"Have a great day at school, sweeties!" mum said as she dropped Niall and I off.
"Thanks mummy!"
"Thanks, Anne!"
"Did you do the chemistry homework?" Niall asked while we walked into the school building.
"I did, yeah. Let me guess, you didn't?"
"Nah. I was busy fucking Liam all night."
"Niall!" I gasped in horror and disgust. "I do not need to know such things."
"Um yes you do. That's your right and responsibility as my best friend."
"Why am I friends with you again?" I asked myself the question I've asked a million times before.
"Because you loveeeeee me." He grinned, gave me a side hug and messed up my hair.
I let out an overdramatic sigh. "Unfortunately that's true."
He scoffed. "Bitch please, we both know I'm awesome."
"What're you two children talking about?" Luke appeared out of nowhere to the space in the middle of us and put an arm over each of our shoulders.
"About how much Harry here loves me," Ni answered with an innocent smile. Luke just shook his head in amusement.
Then the warning bell rang, making the other two boys groan. I was happy though because my first lesson was art.
Luke and I headed there together while Niall went in the opposite direction. The poor boy had physics first lesson.
"Have you decided who you're gonna paint yet?" Luke asked me.
"Yes, Tom Holland. He's my favorite actor." While that is true that's definitely not the reason I chose him. I just didn't want to choose between my boyfriends and painting Liam would have been weird.
"Oh cool. I figured you'd choose one of your boyfriends," he said with a sour expression. I wonder what that's about.
"Yeah well I'm not," I snapped. As soon as the words left my mouth I felt bad. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."
Luke just laughed. "It's alright, princess. One thing though. I need to talk to you about something after school. It's really important."
"Of course. Is everything okay?"
"Oh yeah, everything's fine, don't worry your pretty little head."
"Alright then."
The moment I heard the final bell ring I anxiously made my way outside to wait for Luke.
It took a couple minutes of me freezing for him to get there. The first thing I noticed was how nervous he looked, which, of course, made me nervous in return.
I had a feeling I wasn't gonna like what he had to say.
"Let's get away from all these people," he suggested. He took my hand and pulled me to the side of the parking lot.
"I need to tell you something. I've felt this way pretty much from the beginning and I just have to say this. I know I'm late but you still need to hear it, hear all your options."
Oh no. Please stop. I don't like where this is going.
"I'm in love with you. I love you so much, Harry. That's why I hate seeing you with those grown ass men. They don't deserve you."
"And you do?"
"Yes! I love you!"
"So do they. And I love them. I'm sorry Luke but I don't feel the same way."
"Yes you do. I know you do. Please, Harry."
"I'm so sorry if I ever gave you that impression but I don't."
"You do. I'll prove it," he said determinedly and started to lean in. I wanted to step back but couldn't since he put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him.
And then his lips touched mine. It wasn't a pleasant feeling like when Louis or Zayn did it. No, this felt wrong. I didn't like nor want this.
I tried to push him away with all my strength but he was much stronger than me.
He finally seemed to realize I wasn't kissing him back so he pulled away. I immediately stepped away from him.
Me being the klutz I am managed to step on a block of ice while doing so and fell. I heard a loud crack and then landed on my butt.
"Oh shit. Are you okay?!"
He bent down to help me up and I let out a loud cry.
"My leg! I think it's broken," I sobbed out.
"Oh no. Oh fuck. Louis' going to kill me," Luke mumbled. He then picked me up in his arms and sat me down on a bench.
"I have to make a call."
Luke's POV
"Hello boys. I need to have a talk with you," Louis came up to Niall, Dominic and I. We were all sitting in their living room and waiting for Hazza.
"What is it Louis?" Niall asked. Right. They kind of get along.
"There's a rule I need you all to follow. If Harry ever happens to get hurt, even if it's just a little scrape, you have to call either me or Zayn immediately. Understood?"
We all nodded right away. He's hella scary.
Even though I hated their guts for taking my Haz away from me, I knew that in case Harry did get hurt I wouldn't ever dare to disobey him. I'm genuinely afraid of him.
You'd think that since he's a model he'd be harmless but he's hella ripped. And I've seen him work out before. Trust me, he's not one to be messed with.
*flashback over*
I took out my phone and searched for Zayn's number. I figured calling him would be less scary. Although he can be extremely frightening as well.
Z: Hello, this is Zayn.
L: Hi. It's Luke. Harry um he uh got hurt?
Z: What happened??
L: He tripped and thinks he broke his leg.
Z: Where are you?
L: At the school parking lot. What should I do?
Z: Wait there. We'll be there in 5 minutes.
But it's a 10 minute drive? Before I could ask the question out loud be hung up. I gulped and sat down next to Harry.
"I'm so sorry you got hurt, princess. I never wanted anything like that to happen."
