"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Zayn asked me for possibly the millionth time that morning.
"Yes, I'm fine. Just like I was when you asked me 5 minutes ago," I laughed. It's so cute and funny how worried he is
"Alright sweetie, just let me know if you need something," he told me and went back to painting. I turned my eyes back on the screen and focused on the show I was watching. At least for the next five minutes.
We were both sitting in the living room- me watching the tv and him painting. He refused to go to his art room because he didn't want to leave me all alone. Louis was at work, filming an ad for a fragrance company. At first he had been extremely determined to stay home but I convinced him to go.
I had just hurt my leg after all and didn't need them both to pause their lives, I was doing just fine.
Of course the night before I hadn't been completely fine. Actually it had been really frustrating. At first my leg really hurt and then when I tried to sleep I simply couldn't. I woke up every hour or so for no apparent reason. Around 7 am I just gave up and got out of bed.
Of course that had woken up both of my boyfriends, which is the reason they have both been so worried.
The reason I couldn't go to school is because I had to avoid stepping on the cast for another day and I didn't have crutches yet. My mummy was supposed to go buy them today after work.
There lies another reason Zayn didn't want to even leave the room. He had been tending to my every need since I was unable to walk and had been carrying me around as well. It made me feel really bad, but he had assured me it was no problem.
Why is it always that when you're excited for something the time seems to slow down? I was counting down minutes for two things. First for school to end because Niall was coming over, and for Louis to get home. It's quite embarrassing but every time, even if it's for a short while, I'm apart from either of my boyfriends I miss them like crazy.
I let out a sigh of boredom. I regretted doing so just a second later since Zayn turned to look at me with such a worried expression you wouldn't even believe it.
"What happened? Does it hurt?" He hurried to me and started looking me all over like he was searching for new injuries.
"I'm fine! I'm just a little bit bored."
"Oh, good. I can definitely help you with that," he said in his attractive Bradford accent that drives me insane.
I held my breath as he looked at me intensely. He started leaning down painfully slowly. Just before our lips met, his connected with my cheek instead. I was confused until I realized that his true motive was to torture me. His fingers came in contact with my tummy and he started to tickle me.
I started giggling right away even though I tried to keep a straight face. Tickling always gets me.
"Are you still bored?" he asked while continuing the absolute torment.
"No! Please stop! Have mercy!" I begged. Those seemed to be the magic words and he put me out of my misery.
He pulled away a little bit so he could look at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes of his. It made me feel like he was staring straight into my soul.
"I love you, Harry."
"Aww I love you too, Zayn."
As soon as the words left my mouth he attacked me with a kiss. Not that I minded in the least. I kissed him back just as passionately.
"You know, there's something else I can do so you wouldn't be bored," he rasped out.
"What's that?" I asked nervously.
"I can make you feel good," he offered. I could only imagine how red I looked in that moment. I covered my head with both of my hands out of embarrassment.
"Do you want that?" he asked me. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded.
"Words, darling."
"Yes, please."
"What do you want me to do?" he teased me like the meanie he is.
"Make me feel good!" I exclaimed. The amount of embarrassment I felt is out of this world.
"As you wish, my love."
He reached down to pull my pants off. Thank God I was wearing sweatpants. It would have been mortifying if he wasn't able to remove them.
Once off, he threw my pants on the ground and started touching my private parts over my underwear. It felt really good but so naughty.
He then kneeled down on the floor in front of the couch so his face was right next to my legs and placed a kiss in the same place he just touched. Oh God.
He made eye contact with me as he pulled down my underwear. It all felt incredibly sensual.
My breath hitched as he wrapped his hand around my hardening penis. He kept looking at me as he moved his hand up and down, at first slowly but continuously speeding up.
"Are you still bored?" Zayn asked with an arrogant smirk.
"N-no," I breathed out. I could barely focus on what he was saying.
"Does it feel good?"
"Yes!" I basically cried out.
"Good," he commented and then suddenly took my entire length in his mouth. Holy spaghetti it felt amazing.
"Oh my god!"
That man can do things with his tongue that are out of this world. It didn't take me long to finish and he swallowed it all. It made me blush like crazy.
