Chapter 6
** The reason for the above picture will be mentioned in the story. :)
"Let's go play in my room." Jenika says standing up.
Chance stands up but when Tim starts to stand up, she pushes him back down.
"You can't come." She says shaking her head at him.
"Why me can't pay?" Tim asks with a pout.
"Because you're mean to me." Jenika says.
"No me not. You...you pink me." Tim says pointing to the bruise on his arm. (pinched)
"Well, okay. You can play. But if you don't play right I'm never gonna let you play again." Jenika says, crossing her arms across her chest.
"Tay." Tim says sadly, getting up from the floor. (okay)
"Well, Luke is freaking out." Rob says, hanging up the phone after talking to their manager.
"Dena is upset. She was wanting to fly up here but I talked her out of it. We gotta keep her updated though." Austin says.
"Yeah, same thing with Jenika's parents." Olena says.
"Where are they anyway?" Adam asks, leaning back to look into the living room. "They're not in the living room."
"They must have gone to Jenika's room." Austin says.
"Guess we ought to go check on then." Rob says as they all stay up and head upstairs to Jenika's room.
"Be still, Timmy!" They here Jenika through the door.
"Me no pay." Tim says. "OWWWW! TOP PINKING ME!!!" (I don't want to play. Stop pinching me)
Adam opens the door and freezes in his tracks.
"What in the world?" Austin asks as he stands beside Adam.
Chance looks around, blush covering his cheeks and bright red lipstick smeared on his lips. He was wearing a tiara.
Tim looks up with sad eyes. His hair pulled up in pigtails (pictured above). Dark blue eye shadow thickly coated on his eyelids.
Both were wearing earrings.
"Unk Am? She.. she... she pinked me." Tim pouts pointing to a bruise already forming on his neck. (Uncle Adam, pinched)
Adam huffs as he walks over and kneels down beside Tim, looking at his neck.
"Jenika, what'd we tell you about pinching." Adam says sternly as he begins to take the rubber bands out of Tim's hair.
Austin comes in with a couple of wet wash clothes. He lays one aside for Adam then he starts to wash the baritone's face.
"He wouldn't stop moving when I was trying to fix his hair." She pouted.
"Well, I'm telling you one last time. If you pinch Tim or Chance one more time, your toys will be taken away and you will be grounded. Understand?" Adam says, keeping a stern voice.
"Yes, Uncle Adam." Jenika says, hanging her head.
Adam sighs as he picks up the wet cloth.
"Close your eyes, Tim. Let me get this washed off your face." Adam says. "I know you're always trying to piss off Westboro Baptist, but this is going to the extremes, isn't it."
The others chuckle but with a hint of sadness.
They missed their smart talking bass man.
"I think it's getting past these kids' bedtime." Rob chuckles as he watches Tim and Chance, fighting to hold their heads up while watching television.
He walks over and squats down next to Chance just in time to keep the baritone from falling over.
"Chance?" He smiles as Chance tries to open his sleepy eyes. "You ready to go to bed?"
Chance nods and then gets up from the floor where he was sitting.
"Wouldn't it be nice if the other two was that quiet." Austin laughs.
"Well, that is Tim and Jenika that you're talking about." Olena smiles as she cuddles into his side.
"Speaking of Jenika, where is the demon child?" Austin smirks.
"Oh, she went to bed about 30 minutes ago pouting cause Adam scolded her." Olena giggles.
"Hey, Adam?" Austin chuckles as he points at Tim. "I think a certain someone is also ready for bed."
Tim was sitting up but leaning forward on the stuffed horse that he held in one of his arms. His thumb in his mouth.
"I'm getting a little tired, myself." Adam says getting up from his chair.
"Hey, Tim." Adam says pushing his hair back so that he could see his face. "Hey, Buddy."
Tim whines as Adam tries to lift his head. "Top. Me seepy." He mumbles. (Stop I'm sleepy)
"I know you are, so let's go to bed." Adam says with a smile.
Tim nods but then starts to lay down on the floor.
"No, Tim." Adam says trying to raise him back up.
"Need some help?" Austin chuckles as he gets up from the couch.
"Thank you, you're so kind." Adam says sarcastically.
They get on each side of Tim and tries to get him to stand but Tim was just wanting to lay down and wouldn't try to stand on his on.
"Come on, Tim. Stand up!" Austin says, clearly irritated.
"Austin. Don't get hateful with him." Olena scolds. "He's just a baby."
"A six foot three and a half inches, two hundred plus pounds is one heavy baby." Austin argues.
They finally get him awake enough to stagger to the bedroom.
"Now comes the fun part." Adam says with a frown as he opens up the pack of adult diapers.
They work together to get the bass man undressed and to get the diaper on him.
"You know he is going to throw one hellacious fit if he comes to and has one of these on." Austin chuckles as they pull his boxers up over the diaper.
"What if they don't come out of this, Austin. What if they're stuck like this?" Adam asks looking down at his dear friend, curled up and sucking his thumb.
"They'll come back to us. They just have to." Austin says with a shrug.
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