Dresses and Catches
"Ah!" Castiel yelped as his dress got caught on a branch. "Come on." He grunted as he tried to pull it off. It wasn't working. "Dean! Wait! I'm stuck." Dean stopped walking to look back at Castiel. The poor boy was stuck on a little branch.
That's why you shouldn't wear dresses, Dean thought.
"What's the problem?" Dean asked.
"I'm stuck." Castiel tried again. "Just come help-me!" Castiel shrieked as he fell down. There was a loud ripping sound."Oh my god- cover your eyes!" Dean closed his eyes and turned around. "Oh my god, oh my god." Castiel repeated from behind with a bunch of rustling. Castiel looked down at himself.
"Okay, you can look now." Dean turned around and opened his eyes to see Castiel in some kind of shorts rather than the bottom being like a skirt.
"Um, Cas?" Dean raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, Dean?" Castiel and Dean stared at each other. Dean wanted to tell him the truth, that he liked the way Castiel looked. He remembered they hardly knew each other and thought of a more delicate way to phrase it.
"You look nice." He complimented. Castiel's smile came back.
"Why, thank you." Dean returned with a toothy grin. Castiel narrowed his eyes. "A smile suits you, Dean. A bit threatening with those canines but... cute."
Dean rolled his eyes playfully. "Sure, so-"
"I'm serious, Dean." Castiel said. "Certainly not 'puppy' cute, you're the human kind of cute. If that makes sense." Dean glanced back at him.
"Cas," Castiel and Dean kept their stare. "No chick-flick moments." He said, even though he desperately wanted to say the same. Maybe in less elegant wording, but still.
Castiel looked at the ground. "My apologies." Castiel walked past Dean and then stopped as he saw people ahead. "Um Dean? Who is that?" A tall guy ran up to Castiel and pushed him down.
"DEAN WHO IS THIS?" The tall man asked sniffing Castiel almost all over.
"Get off me!" Castiel yelled.
"Whoa! Gentlemen! We should meet each other first. First off, this is Castiel, Sammy. He's my friend. Cas, this is Sam, my brother." Dean pulled Sam off of Castiel. Then he helped Castiel up.
"Sorry," Sam muttered, ears low. "We're- I'm kind of cautious." Castiel dusted himself off.
"It's fine... It's just, I'm still getting used to this." Castiel murmured. Sam looked between the two, morley so at Dean.
"So- Dean, you and-" Sam cocked his head at Castiel.
"CAN ONE PERSON JUST NOT MENTION IT-like Jesus." Dean growled. That's when they both noticed they were still holding hands. They quickly pulled away.
"Kinda hard to." Dean sighed. Castiel rather blushed. "Anyways, Cas, you wanna meet the family?"
"Of course I'd like to, I wouldn't have journeyed with Dean this far just to not meet them!" Castiel exclaimed. Dean smiled at his enthusiasm.
"Well, here they come, oh! Also, watch out for the pups."
"Watch out for the what?" Castiel then was attacked by a group of wolf pups. One of them was licking his face, another sniffing him, messing with his hair, so on. "Oh, you guys are the cutest things ever!" He said in a baby voice.
One nuzzled against his arm. His eyes went wide and he cooed at the pup. "Hello! Hello?! You are adorable. Adorable." Sam stared in awe and looked at Dean. He mouthed he's a keeper. His brother flushed and dragged a finger across his neck at Sam.
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