"Delicious," he said. I let out somewhat of a whine and covered my face. I swear he's trying to kill me.
(AN: Gosh I hate writing smut)
"He did what???" Niall asked with shock clear in his voice.
"He told me he has feelings for me and kissed me," I repeated.
"Holy shit! I can't believe he'd do that when he knows you're in a relationship. And a loving one at that. What did you say?"
"I told him the truth, that I don't feel the same way."
"But how did you hurt your leg? He didn't push you, did he?" my best friend asked with concern.
"No, of course not! I just slipped on some ice," I mumbled the last part.
"Are you sure that's all that happened?"
"Oh my god, yes!" I was getting a bit annoyed. I love the fact that Niall cares about me and is obviously taking my side but Luke is his friend as well and I don't want him to think badly of him.
"Alright then. What did the doctor say about your foot?" he thankfully changed the subject.
"He said that it needs to be in a cast for two weeks and then I have to wear an orthosis after that," I explained.
"That sucks," Niall said. I definitely agree with that statement.
"It could have been worse. I could have broken it or something," I tried to stay positive.
"That's true I guess. And hey, you have two boyfriends that will treat you like a God for the next several weeks," Niall joked, although it was completely true. I'm so lucky to have them.
"That we will," said Louis out of nowhere. I didn't even hear the front door opening.
"Lou! You're home!" I grinned widely. I was so happy to see him after missing him for the whole day. If I could walk, I would have ran up to him to give him the biggest hug ever.
"Hello, my darling!" He must have had the same thoughts because he walked up to me and picked me up from the couch to hug me. Once feeling satisfied, he sat down so I was in his lap. I immediately snuggled into him.
"Hello, Niall," he greeted my best friend.
"How's Liam?" Louis asked him.
"He's good. Busy with work though," Niall answered.
"Is he free tonight?"
"He should be," Niall said after a moment of thinking.
"You two should come over for dinner then. Haven't seen him in a while," Louis proposed.
"Yeah, sure. I never say no to food," Ni agreed with a grin.
"Oh it's gonna be like a double date!" I realized. How exciting. I've never been on a double date before.
"I guess it is, yeah," Lou went along with my idea.
Niall left a few hours ago since his mum called him. He had to do his homework anyway so he could come over in the evening as well.
It was nearing the time my mummy was supposed to come. My boyfriends and I were all cuddling on the couch and watching a show of my choice. They always let me choose. They're both so sweet.
"I missed you all day," Louis told me and kissed me on the cheek.
"I missed you too."
I turned my head so I could look at him. The only words that could explain the look in his eyes would be pure adoration. It certainly released a zoo of butterflies in my stomach.
He slowly leaned closer to my face until his lips were just millimeters away from mine. It made me hold my breath and close my eyes in anticipation.
When our lips finally collided it felt like a storm of passion and love. At first it was very sweet, he just gave me long pecks with no tongue or anything like that involved. But when his tongue did enter my mouth it was impossibly sensual, so much so that I couldn't stop myself from letting out a moan. We had a short fight for dominance that he won almost right away.
While Louis and I continued our kiss Zayn started kissing my neck. Feeling them both so close to me made me feel so loved.
What caused all three of us to pull away from each other and sit up straight was the sound of the front door opening and then closing with a loud bang. Next thing we heard were frantic footsteps nearing the living room.
The person who had stormed in like that was, to my surprise, my mum. For some reason she looked absolutely furious.
"Can someone explain to me what the hell this is?!" she yelled and waved around a magazine.
Both Zayn and Louis got up to see what she was talking about while I was left there to sit and wait nervously.
"I can explain-" Louis said quickly. Although his tone was calm, his body language was anything but. I could see the way his shoulders tensed the moment he saw what my mummy was showing them.
"You better have an amazing excuse you fucking pedophile!" she screamed in his face. What on earth is she talking about?
"What's going on?" I asked quietly.
"Oh my baby! I can't believe I trusted you to be safe here. I'm so sorry. Don't worry, you're coming home now and never have to see this disgusting man again."
