"Midoriya?" A familiar voice came from doorway it was Todoroki who had a heartbroken look on his face many stared at him with disgust whilst others fear..."what do YOU fucking want?"deku responded with venom laced his voice as he hugged onto katsuki who protectivly put his arms round his waist."I..I would like to speak to you...alone..." he let out hiding the sadness in his voice."no...want to talk to me do it infront of everyone..." and with that midoriya's door was slammed shut...
Night time oof ( ⚠️⚠️mention of rape⚠️⚠️)
It was twelve o'clock at night and everyone was asleep or at least everyone was thought to be asleep, todoroki was silently making his way to midoriya's dorm freezing the handle off he stared at the sleeping,shirtless boy on the bed,Shoto walked over to him and carefully got onto of him and tracing a hand over his abs looking lovingly at them as he did. Todoroki started kissing and midoriya sucking on midoriya's neck his hands leading down his body.When he was about to remove midoriya's trousers he heard a deafening scream that would of woken everyone.Todoroki's head shot up to a now awake and crying midoriya,with hickeys everywhere..."WHAT THE FUCK TODOROKI!!" His head shot round to almost everyone in his class at midoriya's dorm as well as a traumatised and pissed katsuki storming towards him...the owner of that voice was none other than momo.."I..I can explain!!" He said raising his hands only to be thrown off by a pissed katsuki,he looked back to see Mina,uraraka and bakugo trying to calm midoriya...
"Hey...hey it's ok deku-kun,he won't hurt you anymore" uraraka said as she patted his back..."h..how can y...you be su..re?" He whispered into katsuki's chest as mina wiped his tears(they were all sitting on his bed..) "cause I got it on video..."mina whispered softly but loud enough for everyone to hear..."you are no better than Endeavor you fucking bastard...!" Kirishima exclaimed tears began pricking todoroki's eyes...satou walked in with katsudon as others started bring stuff to cheer him up.Katsuki even pulled out an old plushie of midoriya's.
This but green and tattered...
He hugged the plush like his life depended on it as teachers walked in including nezu to see why everyone was up and gathered after curfew..."why may I ask are all of you here at this hour?" The mouse bear thing asked what is nezu? " HE tried raping midoriya ,we caught him before he could but midoriya wasn't left untouched..." mina said replying and pointing to todoroki all the teachers looked at him with disguist others with disbelief..."any proof?" Midnight asked.."yeah,I was recording a message to kaminari but before I could start mido screamed.." she said holding her phone...
The video contained mina taking a breath but interrupted by a distant high pitched scream she shouted "MIDO?!" as she leapt out of bed and began running turning the camera as people including a very worried boyfriend came charging out.When she arrived the video showed todoroki his hands over midoriya's pants rim and his head shooting up from his neck..then the video stops...
Everyone but Bakugo and Midoriya looked at him with disgust,mainly because Bakugo had just gotten mido back to sleep on his chest as he was cleaning away evidence of tears,kissing his forehead."How do we know this wasn't staged..."Endeavor asked everyone just pointed to bakugo kissing midoriya's forehead whilst stroking his hair..."that ain't platonic" shoji simply said "what?" Bakugo asked looking up confused then in disgust as he say Endeavor."get.out.now."he simply said "I don't think it's your decision young man!" Endeavor boomed offended waking up midoriya who began silently sobbing into katsuki's chest "well done you mother fucker!"Katsuki lashed as he turned back to his boyfriend picking him up."you're staying in my room..."he said to his boyfriend who had wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist crying into the crook of his neck.Once they had left people glared daggers towards todoroki and Endeavor...
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