, as well as standing guard over you," Clint answered. He didn't want to let the man down. He was still new to the whole man in the tent now being his master, but he didn't want Loki to get hurt on his watch.
"You must rest," Loki frowned. He didn't want Clint to stay up the entire time because of him. He wants him to be healthy, he wants him to be able to survive what was coming.
"I need to make sure everything is ready for you," Clint defended.
Loki frowned, resting the plate on his knees. He had to be careful how he worded this. Evidently, the staff still held some control over the man if he was willing to stand guard for so long to make sure everything was correct for him. "I insist, I need you to be at your best for what is to come," Loki declared. "Come rest next to me, keep me safe that way."
Clint looked at Loki for a second before nodding. He knew what the man was doing, and it worked as the blue haze calmed itself. But damn, did he not want it — at least he shouldn't want it so much. Clint knew his body would betray him so bad, especially with part of himself locked away — he'd be straight back to that teen only just growing into his shoulders again.
All too soon, Clint found himself settling onto the small rickety bed in the motel, praying that he didn't have any accidents. He also hoped they'd somehow stick away from each other, even though the cot was hardly big enough for someone of Loki's size on his own. It was going to be eventful.
Clint tightened his hold slightly as he felt his pillow move slightly. He settled again as it tucked in close against him again. He curled up, feeling the hairs brush against his neck and nose. Hairs? Move? Clint slowly opened his eyes, noticing that they'd changed positions over their short nap.
The larger God was curled up against him, forehead resting against his chest. Clint's arms were wrapped around him, a leg thrown over pulling the man closer at the knees. He could feel Loki's chest move under his arm, feel how the man clutched at the straps of his uniform.
His body was acting just like that teenager did so many years ago, little agent standing at attention. He wanted to groan in annoyance, his own body betrayed him. But Clint knew a noise would wake Loki and it would inevitably mean that his situation would be located.
Clint had never willed so hard for something to not be hard as in this situation — and he's been caught out in the parade square before. But it seems he didn't have control of that part of himself anymore, and he's not sure if it is the blue haze or lack of practice.
Taking a deep breath, Clint rolled over and landed on his feet. Thankfully the covers didn't come with him, he glanced over his shoulder and winced when he saw Loki was growing restless, like the man was going to wake. But he needed to check his connections and make sure everything was correctly set up.
Loki opened his eyes, watching his little hawk as the man worked. He knew it was the control that made the mortal get up so sharply to resume his work, but at the same time, it did hurt. He'd been enjoying the comfort of the archer's arms around him far more than he should have.
Clint took note of the time, and decided it would be their best bet to head off. However, he needed to make sure Loki ate and drank something before they started on their journey again. Finishing up the next load of instructions so that the safe spot would be ready for them by the time they reach their Clint headed out, making sure to wake the other two.
There were some simple bars and continental sides on the serving table of the dining space that he grabbed. They were not to be the best, but it was included with their rooms so it would have to do until Clint could scrounge up something more suited for the God.
Throwing a few bars into the others room, hearing their muffled swears as it hit them in the foreheads, Clint made his way back. He was conscious about leaving Loki alone for so long, but he knew the man could look after himself, especially with the weird staff so close.
Clint passed over the range of breakfast items he gathered from the serving table to Loki before settling down with his croissants. Luckily the safe house should be fully stocked on food by the time he gets there so he'll be able to eat something more filling.
It was easy to corral everyone into the new transport with Loki's help. The man joined him in the front, leaving Selvig to gush about the Cube to the other agent. He drove for hours, using every trick in the book to get to his new safe house undetected. He even stopped at one point to access S.H.I.E.L.D. to help cover his tracks even better.
But soon he was deep within his new safe house, set up for the Cube and its mad scientists. There was also plenty of S.H.I.E.L.D.s enemies running around the building making sure that everything was going smoothly. One carefully worded statement to the correct person and he had them all feeding out his hands.
Throwing on one of his smaller bags, Clint slowly set to work climbing the crumbling higher layers of the safe house. He preferred to be higher, and it seemed Loki did as well as the man was also hiding out towards the top of the building.
He could feel the men beneath him giving him some strange looks. Clint also knew there were people waiting to see him mess up. It wasn't like this was an easy place to climb, with great gaps, and thin crumbling beams to walk across instead of floors.
His age wasn't a secret to those who knew where to look, and this sort of thing — scaling walls and jumping between the beams — should be a little more out of his comfort zone now he's fourty-one. But they didn't know his past in the circus, the acrobatics he grew up on.
Launching off a beam and bouncing off a wall to swing onto a new beam without falling off was child's play compared to some of the things he had to do to reach Loki before in the tent. Balancing on rails and jumping vertically to the next wasn't that overly different to what he did for fun.
Even jumping from one beam, swinging on a pole to slide under a rail onto a path wasn't that difficult compared to what the circus used to get him doing, armed with his bow and arrow. With the blue haze wrapped around him, Clint realised his natural clumsiness wasn't coming into play. He was balancing with the ease the God did so many years ago in the tent.
All too soon, he found himself sitting next to Loki, relaying the information the others had been trying to hand him for the past few hours. Once the man had finished processing the information, Clint lent back against the wall, keeping his legs either side of the beam. Clint took out his tablet, searching for the correct element that might stabilise the portal while also keeping an eye on the God.
He shot his arm out sharply, catching the God as Loki startled back into awareness. The already pale skin was white, and felt oddly warm and sweaty beneath his fingers. Somewhere, deep down, Clint knew he shouldn't feel warm. The man's eyes were also frantic, looking side to side — almost like he was seconds away from being attacked. The God looked mad, like someone rattled his brain into craziness. Clint didn't like that look on him.
"We should go check on the progress," Loki said sharply, rising to his feet at the same time as his little hawk. "There is much to be done, little hawk. All too soon, this shall all be over and won."
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