AN: A really dumb chapter, sorry.
I anxiously chewed on my nails as I waited, sat on my own couch for the first time since January. My mum was going to walk in any second now.
I didn't even know what I was so nervous for, it was just my mum after all.
A hand was placed on my bouncing knee, making me look up. "Relax, sweetheart," Zayn said softly.
"Sorry, Zee. I don't know why I'm so nervous."
"You don't need to apologize, I understand. You haven't seen your mum in months after all."
"I don't know how I'm gonna be able to not tell my mummy about us," I admitted.
"We are going to tell her, just not right away," Lou reminded me.
"I know. But I've never hidden anything from her before."
"If it makes you uncomfortable, you can tell her. You know we would never stop you."
"No, it's okay as long as we don't wait too long." At least I hoped. I hate lying, especially to my mum, and I'm very bad at it as well.
And then I heard the long awaited sound of the front door opening. As soon as the sound reached my ears I was pretty much running out of my seat.
"Mummy!" I called out before running into her arms. She dropped her suitcase to wrap her arms around me.
"Oh my sweet boy. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, mummy."
The hug lasted for several minutes. At least I think it did. But even the long hug full of closeness and her consuming smell couldn't make up for the months of missing her.
Once we let go she put her hands on my shoulders and just looked at me. You know, the thing grown ups sometimes do.
"Have you grown while I was gone?" she asked with a bright smile on her friendly face.
I giggled. "No."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, mummy," I continued to laugh.
"Hello, Anne. Nice to have you back," Louis spoke up.
"Oh hello Louis, Zayn. It's really nice to be back home." She hugged both my boyfriends. I'm glad they get along, even if she doesn't know the truth yet.
"I'm going to spend the day with my son but how about we have dinner tomorrow evening and you can tell me all about what you guys did while I was gone?"
"Sounds great. Have a lovely day." Zayn agreed.
We all said our goodbyes and the three of us might have sneaked in some kisses before they left.
Once they were out the door, mummy turned to face me. "So what should we do today?" she asked, smiling.
"Can we make some muffins?" I've been wanting some all morning and Zayn had refused to make them for me.
"Of course. I guess we have to go to the store then. Go ahead and get dressed, I'll wait in the car."
I did just that. I put on a hoodie I may or may not have stolen from one of my boyfriends and a jean jacket. I thought I looked cute.

The ride to the store was just a few minutes. During that time mummy told me about the time she spent at nana's house. It sounded quite boring to be honest and, as rude as it makes me sound, I was glad I didn't have to go with and could stay here instead.
"You go find the milk and I'll get the eggs, yeah?"
"Okay," I agreed and we both went in separate directions of the store.
I then got some notification on my phone. I went to look at what it was but in the process of it I managed to bump into someone. It made the other person drop the bag of chips they were holding.
"I'm so sorry!" I was quick to apologize.
"It's quite alright, love," a very familiar voice responded.
I looked up to confirm my thoughts and I was indeed correct, it was Liam.
"Oh hey!" I greeted him with a grin.
"Hello, Harry. It's lovely seeing you here," he said and gave me a short hug.
"It's nice to see you too. How are you and Niall?"
"We're good. I'm actually picking these up for him." He gestured to the basket full of snacks.
I couldn't help but laugh. "I wish I was more surprised."
"I swear that boy with his eating is gonna make me go bankrupt," he joked.
That comment made me laugh again. I have had my fair share of buying my best friend food so I definitely know the feeling and can relate.
"Honey, did you get the milk?" I heard my mummy's voice from behind us.
"Oh, sorry, not yet." I completely forgot the only thing I was supposed to do. I mentally facepalmed.
"Who's this?" she asked, gesturing towards Liam.
"Hello ma'am. My name is Liam Payne. I'm a friend of Zayn and Louis."
"Oh hi! I'm Anne, Harry's mum."
"Nice to meet you, Anne." Liam gave her one of his infamous charming smiles and kissed her hand like a true gentleman. Who said chivalry is dead?
"It was nice to see you two but I gotta run now. I have a hungry boy waiting for me at home," he said and winked at me.
"He seems nice," my mum commented once he was out of sight.
"He is, yeah. He's a photographer so he actually once helped me with an assignment."
"How lovely of him. Do you know what he meant by a hungry boy waiting for him? Does he have a dog?
"Close. He was actually talking about Niall. They're dating," I explained.
"That certainly makes sense," she laughed.
"You can put on music if you wish," mummy told me while we made the cupcakes.
"Alright." I put on my fast songs playlist and soon we were both singing, dancing around and just enjoying ourselves. These are exactly the kind of moments I've been missing. It might sound a bit weird but just now that she's back I realize how much I've been missing her.
