"Good morning, class! I'm going to explain your next project so listen up everyone," our photography teacher started the lesson.
"You have to do a photoshoot in three different settings. One has to be in nature. It can be a forest or a beach or anything really. The second has to be inside a house and the third one in a public place. It can be a street or a store or a restaurant and etc. It doesn't really matter as long as it's public," he explained.
Okay, that doesn't sound too hard I guess.
Before the teacher could continue, a boy in the class raised his hand. The teacher motioned for him to talk.
"Who do we have to take the pictures of? And how many in each location?" he asked.
"I was just about to get to that. The model can be anyone, just not yourself. And it has to be a person. You can work in pairs if you wish. And one photo in each location so three in total. Like always, you're going to have to edit them as well. You have until our lesson next week to do it. Any more questions?"
I wanted to ask a question but I was too nervous. Just as he was about to go on with the lesson I gathered up my courage and raised my hand.
"Yes, Harry?"
"Can we have help on this project?" I asked. I figured it would be a great opportunity for Liam to teach me. I didn't want to just ask his help without asking the teacher first though because it would have felt like cheating.
"You mean by a professional? As long as they just teach you and don't take the pictures for you then sure. It would be a great learning experience for you so if anyone happens to know a professional then go ahead and ask them. You made me curious now Harry, who is the photographer you know? Would I know them?" the teacher asked me.
"You probably would," I started. I was positive every person in the class knows him. Liam is one of the most well-paid and -known photographer. He's so good he almost only works with celebrities.
"His name is Liam Payne," I finished.
I'm pretty sure I heard someone gasp. It made me want to laugh but I was able to contain myself.
"Oh wow! That's impressive. I'm already looking forward to see your results. But how in the world do you know him?"
"Oh he's a friend of my um...neighbors," I answered hesitantly. I guess Louis and Zayn really are just my neighbors and nothing else.
But it feels like they're so much more. I've never felt such a strong connection to anyone in such a short time span before. It's like we just clicked from the very beginning, like they're the only people in the world who truly understand me.
But I'm pretty sure it's just me and they think I'm just some annoying kid who they can't wait to get rid of already.
"You may make plans for the rest of the lesson."
"So I'm assuming you're doing this alone?" Luke, who was sitting next to me, asked.
"Yes, I am. I'm so sorry," I apologized since we usually do our projects together.
"It's alright, baby. I get it. But who's gonna be your model?"
"Oh um Louis actually," I answered.
"Oh wow. So you're gonna be with an A class model and photographer. You're definitely getting an A+. Damn baby, I'm so jealous of you," he said jokingly.
"I guess I really am lucky."
"Lou, do you have any time this week?" I asked Louis that night while we were cuddling on the living room couch. Zayn was working on a painting in his art room, we were waiting for him to be done so we could order some food and have dinner together.
"I do, yeah. I only have one photoshoot on Friday but other than that I have the whole week off. Why, what's up?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows. I wanted to smoothen them with my fingers so badly but I stopped myself.
"Our photography teacher gave us instructions for our next project so I figured it would be the perfect time to have a shoot together. If you're still up for that of course."
"Of course I am. What day were you thinking?"
"Maybe Saturday?"
"That works for me. I'm gonna give Liam a call to and ask if he's free. You still want his help, right?"
"Yeah, definitely." I'd never say no to getting help from one of the best people in the department.
"Cool. What's the project?" he asked with genuine interest. I'm still not used to people being interested in my life. Sure mum asked me about the day whenever she saw me but to be honest most of the time she wasn't home and now she doesn't call that often.
"We have to take a picture in three different locations. One in nature, one inside a house and one in a public place. We also have to edit all the pictures."
"That sounds cool. Do you have any ideas already?"
"I have a few," I admitted.
"Care to share those ideas, darling?" he asked with a very attractive chuckle. No laugh should sound so good, it's totally unfair.
"There's this forest about 10 minutes from here that Ni and I sometimes go to. I was thinking of taking the first photo there. The second one we can just take here. And the third one I was thinking in the middle of the street. Maybe on the crosswalk or something. But I think we should probably try different places for that just in case."
"Sounds good, Darling."
