Chapter 2: New Friend
Izuku’s pov
Time skip! Brought to you by Mitsuki Bakugou fawning over Katsuki’s flower crown.
A week later...
I don’t know a lot of things. And I can’t study or read books to learn why I don’t know things like usual, because it’s not in any of them.
Besides revealing my wings, mommy says I can’t use my quirk outside. She didn’t say why. She said it was dangerous. Not for them though. But for me.
I don’t know why I would be in danger. But I’m not sure if I want to find out why.
I don’t know why pops calls me dangerous.
And I don’t know why Kacchan keeps referring me as ‘her’ or ‘she’ either.
I’m a boy.
Maybe it’s because other boys I see are wearing pants and has shorter hair. I wonder why they do that. Dresses are more pretty. And you can style your own hair more. It’s fun! I don’t know why they don’t like these more. Strange.
From down the hall, I can hear mommy shuffling around probably getting ready for work. I look down at the few Hero Analyses books I finished and smile. Grabbing the one I’m currently writing in, I dash out my room through the hall with my red sundress following after me and curls bouncing, some coming astray from the ribbon I tied them into.
“mOMMY!” I all but screeched, while zooming towards the short, yet taller figure in front of me. (A/N: I’m gonna use the plumper version of inko cuz I luav her thiccness) The figure turned around just in time to catch my flying body and we both crashed into the couch behind her. “Izuku!” she widened her eyes in surprise but still smiled softly down at me nonetheless.
We laid there in a giggling mess for a minute or two before she got up. She caught my growing pout forming, and in a panicked motion, scooped me up. “A-Ah! Don’t be sad Izu!” She hushed over my tiny whimpers escaping my mouth. Her comforting tone calmed me down enough for her to put me down. “Now Izuku, today is a special day. Can you guess why?” she pat my head.
“International Candy Day?” I asked, excitement bubbling up my being, and silently waiting for her to hand me some type of treat.
“Uh, er, no dear…” She sweatdropped at my statement but carried on.
“Today you get to tag along with me at work!” She smiled down at me and my bubbly self couldn’t help but cheer. After all, she never did talk much about her work, much less take me there. The only thing I know is that she wears a lab coat and worked with medicine. I don’t know the exact specifics to her work, but the way she explains it sounds important and complicated.
“Really?!” I beam and she chuckles.
“Yes. Now grab your things so we can go.” she pats my head before walking into her room to take her papers. I bounce to the kitchen to grab my animal crackers and apple juice when I hear my mom calling me to hurry up and stuff everything in my bunny shaped bag.
We called a taxi over and drove down to the city where my mom worked. Curiosity eating me up, I sit restlessly through the duration of the drive until we halted in front of a tall building. I gasp at the height and turn around to see mommy sigh softly and muttering something I couldn’t hear. She takes my hand and leads me inside the building where we stop at an elevator. “Izuku, press level 95 please.”
I grin and searched for the button, but realized it was the top button, which was the highest floor. I pouted at the height the button was placed, but nonetheless went on my tippy toes to not-so-gracefully bitch slap the button. Mommy laughed at the scene and I stuck my tongue out at her.
By the time she ended her fit of giggles, we reached the floor.
Well that was quick. I noted.
With my hand in mommy’s, we walked down the labs and test tubes with different colors and chemicals swirling through the glass. Mommy opened a door at the end of the hallway which led to a room with a large lounge surrounded by desks and cubicles. Although most people I passed looked busy and frantic with papers of work, or experiments, the atmosphere felt cozy and warm.
“Izuku, sit here while I get something in a lab.” she stroked my curly hair. “Don’t wander around, ok?” she hardened her gaze on my small form all the while having a smile that made no room for arguing.
I nodded and she released her gaze from my own and walked to another room. I sat down on one of the lounge chairs and popped a lollipop I got from my bag in my mouth. Humming a tune my mommy once sang while helping her garden, I hopped off the chair and bounced around the area. Some workers glanced my way, but hurried off to work.
My emerald orbs landed on a door darker than the rest. After a short debate in my mind i decided against going in, but a whimper from behind the mysterious door broke my thoughts. I turned the knob, but was locked. So I worked my ‘Magic’ and finally unlocked the door, gently opening it up but was faced with darkness.
“Hello?” I spoke softly, just in case I intruded on someone. This earned me a growl deep in the room. I walked in, slowly getting closer to the growling noise to find the smallest puppy i’ve ever seen behind a cage with a clipboard that said:
Species: Bloody Hell Hound
Gender: Male
“What are you doing in here? It’s to gloomy for a puppy to be here.” I furrowed my brows and scooted closer to it’s cage. “Hello. I’m Izuku.” I smiled fluttering my wings a bit out of excitement.
My presence made it angry somehow and bared its teeth at my own smile.
“Wow! You have a funny looking smile!” I gasped but giggled at how it’s face scrunched up like I spit in its face. It’s hostility seemed unchanged so and idea popped in my head. I got closer to it and removed the lock on its cage.
Why are there so many locks?
When it got out, the growling didn’t stop. For a puppy, It sure was mad. It got closer to me, and I only grinned, thinking it wanted to get to know me. I stuck out my hand towards the dog and it snarled. Before I can comprehend what happened, it clawed at my hand. I shrieked, pulling my hand back.
I inspected my hand on it’s injury, and my eyes widened when I realized my palm was bleeding.
uh oh.
My eyes were half lidded as I turned to the satisfied looking dog that flinched at my dark gaze. My orbs glowed and my wings spread in alarm. The blood dripping down my hand fell, but before reaching the floor, floated up above my head making some sick, red halo. My hand with the now healed wound, was lifted towards the dog once more.
“Bad boy.”
My voice was hushed, but demanding that echoed the dark room like a void. The dog whimpered and laid down obediently. I smiled at the gesture and bent down to pet him. He bowed his head to let me pet him and I giggled because of his change of mood. After awhile I scooped him up in my arms and took him out of the gloomy room I started to despise.
“Oops.” I said, realizing my bloody halo had formed. I dropped the blood using my quirk and was surprised when the dog absorbed the blood and yipped happily as it wagged its tail. “You feed off of blood?” I gaped. He responded with a prideful, vicious, grin that spelled trouble.
“I guess we’re both what daddy calls ‘dangerous’” I sigh while cuddling into its blood red fur. I walked down the hallway noticing it’s oddly quiet.
(A/N: I read the idea of the Blood Manipulation quirk off of multiple other stories and fanart! One of them I based off my story on was Grave Robbing. It's one of my favorite wattpad stories because of how descriptive it is and it's concept!)
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