"I love my mum but I'm so happy I'm back. I've missed you awfully much. I don't know what I'm gonna do if you go to university in the fall."
"Aww mummy I missed you sooo much too."
"Did you actually enjoy yourself at Louis and Zayn's house or did I make a horrible mistake leaving you here?"
"No mummy I loved it there, they're great."
"I'm so glad. I know I've said it before but I was quite anxious about leaving you with them."
"Why did you anyway?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"Honestly? I know how outgoing they are and how shy you are so I was hoping they would rub off on you. Or that they'd at least get you out of your shell even a little bit."
"Oh. I wasn't expecting that."
"Did it work?"
I thought about it for a while. "Maybe a bit." Truth is, I haven't spent much time with anyone besides them so I have no clue.
"So Niall is dating that Liam guy?" mummy changed the subject.
"He is, yeah."
"Isn't Liam a bit old for him? How old is he anyway?"
"I think he's Louis' age so 28. And no, I don't think he's too old."
"But they're 10 years apart and in completely different stages of life."
"Maybe so. But they're happy together," I said quietly, almost on the verge of tears. If she's reacting negatively when it's my best friend I can't even imagine what she'd say if she found out about my relationship.
"I still think it's a bit strange."
I've never understood why people are so bothered by people in a relationship having an age gap. If you love someone really much then age shouldn't matter. Unless one of them is really young of course but that's completely different.
"Why are you upset darling?" she asked me and wiped away a few of my tears.
"You're being mean," I whispered.
"I'm so sorry baby. I know I can be a bit judgemental but I never meant to upset you."
"It's alrigh,." I forgave her. I know she didn't mean to be so mean. And maybe she'd react differently if it was about me? I can only hope for that.
"Come on now darling, wipe those tears away and give me smile, yeah?"
I smiled through my tears but it probably looked more like a grimace.
I have to say, the cupcakes were wonderfully delicious. We put berries inside some and inside others little pieces of chocolate. And we even made some icing to decorate them.
We ended up with around 40 little desserts and my mouth watered at the sight of them.
"How about you take half of them to the Tomlinsons?"
"Oh, sure," I agreed disappointedly. I was hoping I could eat all of them.
She put around 20 of them on a big plate and sent me on my way. Once outside their house I knocked and waited for someone to answer it.
Louis was the one to open the door. He looked surprised to see me.
"Hello my little darling. What are you doing here?"
"Mummy wanted me to bring these over." I gestured to the plate in my hands. Once he saw it he raised his eyebrows.
"Thanks. Come inside." He stepped aside so I could enter and closed the door.
"You do know that you don't have to knock to come inside, right?"
"Oh," was all I mannered to muster. I'm very happy they trust me like that.
"I'm glad you came over. It gives me a chonce to do this." He pushed me against the closed door with one hand while holding the plate with the other one and kissed me.
His soft lips attacked mine with the kind of roughness I always love from him. My eyes shot wide open with surprise when he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. He fought for dominance which he obviously won. When he also rested his hand on my waist I couldn't stop myself from letting out a moan. It was all so incredibly sensual and passionate.
"You're leaving me out on all of the fun? I see how it is," Zayn made his presence known.
"Come here," Louis commanded him. I'm sure we both looked at him with a certain hunger as he slowly walked over, looking between the Two of us.
Louis took his hand off my waist to now put it behind the back of Zayn's head to pull him into a kiss. It looked extremely hot and I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't embarass myself by moaning again.
A hand came onto my waist again, this time Zayn's. He turned his head and connected our lips instead. His kiss is more gentle and romantic. I love it just as much anyway.
"Fuck, you two are so hot," Louis groaned.
"I-I have to go now..." I pulled away reluctantly. I have to go back home before my mummy starts worrying. I was supposed to just drop the muffins off after all.
"You two have fun though," I said with a giggle and winked.
"Oh we will, darling. Wish you could stay though."
"Yeah, me too. But soon," I promised. I'm pretty sure I'm ready. I do want it to be special though.
I then left the house. As soon as I was out I heard a thump against the door, making me laugh. They don't waste any time, huh.
"Where were you for so long?" Mummy asked me.
"We got caught up talking, sorry."
"It's alright honey. Would you like to watch a movie now?"
"Yeah, sure."
Zayn's POV
As soon as Hazza was out the door Louis pushed me against it. He attacked my neck this time, leaving behind a bunch of love bites I'm sure.
I moaned and rubbed my hard on against his. It's been a while since we've done anything, since the time Harry walked in on us to be exact, so I was super horny.
