Chapter 9: You've Grown
Izuku’s pov
“Dad? Dad, DAD WAIT--” a familiar tired man bounced himself on my bed, successfully knocking me off onto the floor. The cold floor.
“If anybody should be sleeping in, it’s me.” he grumbles, pulling out his favorite juice pouch.
I groan in response and grudgingly stand up to glare at him. He glares back with shining red eyes and floating hair that he thinks can intimidate me. I scoff a playful smirk gracing my lips. “You’re getting old dad. I don’t have lessons today.”
I blow a piece of curly, tangled, green hair out of my face and pushed him to make room for me before I layed down.
Haha he’s gettin’ old. Gee, he didn’t need to shove me out of bed or wake me up at all. I can feel it in my gut that today is going to be troublesome. Can’t believe this old geezer can’t even remember the days righ--
“Today is the entrance exams to UA.” he slurps his juice boredly looking at my tired figure.
I shoot up from my bed in an instant. Eyes bloodshot and long hair clumped in a knot, when I zoomed to my closet to snatch clothes, dashing to the bathroom.
“Ha. Can’t believe you didn’t get the days right.” He smirks at the frantic girl and finishes his pouch, to just bring out a juice box god knows where.
It’s been 10 years since Shota Aizawa adopted me. 10 years since I was trained by Nedzu. And 10 years since I lost my mom. I still wonder who and why those villains did what they did. What they wanted, and why they needed mom. But I’d be damned if I don’t end up finding out. The only way in doing that, is becoming a hero myself!
With the last touches to my Eraserhead ribbon in my ponytail, I make a mad dash out the bathroom and put in my black hoodie, making sure to feed Hobo before I head out.
“BYE DAD!” I exclaim muffled from the croissant in my mouth. I hear a loud grunt in return right when I close the door. I know dad is one of the teachers, so he could drive me there. But one problem: he takes the longest time getting ready. One time, I fell asleep for at least two hours waiting for him and once I woke up, he was done. After that day, I’m not risking my chances. I could easily get into UA through recommendations too. After all, Dad is a pro hero. Another problem: with recommendations, they give you a higher chance of getting in if you're already special. I want to get in like everyone else does, and fight to the top, proving myself as someone who has potential.
I make it to the station just in time before the train leaves and settle on an open seat.’s a little crowded here…
I sweatdropped at the amount of shuffling people trying to not graze each other or touch each other at all. With that thought, I see a pregnant woman looking through the crowd for a seat. Instantly, I wave her over with a smile until she catches me and comes over.
“Would you like to take my seat?” I smile and gestire to my chair which she nods gratefully.
“Thank you! It’s crowded and not the most ideal place for me.” she sheepishly smiles back while I get up for her to claim it. I walk away to find some pole I can hold on to.
I should visit mom soon…
I got to UA in no time. Maybe to fast... Well it’s probably because I’m feeling jittery. The giant gates in front of me aren’t helping ethier.
How can tall gates radiate intimidation?!
With a wobbly step I make my way inside. I can feel my wings tingle in anticipation and my cheeks heat up.
I’m going to be a hero…!
Before I can take another step or even finish my thought, I feel myself falling..? I was about to fall face first into the concrete in front of everyone. Internally screaming, I was ready for the impact. Except, there wasn’t any. I was floating.
“Oh sorry I used my quirk on you! I just thought falling on the first day would be a bad omen, huh?” a bubbly voice behind me chirped. I was tilted slightly and positioned so I was standing in the air. She swiftly pressed her finger tips together and mumbled, ‘release’ so I could be back to normal.
She chatted a bit before setting off into the building leaving me flustered. Can you blame me? I haven’t talked to people my age in forever! And I made a fool of myself too! Hopefully I wasn’t bothersome..
Shaking my head, I find myself with newfound confidence.
That’s right, I was trained for this! I was trained by literal pro’s since I was 4! All I have to do is kill this exam like I did with all the tests Nezu threw at me and leave this place begging for me to join. Easy. Totally.
I pause in my little pep talk. PSSHH-- YEA RIGHT.
I giggle slightly at my silliness and continue forward into the building. I walk in a little stadium already full of teens and sit at an empty seat a few dozen rows from the stage at the bottom. People around me apparently were friends so they just started conversing. I’m glad they didn’t start talking to me. I don’t think I could have handled it. At some point I started zoning out.
I look up finding uncle Hizashi. He’s in the middle of explaining the test so I wonder how long I was zoning out for. I hear him explaining that we’re going to try and destroy robots that all have different points. I got a good grasp on what we would be doing, and tuned back out. I started smoothing out my silky feathers admiring it’s shine until my thoughts were interrupted by a loud boy in glasses.
“...AND YOU!” he pointed at me accusingly and I winced at his booming voice. “You have been fiddling with those wings of yours up until now! That is very distracting! If you want to dilly dally, find someplace else!” He huffed with chopping motions.
Dude.. Chill..
I took a breath to calm myself from all the eyes pointing at me. “Sorry.” I say with a small smile while bowing slightly at the said boy. He was about to speak, but I cut him off. “But don’t you think it’s hypocritical to point that out? Don’t think I didn’t see you fiddling with your own glasses.” His eyes widened and his hands dropped to his side. “Everyone is nervous.”
