Ch. 37 - Relax
Song: You'll Be Okay (Acoustic) by Michael Schulte
Words: 1457
Published: August 28th, 2020
Third Person POV
Rayna wakes up the next morning in bed with Harley. It's clearly early morning, as sun was peaking through the window. Luckily, the curtains were pulled over to block the rays. She rolls over from facing the window to facing Harley, who is still sound asleep.
His light brown hair looked dirty blonde in the gold lighting, and his gorgeous hazel eyes were closed. His fair skin was tanned from the summer sun and looked even more so right now. He had a slight stubble growing on his teardrop shaped face, and she was drying to trace her fingers over his skin and run them through his slightly wavy, somewhat long hair.
Suddenly, she flinches in surprise as Harley's alarm goes off. Her heart beats fast as Harley stirs. He absentmindedly turns off the alarm as he always does, but is really woken up when Rayna grabs him by his arm and lightly tugs him towards her.
He smiles, his hazel eyes looking into her light blue ones. He lays on his side facing Rayna.
"Good morning, baby," Harley whispers to Rayna. She blushes hearing his morning voice and taking in how attractive he is to her.
"G'morning, babe," she whispers back to him, really quietly.
"Do you remember what happened yesterday?" he asks, his smile disappearing.
She frowns and nods, looking away from his face. She still wonders how such a good guy like Emmett can be mated with someone like Jake, but then she remembers that quite a bit of it was Johnathan's fault.
"You shouldn't've done that, sweetheart. You wore yourself out again, and the doctor said to take it easy for at least two weeks," he reminds her, brushing a bit of Rayna's hair behind her ear. He places his fingers under her chin, making her look up at him.
She nods, still avoiding eye contact.
"I know."
"What did you even do?" Harley asks. "Emmett says that you did something with magic with Jake."
"I- I think I used my special power. I showed him all of my memories, and I was also able to see his," she tells him.
Harley nods.
"We can look into that later. I really don't want you wearing yourself out, okay?"
Rayna nods.
He gives her a soft smile and kisses her on the nose, making her giggle, before pulling away and getting out of bed.
"Where are you going?" Rayna asks in a somewhat whiny voice. Harley chuckles.
"I'm getting ready for work, baby."
She pouts and rolls over, stealing the covers he once had and pulling them up to her chin. She wraps herself into a huge ball of blankets. He chuckles again while he walks around the bed and into the closet. He grabs some clothes, kisses the top of her head--which is the only part of her peaking out of her ball of blankets--and heads into the bathroom to shower.
As Harley is in the shower, Rayna's mind starts to wander, and it latches onto one thought in particular.
". . . and once your two weeks of rest are over, we're going on a little trip."
Harley had said that to her two days ago when she got back from the hospital. The conversation didn't continue afterwards, as he told her to eat and it ended up slipping her mind until now.
'What does he mean?' she asks herself. When he said it, it had a sort of sexual undertone, but she doesn't know.
After a few minutes, Harley steps out of the bathroom, and Rayna sits up.
"We're going on a trip?" she asks him.
"I was wondering when you were gonna ask about that."
He sits down on the bed next to her, now wearing a light blue dress shirt and blacks with his wet hair pushed back.
"After your two weeks of rest are over, which I expect you to actually rest during we're gonna go on a week long trip. We will fly there, so I hope you're okay with that. The first four days will be planned out, and then it's up to you what we do," he explains.
She opens her mouth, but he holds up a finger.
"No, I will not tell you where we're going."
Rayna giggles a little after he says that. "You sound like my mom."
Harley scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"I- I've only been on a plane once. I was pretty young, and I'm pretty sure I was crying the whole time . . ." Rayna admits sheepishly.
Harley cups her cheek with his hand.
"Don't worry, baby. I'll be there for you."
She smiles, and then blushes profusely.
She doesn't say it out loud, but Harley can hear it in her thoughts. 'What does he mean the last three days are up to me? Does he mean . . . like sex?'
"If you want," he says nonchalantly.
Her face goes red.
Harley then tickles her a little bit, asking her erupt into uncontrollable laughter.
"Oh, you're really ticklish, aren't ya?"
"H- H- Harley!" she yells out between fits of giggles. "St- St- Stop it!"
"Say you love me!" he demands playfully.
"I love you!" she screams.
He ends his tickle attack and plops down, laying on top of her. Of course, he doesn't put all of his weight on her. She makes an "umph" sound as he does and wraps her arms around him.
"You're a big baby," she mumbles.
For the next few days, Rayna did as Harley (and the Doctor) said and relaxed.
She did a lot of art, took a few small walks around the castle or the gardens, and finally finished The Flower Wolves book. She also asked Harley for some other audio book recommendations. She watched more Criminal Minds, and she's making a list of other series to watch on Netflix when she finishes.
Their relationship is doing really well. While he isn't burying himself in his work currently, he does have a lot to get done after the attack, so he's been pretty busy. Even so, he still has time for Rayna. They've gone on walks together and have talked together, and she spent a day in his office with him. If they were being honest, they'd both admit that it made them feel a lot better to be in the same room.
Of course, when doing all of this reading, painting, drawing, walking, and talking, she was thinking long and hard about what to do with the pack. She even asked Harley about her options, so she knows that she makes the best choice.
She comes up with the answer Tuesday—a week after she woke up in the hospital after the attack.
Rayna rushes into Harley's office.
"I know what I'm gonna do," Rayna exclaims, closing the door behind her. Harley looks up at her from his desk with wide eyes.
"Well, c'mere," he says, holding out a hand and patting his lap.
She walks across the office to him and sits on his lap. He closes his computer halfway and weals his arms around her.
"What's the plan, sweetheart?" he asks.
She takes a deep breath, her heart beating fast.
"You can tell me if you think I'm not giving the right punishment, but I don't want the River Shine Pack to just be gone. My siblings still belong to that pack, and knowing them, I feel like the pack could eventually be up and running again, except, you know, better," Rayna starts. Harley nods.
"So, for the pack members, I wanna hold a huge meeting and make sure there's cameras there. The pack members would come up to me one by one and I'd call them out for what they did to me, causing public humiliation."
Harley's eyebrows raise. 'I've never thought of that before.'
"Then, with your help, 'cause I don't know how to rebuild a pack, the River Shine Pack could be restored. I was thinking Danny could be Alpha and Jayce be the Luna, 'cause they're mates, and then Jamie could be Beta, making his mate Hazel the Beta Female. For the other leaders I don't really know. Oh, can I have a list of all the people who survived?"
Harley kisses her neck softly.
"Of course, baby. That's a really good idea, you know that?"
She smiles, blushes, and nods.
"We're gonna have to wait to do that until after our vacation, though," he tells her. She sighs through her nose and nods. "Just one more week of relaxation, and then we're gonna have a week full of fun. Then we can get back to the pack stuff, okay?"
She nods. "Okay."
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