"What are you talking about?" I asked her, on the verge of tears. I hate when people are mad, it's scary.
"I'm talking about this!" She finally showed me the magazine. On the cover of it was a picture of Louis and I kissing against his car. I recognized it straight away. It was from the time we went to McDonald's and there was that paparazzi. The title read "MODEL LOUIS TOMLINSON CHEATING WITH A TEEN".
Oh no. This is definitely not the way I wanted her to find out. I'm not ready yet.
"Mummy, it's not what you think."
"How can it be anything else? I trusted them both to look after you and not take advantage of you!"
"Anne, please calm down so we could all discuss it," Zayn tried to help.
"Have you touched him as well?! YOU'RE BOTH SICK IN THE HEAD!"
Okay, that's where I draw the line.
"Mummy, please stop! They haven't done anything wrong!"
"You poor child, they've brainwashed you," she said as she rubbed my cheek with a sorrowful look on her face.
"Mummy! I LOVE THEM!" I finally yelled out. I will not let anyone, including my mum, talk so badly about the two men I love the most.
"No, you don't. You're too young to even know what love means."
This caused the tears in my eyes to stream down my cheeks.
"Yes, I do," I argued. She looked surprised. I guess she isn't used to me ever arguing back.
"No honey, you don't. Let's go home now."
"Why are you not listening to me?! I love them! And I'm not going anywhere!"
"Harry! We. Are. Leaving."
"You are free to leave, Anne, but if Harry says he wishes to stay here he can do so," Zayn said with finality.
"He's my son, you have no say over him."
"You're right, I don't. But neither do you. He's a person and not a thing. And besides, he's an adult that can make his own choices."
"I can't believe I ever trusted you people."
"I know they weren't the perfect circumstances for us to get together but it's not wrong. It may not be the most traditional relationship but we all love each other very much and if you can't accept that then please leave. Once you're ready to stop being so closed-minded you may return to have a calm discussion," Louis announced.
My mummy turned to look at me once again. "You really wanna stay here?"
Since I was crying I wasn't exactly capable to talk, mostly because sobs were probably the only thing that would have come out, so I nodded.
"Fine then, I'll leave. But trust me, I will make you both regret it," she threatened Louis and Zayn.
She stayed true to her word though and did leave. Once I heard the door shut I was overcome by sobs.
"Oh sweetheart." Zayn pulled me into a much needed hug. Louis joined us, making it feel even more safe and comforting.
"I'm so sorry darling, I should have done something about that pap," Louis apologized.
"It wasn't your fault," I told him between sobs.
"I'm still sorry. I know you weren't ready for her to know yet."
"Yeah well you can't change the past. I just hope she won't stay mad for long."
"Should I let Niall and Liam know not to come?" Zayn asked.
"No. I need to have fun," I replied. "After some cuddling."
"Of course, Darling."
We laid down on the couch again, me between them both. Zayn was playing with my hair and Louis was rubbing my back. I was just finished crying and it felt so comfy so I let out a yawn. I think it only took me minutes to fall asleep.
I was woken up by a body jumping on top of me.
"Wakey wakey Hazza!" the cheery voice of my best friend reached my ears.
Instead of answering I let out a grown and covered my head with a blanket that someone had placed on me while I was asleep.
"I don't wanna."
"Come on Haz, I need attention." Niall didn't leave me alone.
I heard a chuckle from someone in the room and then felt someone play with my hair.
"Come on Darling, wake up. I know how excited you were."
I begrudgingly opened my eyes and saw Niall and Louis looking at me.
"There you go, love," Louis said with a soft smile.
With a sigh I pushed the blanket off of me and sat up. I noticed that Zayn and Liam weren't in the room so I asked about it.
"They're in the kitchen," was Louis' answer.
While we waited for them to come I told Niall about what had happened with my mum earlier.
He was very upset about it and tried to comfort me. Liam did the same when he heard about it.
For the next few hours we had tons of fun. We ate and played games and talked. It was exactly what I needed after that upsetting incident.
AN: I'm trying to stop writing so childishly but it's way harder than I thought.
2706 words
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