I turned back around and rested my head on my hand boredly, trying my best to ignore the unwanted stares. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them, everyone was getting out of their seats. I got up from my own too and went straight to the area assigned to me. I looked around noting the stressed teens crowding to prepare for the unopened gates. I saw the girl that stopped me from face planting and made my way over to her. Suddenly, a stiff large hand covered my slender shoulder. “Excuse me.” An authoritative voice spoke.
I turn my face to see the glasses boy from before. “First, I’d like to apologize for mentioning you from earlier, and secondly, I would highly recommend you not conversing to that girl. Can’t you see her concentrating?” I tilted my head at his statement and my eyebrow twitched in annoyance.
“Oh. My bad.” I smiled gently, trying to get him off my back. I sweatdropped at him and he let go of my shoulder and walked away. I huffed.
No need to be so strict! Geez…
I rolled my eyes and sighed. I took a breath and closed my eyes. I focused on my surroundings. The noise. The people. The blood pumping through the hearts of the people around me, then my own. I exhaled and held my breath waiting for something. “...GO!” Uncle Hizashi’s voice rang my ears and I shot my eyes open in an instant. I jumped up from the crowd using my wings for speed, and hop from the sides of the large gate doors to get in front of the crowd. I glance behind me to wink at the unmoving bodies behind me for a split second, before whipping my head ahead of me to start sprinting towards the vibrating stomps from the ground below. “What are you all standing there for?! There are no countdowns in battle! Look at her! She has the right idea!” the same voice yelled, and soon, the sounds of other people sprinting were heard.
To get the advantage, I ran into the alley way on my right and jumped against the walls to get to the roof. From there, I used the rooftops to get from place to place. I stopped my tracks and looked below the edge of the building. Because I used the roof tops instead of the ground, I got located in the far end of the city away from other competitors except for the few handful of people who were faster than most. A few streets ahead of me, I saw two 3-pointers, and two 2-pointers. I sighed feeling a much needed nap coming along later, and ran over to the bots. Cutting my left wrist with one of my many bracelets containing different blades inside on my right wrist, I leaped off the roof with blood droplets in the air forming a scythe in my hand and sliced the head off the robot. landing on it’s already falling body, a booming clang was heard from the chunk of metal clashing into the ground, gaining the attention of the other robots near, turning their wired-filled heads at my tiny form sitting on top of their dead comrades body.
“Hey there!” I chirped with a closed eyed smile. Out of context, I sounded friendly, but the unnerving red halo above my head said otherwise. I then threw my crimson red scythe that sliced the head of the bot in front, and then half the body of the robot behind that one. “Let’s play!” my eyes opened, glinting and a vicious grin across my freckled face.
I huffed feeling drained. “57 points..” I whispered to myself and cut my inner thigh with a different, sharper, blade than the last. I had to make multiple spear-like-weapons flying at different directions to eliminate the robots about to stomp on the injured people that was noticed by me. I know I should have focused only on myself if I wanted to win, but they look so helpless.. Suddenly, loud thumps could be heard from the other side of the city. Screams and the earthquake-like-stomps made my blood run cold and adrenaline pump. I sprinted all the way there in a flash and was flabbergasted.
That’s the 0-pointer!? Are they trying to kill us?!
I watched as everyone was retreating, and was about to do the same until..
“AGH!” A groan was heard under the ruble. My eyes widened. It’s that girl… In an instant, my legs moved on it’s own. I was shaking and scared, but nevertheless, lifted my wrist to slash both my wrists and thighs with a quick swish. People who saw me zooming the roof tops slicing my flesh probably grimaced. I would have too if I saw the mushy muscle and blood squirt, but I didn’t have the time for that. I jumped from the edge of the roof towards the giant robot and quickly created two gigantic scythes forming in both my hands. In the same second, I sliced it’s head and middle body off. Rippling metal and wires filled the silent air as heroes observed, and competitors surrounding me awed. I landed gracefully on the beaten robot with my wings bloodied and ruffled, letting my weapons fall onto the ground into the red liquid it once was as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in.
“Hah…” I breathed clutching my head feeling light headed.
“I did it.” I smiled and looked over at the girl under the debris. “Are you ok?” I ask as one of the bystanders that watched, helped her out because it hurt just standing.
In response, she only widened her eyes and looked at my hellish form. “Forget about my ankle! Look at yourself!” She covered her mouth in worry. I didn’t understand.
“What-” I looked down myself and saw that I was still bleeding out. I never healed back yet. I was horrified too. I only healed slowly when I lost too much blood, and I didn’t think about the consequences of cutting myself for that last attack. I shook my head, feeling that same lightheadedness I felt earlier. “I’m fine-” Before I could finish my sentence, I fell backwards letting my wings break my fall.
Gasps were heard from the people surrounding us and whispers broke out. Many tried to come and see if they could help, but was stopped by a small lady with a syringe as a cane. “Here have some candy.” She gave to a boy next to her. She gave one look at me and shook her head. “Oh dear.” she tsked. She bent down and kissed my forehead and I felt my wounds heal at a rapid pace.
“Thank yo-” I didn’t finish my sentence either because I felt like falling asleep at that exact moment.
“My quirk will heal you at the exchange for your own stamina. Seeing as though you barely have any, it’s only likely you would feel this way. Don’t worry too much and rest.” She nodded to me and I shut my eyes. “Now, can anybody take her to the infirmary?” She called out and multiple people glanced at my sleeping form, even if bloodied, did not hinder my charming aura, and so they raised their hands. “How about you in the red hair?” She pointed at a boy with spiky red hair.
I didn’t quite catch the rest, because I let the fading scene consume me into complete darkness.
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