"Good morning sunshine."
Castiel turned his head around to see Dean holding some wood in his arms. He found himself blushing. "Good morning," He mumbled. He watched as Dean put down the wood.
"You ready to go or do you like having some kind of breakfast?" Castiel waved his hand off.
"I'm fine. Let's go." Dean pulled Castiel up, when he took the offer of his hand. They walked together, forgetting they were holding hands still. A twig snapped behind them, Dean pulled Castiel back, growling at the sudden presence.
An arrow soared passed by Castiel's head as Dean had pulled him away, once again. A man appeared with his arrow and bow wearing a sophisticated look as he had the arrow set on them. "Who are you? And why are you on my part of the woods?"
"Set down the bow and arrow and we'll talk." Dean replied.
"Why should I? I don't know you."
"You're right. Here, I'm Dean, the WOLF. This is my angel, Cas." Dean introduced them. "We're not here to harm you. We're just passing through." Castiel stared between Dean and the mysterious man. Seems he's done this before, Castiel thought.
They had a long stare at each other before he put down the bow and arrow. He walked slowly toward them. He stuck his hand out.
"Robin," Dean and him shook hands. "The thief." Dean pulled his hand away.
"Nice to meet you. Now we'll be on our way-"
"Not just yet. I have questions, then you can be on your way." Robin looked at Castiel. Castiel looked to Dean and he shrugged. Castiel sighed but nodded.
"Number one, you two a couple?" He pointed between the two.
"Um-I-um, no." Castiel stuttered. Dean just arched an eyebrow at Robin like seriously dude?
"Alright, alright. Number two, where are you guys going?"
"My cave." Robin chuckled. "What?"
"Just 'my cave'? And you say you're not a couple." He let out a barking laugh. Castiel squinted his eyes at him.
"I do not understand that reference." Castiel said. Dean and Robin exchanged glances.
"I guess some people find the whole innocence thing hot... Whatever floats your boat, wolfman." Robin smirked. Castiel's eyes widened in realization as Dean blushed. The smile faded from his face and he cleared his throat. "Anyways... you guys should get going. Unless you want more people to find you. Take this path, it's safer." He pointed down one of the roads.
"Yeah, okay, thanks Robin. See you." Dean waved and they started up the road.
"So- is it true about... that whole thing back there?" Castiel asked when Robin wasn't near them anymore. "You-um have a thing for men? Not that I'm against it! Just-"
"Cas, you're rambling." Dean interrupted. There was a pause.
"Well what I'm trying to say is... did Robin ask if you liked me? That I was your- what's the word- type?" Dean stopped walking and looked to the shorter man beside him. Castiel looked behind him. "Dean?"
He looked to the side, beginning to open his mouth. He closed it again. "Well- I just- I don't know. Which isn't to say you're not gorgeous, I just... I'm figuring out a lot, Cas." He sighed.
"I think I am as well." Dean heard Castiel mumble. "I'll be right back. Have to go to the john." Castiel walked off. Dean drew stuff with his finger in the dirt, occupying himself while he waited. Castiel wandered the woods before doing his business, he turned around and tried to walk back, only realizing he was lost.
"Dean!" He called. He looked around him, only seeing trees. Noises around him snapped and moved. His eyes widening, he ran, calling Dean's name helplessly. Dean's ears perked up at his name being called. Only one person he could think of was Castiel.
"Cas?!" He yelled back. "Cas? Where are you buddy?!" Dean got up and started to run into the direction his name was being called in. Castiel ran into Dean, knocking him down. "Easy tiger." Dean chuckled. "What's wrong?" Dean asked as he saw Castiel's shaken look.
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