"Why did you have to kiss me?" he asked me through sobs. I wanted to pull him into a hug more than anything in that moment but I figured it would only make things worse.
"I already told you, because I love you."
"I'm in a relationship!" he exclaimed. Like I don't already know it.
I heard a strange noise so I looked up. It was a fancy car speeding crazily into the parking lot and stopping in the space on front of us. Oh shit.
Both men came out at the same time and hurried to where we were sitting.
"What the fuck happened to our baby?!" Louis asked loudly while Zayn went to check on Harry.
"He um he fell."
"And how did that happen?" he interrogated.
"Because I kissed him," I practically whispered.
"You did what???" he yelled.
"I kissed him," I said a bit louder. "I'm in love with him," I confessed with a bit more courage. Harry will never choose me if I can't even stand up for myself.
Gosh, the look in his eyes in that moment was just insane. He genuinely looked like he was seconds away from murdering me.
He grabbed the collar of my jacket and roughly pushed me against the closest wall. That shit hurt. He raised his fist up to punch me but before he could someone stopped him. Zayn.
"I know you're angry, love, and trust me, I am too but you can't hurt him. He's just a kid. And besides, we have to take our baby to the emergency room," Zayn reasoned.
It made Louis step away from me and me to release a ginormous breath of relief. If that man would have punched me I no joke would have died.
I watched Zayn pick Harry up and place him in the car before they both looked at me with deadly glares and drove away.
Harry's POV
"It hurts," I cried.
"I know it does baby but you have to be a good little boy for a few more minutes, okay?" Zaynie told me and rubbed my back comfortingly.
He had placed me in the back seat and sat down next to me while Lou was driving.
I tried to take some deep breaths to calm myself down and it seemed to be working along with the encouragement from my sweet boyfriend.
"Good boy, that's it."
I thanked the gods above when we finally made it to the hospital. Sometimes I'm so happy to live in a small town.
Zayn picked me up once again and took me inside. Louis opened all the doors on our way in.
(AN: imma write this from my experience so it would be as realistic as possible)
"Oh dear, what happened?" a sweet looking old lady who was clearly working there asked.
"I fell and I think my leg is broken," I sniffled.
"Oh honey, let's get you sitting down and checked out."
There was a very uncomfortable looking chair in the waiting room that the nurse gestured for Zayn to place me on.
"I'll go bring you an ice pack. And have you taken any painkillers already?"
I shook my head.
"Okay, I'll bring those as well then."
She went inside one of the rooms and returned with the promised things a minute later.
"Here you go, dear."
I put the ice pack on my leg but it wouldn't stay. Louis noticed it so he sat down next to me to hold the bag. I gave him an appreciative smile.
And then I took the pills with some water and hoped they'd start working already although I knew they wouldn't.
"Can I have your name, age and the relation to these young men."
"My name is Harry Styles, I'm 18 and they're my boyfriends," I answered.
"Oh! Alright. Would you like us to call someone for you? Your parents maybe?" she offered with a sweet smile.
"No thank you, s'okay"
"Would you happen to have an ID-card with you?"
"I do but it's in my bag in the car."
"I'll go get it," Zayn said.
"Great! I'll start the paperwork. How did you say it happened again?"
"I stepped on ice so I slipped and fell."
"Alrightie then. That bloody winter, innit?" she tried to lighten my mood. I smiled and nodded. During the conversation my tears had stopped. It still hurt a lot though.
"I got it." Zayn came back with my identification.
"Thank you, dear." She took it and went inside the room again.
"How are you doing, darling?" Louis asked me.
"It still hurts." Another wave of tears hit me.
"Oh baby. I wish I could take all your pain away," he said softly and wiped away my tears.
"I wish you could too," I tried to joke.
"I'm all done now. Let's get you to the x-ray." The sweet nurse returned, this time with a wheelchair.
"Hop on in, dear," she told me. Before I could do it myself Zayn lifted me up once again and placed me on the wheelchair.
"You two can wait here," she said to me boyfriends.
"Can't they come with?" I questioned.
"I'm afraid not. You'll see them again in a few minutes."
I pouted but didn't object.
"You'll be alright, sweetheart. We'll be right here when you get back."
"Okay," I said and the nurse wheeled me away. At least one good thing came out of it, I could finally ride on a wheelchair.
The journey to the x-ray room was very short. She told me to get on the table there and I did and then she left the room. The person working with the machine came out though to give me instructions.
"Could you take off your shoes and socks, please?" he asked.
"Good. Now lay down on your side."
I did as he asked but when I tried to put my hurt foot on the table as well I couldn't.
"I can't, it hurts too much." I started crying again.
"Yes you can, everyone's been able to," he answered. What a meanie. I tried again and with a lot of struggle I somehow managed to.
"Very good. Now don't move your leg," he instructed and left the room.