"What's the weirdest place you've had a photoshoot at?" I asked Louis.
"Oh God there's been surprisingly a lot. Maybe the one I had at this random ass farm? I was literally standing in horse shit."
I started laughing at that. The picture of him standing in poop is just hilarious. I can't believe he actually agreed to do that. They must have payed him very well.
"There was also one in a public bathroom. I had to sit on the toilet and everything," he continued, making me laugh even harder.
"Hey! Don't laugh at me!" he exclaimed with a chuckle. I, in fact, did not stop laughing.
He then got a mischievous glint in his eyes and before I even had time to react, his fingers were pressing on my stomach.
Uncontrollable giggles now left my mouth. He kept tickling me and I just kept on laughing. I curled into a ball and tried to push his hands away but it didn't work since he's a lot stronger than me.
"P-please stop!"
"Well this an interesting sight to say the least," I suddenly heard Zayn's voice from the doorway.
Both Louis and I looked up. Lou let go of his grip on my stomach so I took my chance. I got up and ran to Zayn. He opened his arms and I ran into them. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Is Lou being mean to you, sweetheart?" he asked me and rubbed my back softly.
"Yes! He's being a big meanie."
"Am I now?" Louis appeared in front of me.
"Yes, you are."
"Oh yeah? Imma show you how mean I can actually be." He tried to attack me again with his fingers but thankfully Zayn turned around so he was protecting me from the big bad monster.
"Don't be mean to our baby, Lou." Zayn reprimanded. It brought a blush to my cheeks.
Before Louis could answer his phone started ringing. I heard him let out an annoyed sigh before he answered it.
"What is it?"
Zayn turned around so he could see what was going on as well so I had to turn my head.
"Are you fookin kidding me? Now? Seriously? Can't you handle it by yourself?"
There was a pause before he continued. "Fine," he said and ended the call with another sigh.
"I need to go. Some idiot messed up a magazine cover that I'm on and they need me. A bunch of idiots, I swear to God."
"But we were supposed to have dinner together?" I asked sadly.
"I'm so sorry darling, I wish I could stay. You two go ahead though, I'll grab something on my way." He kissed Zayn, placed a kiss on my forehead and grabbed his coat before leaving.
"Guess it's just the two of us now, huh, sweetheart," Zayn sighed and placed me on the ground. I pouted at that but didn't protest.
"Do you want me to cook something quick or do you want to order something?" Zayn asked me.
"Can we order pizza, please?" I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"Sure, sweetheart," he chuckled.
He ordered us two pizzas. They arrived within half an hour and we went upstairs to their bedroom to eat and watch some TV.
I was half asleep when Louis got home. Zayn and I were cuddling on their bed when he walked in. I was too tired to react to it though. A few minutes later he joined us on the bed. He got in next to me and wrapped his arms around me so I was surrounded by the two men.
I felt so relaxed and safe. Their scent enveloped me and made me relax even more. It didn't take long before I was out like light.
The day after that Louis called Liam to ask when he had time to join us. It turned out he had Saturday free as well so that's when we planned on going.
I waited all week impatiently until Saturday rolled around. I was already awake at 8 am, which is super early for me.
Of course I knew we wouldn't leave until after lunch but I couldn't sleep due to the excitement.
I still can't believe I get to work with actual professionals. It's always been such a huge dream of mine.
Since I was pretty sure I was the only one awake, I decided to make the two men I'm living with breakfast in bed. I figured cooking would be the perfect way to distract myself.
I'm not exactly the best cook in the world. Zayn is definitely way better than me but at least I'm better that Louis. Or well I guess everyone is better than Louis.
Despite my not the best cooking abilities I can still make some pretty mean banana pancakes.
I used to make them for my mum and I all the time so I had the recipe memorized.
I prayed that we'd have all the necessary ingredients and started looking around in the kitchen.
Once I found everything I needed, I put on an apron so I wouldn't accidentally stain the hoodie I was wearing. It belonged to either Louis or Zayn, I'm not exactly sure which one. I just stole it from their closet once and haven't given it back yet. Not that I'm ever planning to.
