1. The curious case of cliché introductions
9 years before, summer of 2012
The sun was unforgivable that morning, blinding and interrupting the peaceful sleep of anyone who dared to have their bedroom on the east side of the house.
That was the case for Daria, who rolled out of her bed ungracefully and landed on the floor, tangled in her sheets, cursing the violent sunrays (without profanities, because they are apparently "inappropriate for her age"). 6 am? Too early. Definitely too early.
She would have gone back to sleep if not for the fact that a house elf popped up in the middle of the room.
"Miss, you're awake! Master Blackrose- I mean your father" the house elf corrected herself after receiving a warning glare "called and I was supposed to wake you up."
"At this hour? Please Twinkle, tell him I'll be downstairs in five minutes." the girl threw her bundle of sheets back on the bed and squinted when another ray hit her face. "And do call me Dar- oh great, she's gone."
It was a great challenge to avoid slipping on the marble stairs and that day the young witch wasn't very lucky. She carefully walked to the dining room, mindful not to let the floor have the upper hand again, only to be greeted by the sight of her dad making himself a steaming cup of coffee.
"Good morning!" she called out, sliding into her usual seat by the long table. Rhysand set his cup down on the opposite side and braced his hands on the chair back, clearing his throat.
"Did you call me here for a specific reason or did you just want to eat breakfast together?"
"Look, it's been about a month since your 11th birthday..."
"I know that, 7th June."
"And you're older than all your brothers and sisters..."
"Very well spotted."
He sighed in defeat. "In normal circumstances, it would be time for you to get ready to go to Ilvermorny. However, with the current moral state of the school's headmaster, me and mom decided to not let you or your siblings go there."
"'Moral state'? And where am I going, if not there?" she stared at him questioningly, brows furrowed, while trying to reach for his coffee cup to steal a sip.
"The family has been supporting the school financially for decades. We were quite surprised when we found out the new headmaster has been using the funds for his own purposes. And that's why-" he searched his pockets and pulled out an envelope with a crimson seal-
"You're going to Hogwarts."
← →
Dreams were the best place to be.
They were all happy, carefree - him and his parents, always together, always the perfect family. Well, of course unless that night haunted his dreams.
He got used to having his light turned off at most times and the darkness in his cupboard wasn't so bad - Harry didn't quite understand why the children at his and Dudley's school were so afraid of the dark. He was used to it by now and sitting in the darkness meant being far away from aunt Petunia, uncle Vernon or anything he faced outside.
Harry was disappointed that he didn't remember James and Lily as well as he wished he did. Any faint memories have blurred and lost colour and sound over the years, and Petunia hid every photo of them she could find. She was always saying such horrible things about them, but somehow the boy always knew this wasn't the truth.
And to be honest, he hated that his only clear memory was that night - a flash of green light and a scream. He hated when he woke up in cold sweat because of it, but it was better than nothing, wasn't it?
But now, since he knew, since those simple words - "Mr. H. Potter, The Cupboard Under the Stairs, 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey" - appeared in his life, he hoped he might meet someone who knew them. Someone who could tell him "oh Harry, you don't even realise how amazing your mother and father were, they would have loved you so much. They loved you so much." He couldn't wait to see and experience every new thing outside of dull, monotonous Privet Drive.
For him, there was a whole new world waiting ahead, and Harry James Potter couldn't sleep out of excitement.
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