I tried my hardest not to move it. It was difficult though since my leg was literally shaking from how much it hurt.
It was thankfully only a few more seconds before the mean man returned.
"We're all done," he let me know.
Oh thank God. The sweet nurse then returned with the chair. I didn't bother putting on my socks or shoes and just sat in the wheelchair.
"How was it?" she asked me.
"Very painful."
"Yeah, I know how it can be. You're a very brave boy."
I, of course, had to blush at that comment.
"Here's your boyfriend back, all safe and sound." She jokingly winked at Louis and Zayn who both looked extremely worried.
"It'll take some time for the surgeon to look over the pictures but as soon as he does I'll let you know." She left again.
Louis was quick to put the ice pack back on my foot.
"Is your foot still hurting?" Zayn asked me.
"Yes. But a little less though."
"That's good. I hate seeing you in pain, it breaks my heart. And really makes me want to go back and kill that boy."
"It wasn't his fault. I fell."
"Still his fault. What exactly happened anyways?"
"He um said that he loves me and then he uh kissed me. I tried to push his away but he wouldn't let go and when he finally did I stepped back and then I fell. I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't kiss him back."
"We know you didn't darling. We weren't thinking about that all. None of it was your fault. That was literally sexual harassment."
"No, it wasn't like that," I defended Luke.
"Did he or did he not touch you without your consent?"
"Well yes, but-"
"Then it was sexual harassment. There's no buts. He touched you when you didn't want it and that's not okay. You should report it."
"What? No. It was just a misunderstanding. He thought I was in love with him too so I must have given him some accidental signals or something."
"Stop trying to blame yourself sweetheart, it wasn't your fault. You're the victim here," Zayn told me.
Was I? Although yes, I was the one in the hospital, it didn't feel like it. It must have been my fault somehow.
"Hello, is this Harry Styles?" an old man with a beard and a lab coat came up to us. He reminded me of a skinny Santa Claus.
"Can I see your foot?"
I nodded and showed him which foot was hurt.
He touched it from the exact place it was hurt and held it tightly. It hurt so much I was getting ready to murder him.
"It's swelling already, just like I thought. You have something called a ligament tear. It's a very common sports injury. We have to put your leg in a cast for let's say 2 weeks. After that we'll see how you're doing and if it's not healed yet we'll put it back in a cast. But if it is you need to wear an orthosis for a few months at least. I'll write you a recipe for that."
Woah, that's a lot of information.
"Make sure not to step on your leg for the first 48 hours at least."
"We're ready," the nurse from earlier said to the surgeon.
"Great. I'll leave you to it then."
3 nurses put my leg in a cast. The process hurt since they had to bend my foot. The cast ended up coming up to my knee. I can already tell it's gonna be not very pleasant.
"That'll be 5£ please," one of the nurses said. Louis gave her the money and then we left, Zayn carrying me again.
(AN: Americans are probably in shock rn haha)
"Let's get you home now."
To my utter surprise Louis drove the car into their driveway and not mine. It made my heart melt. He called it my home.
"When is your mum gonna be home?" Zayn asked.
"Around 17.30 I think."
"I'll give her a call and tell her to come here once she gets home."
"I'll put on a movie for you. What would you like to watch?" Louis questioned.
"We can be heroes, please. I heard it's a good one."
"Okay, Darling. I'll bring you ice cream as well for being such a good and brave little boy today," he said, making my insides melt.
Until the time my mummy got home the three of us cuddled on their huge couch and watched the movie. Being in their embrace was really comforting.
At exactly 17.33 there was a knock on the door. Louis got up to answer it.
"Did something happen?" I heard my mum ask.
"Something did, yeah. Come in."
Zayn let go of me and sat farther from me so our position wouldn't look strange.
My mummy gasped as soon as she saw my leg that was rested on top of a big pillow.
"What happened?"
"I fell really badly. Turns out I have a ligament tear." The doctor did explain in detail what that was but I didn't remember a word of it.
"Oh you poor little thing."
"His leg is gonna be in a cast for 2 weeks. I was wondering that maybe he could stay with us for the time being? I know you have to work and since we're home most of the time we could take care of him," Zayn offered. I was really surprised since it was my first time hearing it.
"Oh I don't know. I would hate to bother you like that again."
"It's no bother Anne, we love Harry." I wish she knew the real meaning of that sentence. "And besides, I offered so it's definitely not a bother."
"Alright then. Thank you so much for helping me out again. I'll bring over his things later. Is it okay if I stay here for a bit?"
"Of course, he's your son."
Mummy did stay for a few hours. I told her all about how it happened. I did have to lie though when she asked what I was doing at Louis and Zayn's house in the first place and why I hadn't called her.
Once she left I was in a really good mood. I was happy that I could spend two entire weeks with my boyfriends again.
3132 words
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