I had grabbed my headphones with me before leaving my room so the whole time I cooked I also vibed to some music. I also might've sang along and danced around the kitchen but nobody needs to know that part.
The pancakes, like pretty much always, turned out quite delicious. I served them on plates, added some whipped cream and strawberries and made my way upstairs to their bedroom.
I struggled a bit with opening the door but finally succeeded in the task. I almost tripped over some clothes on the floor but thankfully didn't. If I would have fallen it would have been a catastrophe.
They both looked so peaceful while sleeping. They were cuddling and it looked adorable. Seeing them like that made me feel something but I'm not quite sure what it was.
At first I thought I was jealous, but then I realized what it actually was. I was sad that I wasn't there with them.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts and started thinking of ways to wake them up.
Once I finally got an idea I placed the tray of food on the bedside table. Then I jumped on top of them, specifically in the middle of the two.
Both of them groaned and opened their eyes.
"What are you doing, baby?"
"What time is it?" Louis and Zayn asked, or more like groaned, at the same time.
I was waiting for them to kick me off the bed or something but to my surprise that didn't happen. Quite the opposite actually, they both wrapped their arms around me, efficiently trapping me on the bed.
I couldn't resist snuggling into the warmth of the two of them.
"I made you breakfast," I told Louis and Zayn.
"Oh yeah? That's very sweet of you, Darling. Good thing I'm starving."
I went to get up so I could hand them the food but neither would let me go. I pouted and tried again but I still couldn't get up.
"Let me go," I pouted.
"And why would we want to let such an adorable boy go?" Zayn asked me.
"I need to give you your food," I explained.
"That's why you wanna get away from us? No way," Louis said. He let go of me for a moment and reached over to grab the tray.
Zayn and I adjusted our positions and sat up. Louis sat up as well. They both still had an arm around me.
Louis took one of the plates and handed the other one to Zayn with the tray. I watched them take the first bite and waited anxiously for their reaction.
Louis moaned at the taste, making my stomach feel funny. "This is so amazing, you should totally replace Zayn in the kitchen," Louis said with his mouth full. I laughed at what he said. Zayn hit him on the arm though.
"Thanks, but I can't really cook anything else."
"Well that's a bummer. I was excited for not having to cook anymore," Zayn joked. "But seriously, it's very good. Did you eat some already?"
"I did, yeah." I couldn't resist eating one. Okay, maybe it was 4. You can't blame me though, they taste so amazing.
"Good. Wouldn't want you being hungry, sweetheart."
"Louis? Can I go look in your closet and find a few outfits for you for today?" I asked him excitedly.
"Of course Darling, go ahead," he said with a laugh. He was probably laughing at my excitement.
I quickly got off the bed and ran to their closet. I think I heard Zayn let out a whine once I left the bed but then I figured I must've heard wrong. Why would he be sad for me leaving the bed? Maybe he missed my body warmth? Because I certainly missed theirs.
I dismissed those thoughts and started looking through the racks of clothes. All of their clothes are so pretty.
Eventually I found three good outfits that I liked. I wanted to do a different outfit in each location.
I came out of the closet with the clothes in my hands. They had finished eating and were now watching TV.
"Could you try these on please?" I asked Louis while pointing to the clothes I was holding.
"Sure, Darling," he immediately agreed with a smile. Unlike what I expected, he didn't sound annoyed at all.
"Oh!" I was very surprised when he dropped down his pants right there in front of me. I quickly covered my eyes.
Zayn pulled me into his embrace while laughing at my antics.
"Sorry about that Darling, I forgot how innocent you are," Lou apologized.
"It's alright," I said. I still didn't look up from where my head was hidden in Zayn's chest. He was playing with my hair with one hand and rubbing my back with the other.
"So? How do I look?" Louis asked. I looked up and saw that he was fully dressed and wearing the first outfit.
Let me tell you, he looked utterly gorgeous. The outfit looked wonderful on him but at this point I'm sure he could even make a trash bag look good.
The other two outfits looked just as good as the first one and I was very proud of myself for choosing them. And seeing the outfits made me even more excited.