It did feel a bit wrong without our younger partner though. Although he gave us permission I still felt weird. My mind was wiped clean when I felt Louis' hand enter my pants, his hand rubbing my erect dick.
I pushed my head into his shoulders to keep quiet.
"No, Zayn. I wanna hear those pretty little moans so don't you dare hide away."
"Okay," I panted.
"Okay what?"
"Okay, daddy!"
"Good boy. Just because we have a more submissive partner now doesn't mean that you don'thave to obey me. I'm still your daddy," Louis whispered in my ear and fastened the pace of his hand. He wrapped his other hand around my throat, squeezing pleasantly. It wasn't tight enough to hurt but definitely enough to leave marks.
"Is that clear?"
"Fuck! Yes, Daddy! Please!" I begged.
"Please what?"
"Please fuck me daddy!" I begged desperately. He's the only man I'd bottom for.
"As you wish." Louis smirked. He threw me over his shoulders and walked all the way upstairs. He then threw me on the bed roughly and climbed on top of me.
He removed both of our pants while kissing me. The man clearly has many talents.
I watched him rub his dick a few times and spit on it before pushing in in one go. Good, he knows I like it rough. I'm sure if it would be Harry instead of me he'd be super gentle instead.
"Fuck I can't believe you're still so fucking tight." He groaned and started pulling out and pushing back in.
"Fuck!" I moaned out when he increased the speed. Soon he was pounding my ass.
"You're such a good little slut for me," he praised me and rewarded me with a kiss.
Then one of his hands returned to my throat and started applying pressure. It turned me on even more.
He fucked me like that for at least half an hour, only stopping to occasionally change positions, before his thrusts got sloppier. He wrapped a hand around my dick and started jerking me off. It only took another minute or so for us to come at the same time, me on his stomach and him inside me.
"I love you so fucking much," he told me.
"I love you too daddy."
He pulled out and laid down next to me. After a couple of minutes he turned to face me.
"Round two?" Louis asked with a smirk and a playful sparkle in his eyes.
"Obviously." Was my reply.
AN: this was my first time writing proper smut. The most I've written before is a blowjob. I hope it didn't suck too badly.
"Make sure you wear a turtleneck or a scarf or something. We need to leave a good impression or else Anne's never letting Harry near us again," Louis reminded me.
We were heading over to Harry's house for that dinner we planned. I had dark blue marks on my neck from the activities from the last day.
"Yeah, obviously." I rolled my eyes.
"Are you getting an attitude with me?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. If we weren't in a hurry I would have pushed him to do something.
"No, sorry."
"Good boy. Go get dressed and then let's go."
I quickly threw on a red scarf and my favorite leather jacket. I did spend more time on my hair though.

"Ready to go, love?" Lou asked.
"Yup, let's go."
Harry opened the door for us and I could see his face light up. He's fucking adorable.
"Hey, come on in!" He stepped aside and closed the door after us. I quickly reached down and kissed him before I heard his mum's footsteps.
"Hello Anne, you look lovely," Louis complimented her. She did indeed look lovely.
"Hello, boys. Thank you for coming."
"Of course."
"Well come on then, the food is ready."
We sat down at the table opposite Anne and Harry. The food was already served and looked very delicious.
"This looks amazing," I commented.
"Thank you, Harry and I worked hard on it," Anne answered.
"So how was the two months without me? I hope Harry wasn't a bother."
"Oh, definitely not, we loved having him around," Louis replied before I could. I honestly don't think that Harry could ever bother us.
"That's great. Thank you again for taking him in."
"It was no problem." I smiled. After some awkward Small talk we started actually talking.
"So what did you do all this time?"
"Well...I taught Harry how to paint and our friend gave him advice on photography."
"Oh yeah, I heard about that. I had the pleasure to meet Liam yesterday."
"I bumped into him at the store," Harry muttered quietly. Our clumsy little baby.
"Harry told us about his college plans. Next month one of our friends who's a singer is coming into town to record his new album so we were wondering if Harry wanted to help him and see how the process works, maybe even record a few songs himself?" Louis asked. Oh right, I completely forgot about that.
"Really?" Haz asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, we already discussed it with Ed and he said he's happy to have Harry join him."
"I'm sorry, Ed? You don't mean Ed Sheeran, right?" Harry asked in shock.
"That's the one," I answered.
"No way! I love his music, he's so talented."
"It seems my son is already excited about it so of course he can," Anne gave her permission although Harry technically didn't need it since he's 18.
"Great! I'll make sure to let Ed know," Louis said.
The rest of the evening was very nice and I had a lot of fun. As soon as Louis and I returned to our house I started missing Harry. I wish he still lived with us.
3041 words
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