Liam came over around 3 pm. Waiting for that long was absolute torture but I survived. I distracted myself all day by annoying Zayn and Louis. Somehow even after the whole day they didn't get annoyed with me. I found that really impressive.
"Ready to go?" Liam asked.
"Actually I figured we could take the pictures here first," I stated.
"Alright. You wanna use your own camera or should I get mine?" he asked me.
I didn't even have to think about it. Yes, Liam's camera definitely has the best quality out there, but my camera was a present from Louis and that means a lot to me.
"I'll use my own. Thanks for the offer though," I said politely.
"Sounds good. In what room do you wanna take them?"
"I think we should take them in different rooms so I'd have more options. Maybe let's start with on the stairs?" I suggested.
"It's your photoshoot, Harry, we can do whatever you want and you don't need to ask for my permission. I'm just here to give you advice and help you if you need it, although I think you won't."
"Right," I blushed.
"Before we start, could I see some of your previous work? Just so I could get a feel of your style," Liam asked me.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be right back." I hurried to my room to get my photo album. I had to search for it for a second and when I did I hurried back downstairs.
I handed it to Liam who instantly started flipping though it. I tried to understand what he was thinking from his facial expressions but it wasn't as easy as it seems.
I was extremely anxious to hear what he was thinking Once he finished looking through the album he handed it to Louis and Zayn, who started looking though it as well. Alright then.
"Honestly kid? You're amazing. I'm not sure there's anything I could teach you," he finally said. He actually thinks I'm good? My heart filled with pride.
"Thank you so much, Liam. It means the world to me," I said sincerely.
"There's no need to thank me, I'm just saying the truth. But come on now, let's get to work."
And we did. We did a bunch of pictures on the staircase, some in their bedroom, some in the living room, kitchen and so on.
Liam said he didn't have anything to teach me but that's a lie, he gave me so much extremely valuable advice and tips.
It took us a bit over an hour to do the first part of the shoot. Once we finished, Louis changed and we went out to the car to drive to the forest.
The shoot there was a bit trickier since it was very wet outside. But thankfully I got a good idea surrounding the moisture.
I had Louis stand under a spruce tree and shook the branches so the raindrops would fall on him. Although it looked amazing on camera he didn't appreciate getting wet. Thankfully he got over it as soon as he could change.
The shoot in the middle of the street was probably the most difficult since we had to look out for cars and a lot of people interrupted us because they wanted to take a picture with Louis.
We were on the street for only about half an hour before I decided I got enough pictures.
On the way back home I suddenly got another idea for the inside a house picture.
As soon as we got home I grabbed Louis' hand and pulled him into the living room.
"Can you lay down on the couch please?" I asked him. He nodded and did so. I got on the table and started taking pictures.
At one point I lost my footing and accidentally slipped and fell onto Louis. He let out a groan once I landed on him.
"Sorry," I whispered, feeling very embarrassed.
"It's alright, darling," he said. Just then I realized how close we were. Our faces were only inches apart and his hand was resting on my waist.
I looked into those breathtaking blue eyes of his and held my breath. He started leaning in and before I knew what was happening our lips met.
At first I didn't know how to react so I didn't do anything. I guess Louis took it as a sign that I didn't like it because he started pulling away.
Before he could do that I started kissing him back. His hand came up to the back of my neck and he deepened the kiss. A breathy moan left my mouth.
"What the fuck is going on?!" we were interrupted by an angry voice. We pulled apart quickly and probably looked like deer caught in headlights.
"What in the bloody hell was that?" a very angry Liam asked.
"Chill man, it was nothing," Louis tried to calm him down.
"No, it was not nothing! Louis, you're fucking married!"
Right. I forgot. And in that moment the guilt hit me. What in the world have I done?
"I'm so sorry," I mumbled before quickly getting off of Louis, grabbing my camera and running out of the room.
"Harry!" I heard Louis call for me but I don't stop until I was in my room. I locked the door and rested my back against it.
The guilt hit me once again. This time tears started streaming down my face and soon sobs also joined in. I slid down onto the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest.
And I just cried my eyes out until I got so exhausted I fell asleep right there on the floor.
AN: I just realized how fucking boring this story has been so far. I'm so sorry.
3729 words
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